Apart from the mean 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure (ABP), the blood pressure variability (BPV) also bears an independent relationship with target-organ damage in hypertension. A reduction in arterial compliance has been demonstrated in hypertension but its relation to BPV is still unknown. The aim of the study is to compare BPV and arterial compliance between hypertensive and normotensive subjects. Eighteen hypertensives and 18 controls were enrolled. Noninvasive 24-hour ABP monitoring was performed with BR-102 monitor (Schiller Inc. Germany). Arterial compliance was determined by the HDI/Pulsewave Research Cardiovascular Profiling Instrument (Hypertension Diagnostic Inc. USA). There were significantly higher systolic, diastolic and mean arterial BPV in hypertensives as compared to normotensive group. Only systolic BPV remained significantly high in hypertensives during night time. There were lower arterial compliances in hypertensive as compared to normotensive group. No significant relationship however was found between BPV and arterial compliance in hypertensive subjects. In conclusion, there were higher BPV and lower arterial compliances in hypertensive subjects as compared to normotensive subjects.