The morphological expressions and histopathological analysis of the gonads of a tropical marine neogastropod species (Thais sp.) from East Malaysia revealed new evidence of mechanical sterility in the imposex affected females. The gradual development of imposex was classified into five stages (Stage 0 to Stage 4) with three types of sterility conditions; Type A caused prohibition of copulation and capsule formation; Type B prohibits the releasing process of eggs; and gonads in Type C are infertile. Further analysis is needed to confirm, if the gonad malformation in imposex affected snails is generated specifically by tributyltin (TBT) or by other possible factors. The levels of imposex incidence (stages and percentages) were greater in a marina and decreased with increasing distance from the marina. Organotin tissue burden across the sexes showed that dibutyltin (DBT) as well as TBT might be the elements inducing imposex in Thais sp. from Miri in East Malaysia.
Strombus canarium Linnaeus, 1758 is an important gastropod species within the study area and was traditionally collected for food by the locals. The objective of the present study is to assess the incidence of imposex and its severity in this species. Adult conchs were sampled during their main reproductive period, from October 2005 to January 2006, at Sungai Pulai estuary, Johor Straits, Malaysia. A total of 32.81% of adult females showed imposex characteristics, with varying degrees of severity though. The relative penis size (RPS) index ranged from 1.74 to 33.29 (mean = 13.40 ± 2.27, n = 21), while the relative penis length (RPL) index ranged from 6.28 to 55.19 (mean = 25.83 ± 3.33, n = 21). The use of vas deferens sequence (VDS) index was however cannot be applied as the presence of egg groove obscured any vas deferens development in affected females. Sequence of imposex (male penis) development in female conch, from merely a small stump to an advance male penis homologous was therefore carefully analyzed and described, and an alternative imposex classification scheme was proposed. S. canarium can be a good indicator for monitoring of organotin pollution within the study area. However, more studies are needed in order to further develop and test its validity and application, such as its correlation with levels of pollutant within the tissues and the environment, as well as its application on other Strombus species.