Using Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) as a management tool for long-term sustainability is relatively new in Malaysia. This paper addresses and discusses the potential MSP has to manage Setiu Wetland as an ecologically sensitive area. Setiu Wetland is the largest natural wetland in the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. The enabling environment for the adoption of MSP in Setiu Wetland is explored to foresee potential in managing the wetland's conflicting uses. Located in Terengganu, the wetland provides various ecosystem services to humans, birds, reptiles, mammals, invertebrates, and bivalves. The Setiu Wetland 's coastal and marine natural ecosystems provide various benefits to the well-being of the population there. However, the human population growth in Setiu Wetland and the surrounding areas is increasingly contributing to the natural resource exploitation in this ecologically sensitive area causing detrimental effects on the wetland ecosystem. This paper aims to review the threats to the ecosystems in Setiu Wetland from multiple development activities and existing uses to examine the potential implementation of MSP in managing the wetland as an ecologically sensitive area. In conclusion, this study proposes the adoption of MSP as the best management process to protect the natural habitat and preserve the ecological functions of the wetland without compromising the local communities' livelihood.
* Title and MeSH Headings from MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.