
  • 1 University of Malaya
  • 2 Malaysian Nuclear Agency


Small angle neutron scattering (SANS) is used for probing the microstructure of materials in the range between 1-100 nm in dimension. The scattered neutrons from the target material were detected by a 128 x 128 array area sensitive, Helium gas-filled proportional counter, which is known as Position Sensitive Detector (PSD). The small angle neutron scattering (SANS) facility in Malaysian Nuclear Agency has been developed since 1995. The data acquisition system of this prototype facility consists of the two-dimensional Position Sensitive Detector (2D-PSD) and neutron monitor as a data grabber, TDC Histogram as a memory processing processor, two units of ORTEC 994 as a counter and timer and a computer as a data acquisition controller via GPIB interfacing protocol. This paper will describe on the development of GPIB interface for data acquisition of the SANS instrument on Windows based platform. The GPIB device interface and graphical user interface (GUI) for this data acquisition is developed using WaveMetrics Igor software.