Road traffic injuries are one of the main causes of death among children. In recent years, the incidence and casualty rates of traffic accidents have increased year by year, which is a major challenge faced by safety organizations and governments in various countries, especially in developing countries. Among them, correct understanding of road traffic signs is a factor in reducing accidents. Therefore, identifying traffic signs has become an important indicator of road safety education. This study aimed to understand the understanding level of existing road traffic signs among Chinese children aged 7-11. 30 children aged 7-11 from Guangzhou participated in this study. The working title "Traffic Signage understanding Test questionnaire" was used as the tool for data collection. The questionnaire measured three aspects of child road users' understanding, including verbal label, action and consequences. Three experts in child psychology and cognition reviewed the questionnaire and validated its face and content. The survey results show that compared with actions and consequences, children have a lower understanding of verbal labels of signs, but overall, most children understand traffic signs incorrectly or do not understand them. This is statistically significant in reducing China's road traffic casualty rate. It is also recommended to design traffic signs that are suitable for children to understand.
* Title and MeSH Headings from MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.