METHODS: OPTIMISTmain is an international, multicenter, prospective, stepped wedge, cluster randomized, blinded outcome assessed trial aims to determine whether a less-intensity monitoring protocol is at least as effective, safe, and efficient as standard post-IVT monitoring in patients with mild deficits post-AIS. Clinically stable adult patients with mild AIS (defined by a NIHSS <10) who do not require intensive care within 2 h post-IVT are recruited at hospitals in Australia, Chile, China, Malaysia, Mexico, UK, USA, and Vietnam. An average of 15 patients recruited per period (overall 60 patient participants) at 120 sites for a total of 7,200 IVT-treated AIS patients will provide 90% power (one-sided α 0.025). The initiation of eligible hospitals is based on a rolling process whenever ready, stratified by country. Hospitals are randomly allocated using permuted blocks into 3 sequences of implementation, stratified by country and the projected number of patients to be recruited over 12 months. These sequences have four periods that dictate the order in which they are to switch from control (usual care) to intervention (implementation of low intensity monitoring protocol) to different clusters of patients in a stepped manner. Compared to standard monitoring, the low-intensity monitoring protocol includes assessments of neurological and vital signs every 15 min for 2 h, 2 hourly (vs. every 30 min) for 8 h, and 4 hourly (vs. every 1 h) until 24 h, post-IVT. The primary outcome measure is functional recovery, defined by the modified Rankin scale (mRS) at 90 days, a seven-point ordinal scale (0 [no residual symptom] to 6 [death]). Secondary outcomes include death or dependency, length of hospital stay, and health-related quality of life, sICH, and serious adverse events.
CONCLUSION: OPTIMISTmain will provide level I evidence for the safety and effectiveness of a low-intensity post-IVT monitoring protocol in patients with mild severity of AIS.
METHODS: This is a pragmatic randomized control trial study where elective admitted patients will be randomly divided into the intervention (SS) or control (NN) group. All data will be collected during a face-to-face interview, anthropometric measurement, blood sampling (albumin, white blood count, hemoglobin, and c-reactive protein), handgrip strength, and postoperative complications. Group SS will be receiving a tailored lifestyle and intensively supplemented with oral nutrition support as compared to Group NN that will receive standard medical care. The primary outcome for this study is the length of stay in the hospital. Additional outcome measures are changes in biochemical profile and nutritional and functional status. The effects of intervention between groups on the outcome parameters will be analyzed by using the SPSS General Linear Model (GLM) for the repeated measure procedure.
DISCUSSION: The intervention implemented in this study will serve as baseline data in providing appropriate nutritional management in patients undergoing gastrointestinal and oncological surgery.
TRIAL REGISTRATION: Protocol Registration and Results System (PRS) NCT04347772 . Registered on 20 November 2019.