We describe a chromosome 6 uniparental disomy (UPD6) in a boy, discovered during a screening for the genetic cause of cleft lip and palate. In the medical literature, almost all documented cases of UPD6 are paternal in origin, and only four were maternal. We present here a report of complete maternal chromosome 6 uniparental heterodisomy. Haplotype analysis was performed using highly polymorphic short tandem repeat (STR) markers that span both arms of chromosome 6. Analysis of these markers revealed the presence of two maternal alleles but no paternal allele, indicating an instance of maternal uniparental heterodisomy. Chromosome analysis of peripheral blood lymphocytes confirmed a normal male karyotype. Advanced maternal age at the time of the infant's birth and heterodisomy of markers around the centromere favors a meiosis-I error. No specific phenotype has been reported for maternal UPD6. Therefore, the cleft lip and palate in the present case probably occurred due to other risk factors. This report provides further evidence that maternal UPD6 has no specific clinical consequences and adds to the collective knowledge of this rare chromosomal finding.
Generally, the karyotype profile of Down Syndrome has been reported to be full trisomy 21 in 92% of patients, mosaic trisomy 21 in 4% of patients and translocation involving chromosome 21 in 4% of patients in most of the population groups worldwide. But, karyotype analysis of 149 DS patients at the Human Genome Center, USM, during the past five years revealed that free trisomy accounted for 94.6%, mosaic trisomy 21 for 4.7% and translocation involving chromosome 21 in 0.7% of the Down Syndrome etiology in North East Malaysian population, indicating a low frequency of translocation DS in this region. Here, we report one case of translocation Down Syndrome encountered during karyotype analysis of 149 DS cases. Karyotype showed a robertsonian translocation where an entire extra chromosome 21 was attached to the centromere of one of the chromosome 14, resulting in a derivative chromosome 14 with attached chromosome 21. Karyotype analysis of the parents revealed a normal 46,XY pattern for father and 46,XX pattern for mother indicating that this robertsonian translocation had arisen de novo either prior to or at conception.