
  • 1 Universiti Malaysia Pahang
  • 2 Universiti Malaysia Kelantan


This study focused on noise exposure in quarrying industry. Quarry is one of the industries that have an exposure
of noise in particular processes. The quarries machinery noise is produced when the machines are running, but the
noise generated by the machines in the production environment includes both process-generated and machinerygenerated
noise. Survey method was used by distributing questionnaires comprising five parts which are, demography,
safety and health awareness, safety and health knowledge, safety and health compliances and compliances toward
noise exposure. However, the study emphasized only on the compliances toward noise exposure in quarrying
industry. Cronbach alpha (α) was used for the reliability of questionnaires. The study found that the mean value for
the perception of workers to noise control method compliances is 3.09 which indicates moderate compliances. It was
shown that, the total number of NIHL cases reported is related to the compliances of noise exposure control measures.
Compliance is one of the main factors to reduce NIHL among workers. For further development of methods for
controlling noise exposure, other studies can be done to find other information or methods on how to ensure that the
related organizations in quarrying industry give their commitment in compliance to noise control methods.