
  • 1 Academy of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Malaysia (AOEMM)
  • 2 Malaysian Industrial Hygiene Association (MIHA)
  • 3 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia


Computer work is common at shared service centres and employees are exposed to risk of musculoskeletal symptoms.
Although employees at this service centre had already been advised to complete an ergonomics self assessment using a checklist and
consult an occupational health doctor if symptomatic, almost half participants responded they were either unaware or unsure of the
company’s ergonomics self assessment checklist and all did not mention consulting an occupational health doctor if symptomatic.Most
participants had at least one musculoskeletal symptom. The main location of musculoskeletal symptom reported was shoulder, neck
and lower back. This was consistent with main location of musculoskeletal symptoms reported due to work which were shoulder, neck
and lower back. Most of the musculoskeletal symptoms affected wellbeing at work and almost half were at least moderately severe.
The incorrect posture often observed were: upper arm not close to body, shoulder not relaxed and hand not in-line with forearm..
The musculoskeletal symptoms reported were consistent with observation of incorrect posture. There is an urgent need to enhance the
effectiveness of the ergonomics program at this service centre.