METHODS: This study evaluated Malaysian Gelam honey as a nutraceutical alternative to estrogen HRT (ERT) in alleviating VVA. A total of 24 female 8-weekold Sprague Dawley rats underwent bilateral oophorectomy. A minimum of 14 days elapsed from the time of surgery and administration of the first dose of Gelam honey to allow the female hormones to subside to a stable baseline and complete recovery from surgery. Vaginal tissues were harvested following a 2-week administration of Gelam honey, the harvested vagina tissue underwent immunohistochemistry (IHC) analysis for protein localization and qPCR for mRNA expression analysis.
RESULTS: Results indicated that Gelam honey administration had increased the localization of Aqp1, Aqp5, CFTR and Muc1 proteins in vaginal tissue compared to the menopause group. The effect of Gelam honey on the protein expressions is summarized as Aqp1>CFTR>Aqp5>Muc1.
DISCUSSION: Gene expression analysis reveals Gelam honey had no effect on Aqp1 and CFTR genes. Gelam honey had up-regulated Aqp5 gene expression. However, its expression was lower than in the ERT+Ovx group. Additionally, Gelam honey up-regulated Muc1 in the vagina, with an expression level higher than those observed either in the ERT+Ovx or SC groups. Gelam honey exhibits a weak estrogenic effect on the genes and proteins responsible for regulating water in the vaginal tissue (Aqp1, Aqp5 and CFTR). In contrast, Gelam honey exhibits a strong estrogenic ability in influencing gene and protein expression for the sialic acid Muc1. Muc1 is associated with mucous production at the vaginal epithelial layer. In conclusion, the protein and gene expression changes in the vagina by Gelam honey had reduced the occurrence of vaginal atrophy in surgically-induced menopause models.
METHODS: Self-completed surveys were administered face-to-face to 5992 women (aged 45-75 years) in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand.
RESULTS: Of 638 postmenopausal women with GSM symptoms, only 35% were aware of the GSM condition, most of whom first heard of GSM through their physician (32%). The most common symptoms were vaginal dryness (57%) and irritation (43%). GSM had the greatest impact on sexual enjoyment (65%) and intimacy (61%). Only 25% had discussed their GSM symptoms with a HCP, and such discussions were mostly patient-initiated (64%) rather than HCP-initiated (24%). Only 21% had been clinically diagnosed with GSM and only 24% had ever used treatment for their symptoms. Three-quarters of those who had used treatment for GSM had discussed their symptoms with a HCP compared to only 9% of those who were treatment-naïve.
CONCLUSION: GSM is underdiagnosed and undertreated in Asia. As discussion of GSM with HCPs appears to be a factor influencing women's awareness and treatment status, a more active role by HCPs to facilitate early discussions on GSM and its treatment options is needed.