Methods: All axSpA patients attending two centres who commenced TNFi between 2002 and 2016 were included. Routinely recorded patient data were reviewed retrospectively. Patients with paired BASDAI at baseline, 3 and/or 6 months were included for analysis. Sub-optimal response was defined as achieving a ≥ 2-point reduction in BASDAI but not BASDAI50, post-treatment BASDAI remaining at ≥4, and in the opinion of the treating physician these patients demonstrated a meaningful clinical response.
Results: Four hundred and ninety-nine patients were included: 82 (16.4%) patients were classified as having a sub-optimal response; 64 (78%) males, 78 (95.1%) AS and 55/67 (82.1%) HLA-B27 positive. Results are reported as the mean (s.d.). Time to diagnosis was 10 (8.6) years, age at diagnosis was 37 (11.7) years, and age at initiating index TNFi was 48 (11.1) years. Individual index TNFi were Humira (adalimumab, n = 41, 50%), Enbrel (etanercept, n = 27, 32.9%), Remicade (infliximab, n = 5, 6.1%), Simponi (golimumab, n = 3, 3.7%) and Cimzia (certolizumab pegol, n = 6, 7.3%). The rate of attrition was greater among sub-optimal responders at 2 and 5 years (P
Methods: All patients with a physician-verified diagnosis of axSpA attending two specialist centres who fulfilled the eligibility criteria for TNFi were included. Routinely recorded patient data were reviewed retrospectively. Initial TNFi was recorded as the index drug.
Results: Six hundred and fifty-one patients (94% AS) were included; adalimumab (n = 332), etanercept (n = 205), infliximab (n = 51), golimumab (n = 40) and certolizumab pegol (n = 23) were index TNFi. The mean (s.d.) duration from symptom onset to time of diagnosis was 8.6 (8.7) years and mean (s.d.) duration from diagnosis to TNFi initiation was 12.6 (11.5) years. A total of 224 (34.4%) stopped index TNFi, and 105/224 switched to a second TNFi. Median drug survival for index and second TNFi were 10.2 years (95% CI: 8.8, 11.6 years) and 5.5 years (95% CI: 2.7, 8.3 years), respectively (P < 0.05). Survival rates were not influenced by choice of TNFi. HLA-B27 predicted BASDAI50 and/or two or more point reduction within 6 months and long-term drug survival (P < 0.05). Low disease activity was predicted by non-smoking and low baseline BASDAI (P < 0.05).
Conclusion: We have observed good TNFi survival rates in axSpA patients treated in a real-life setting. This is best for first TNFi and not influenced by drug choice.
METHODS: Data on 1249 patients from the Swiss IBD Cohort Study (SIBDCS) were analyzed. All EIMs were diagnosed by relevant specialists. Response was classified into improvement, stable disease, and clinical worsening based on the physician's interpretation.
RESULTS: Of the 366 patients with at least 1 EIM, 213 (58.2%) were ever treated with an anti-TNF. A total of 299 treatments were started for 355 EIMs. Patients with EIM were significantly more often treated with anti-TNF compared with those without EIM (58.2% versus 21.0%, P < 0.001). Infliximab was the most frequently used drug (63.2%). In more than 71.8%, a clinical response of the underlying EIM to anti-TNF therapy was observed. In 92 patients (43.2%), anti-TNF treatments were started for the purpose of treating EIM rather than IBD. Response rates to anti-TNF were generally good and best for psoriasis, aphthous stomatitis, uveitis, and peripheral arthritis. In 11 patients, 14 EIM occurred under anti-TNF treatment.
CONCLUSIONS: Anti-TNF was frequently used among patients with EIM. In more than 40%, anti-TNF treatments are started to treat EIM rather than IBD. Given the good response rates, anti-TNF seems to be a valuable option in the treatment of EIM, whereas appearance of EIM under anti-TNF does not seem to be a source of considerable concern.