Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 6(2): 28-35, 2017 – The purpose of this study was to investigate on muscle activities with electromyography (EMG) during jumping jack activity. The EMG sensors were placed on the interest muscle to measure the activity of gastrocnemius and tibialis muscles during jumping jack. Specific thresholds per muscle were applied on the EMG prior comparison. These thresholds were determined by EMG muscle activity. Overall, visual inspection showed comparable activity patterns. The mean absolute value (MAV) and root mean square (RMS) data were collected to show differences activation of both muscle. The results showed that there are distinct differences between gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior during jumping jack. Based on MAV and RMS data, the activation of tibialis anterior muscle is higher than gastrocnemius muscle during jumping jack activity. This conclude that the tibialis anterior muscle had significantly higher electromyography activity on jumping jack.