Displaying all 2 publications

  1. Tan RZ, Darwin FL, Anuar Zainun K
    Malays J Pathol, 2020 Dec;42(3):477-481.
    PMID: 33361732
    Gastrointestinal pathology leading to the death in paediatric age group is uncommon. The diseases that encountered were mostly intestinal obstruction, peritonitis and gastrointestinal bleeding. Due to the severe symptoms, most of the patients presented to hospital in time and were treated appropriately. However, with the presence of contributing factors, certain gastrointestinal pathology can progress rapidly leading to the death. We report a rare case of intestinal volvulus in a 3 years old girl where the deceased presented with one day short history of vomiting before her demise. The contributing factors were bronchopneumonia sepsis and underlying intestinal malrotation identified via post-mortem examination.
    Matched MeSH terms: Intestinal Volvulus/congenital*
  2. Low SF, Ngiu CS, Sridharan R, Lee YL
    BMJ Case Rep, 2014;2014.
    PMID: 24717859 DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2013-202690
    Midgut malrotation commonly presents in the neonatal period, and rarely manifests its symptoms in adulthood with an estimated incidence of 0.2-0.5%. Nevertheless, the symptoms are non-specific with no strong pointers towards the clinical diagnosis. Consequently, the diagnosis is usually disclosed with imaging or surgery. We report a case of small bowel obstruction secondary to a congenital peritoneal band with underlying midgut malrotation in a 48-year-old man.
    Matched MeSH terms: Intestinal Volvulus/congenital
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