Housing is ranked second as a basic human need after food. Generally, there is
inadequate housing both in the rural and urban centres in most of the developing
countries. The issue of housing quality seems to be common in the rural areas
whereas the major housing problem in urban areas is more of insufficient supply
from which the people can make choices. In any preference and choice situation,
certain underlying motivational factors make it possible for an individual to evaluate
available alternatives. Preferences and choices are dynamic operational activities
individuals make based on changing circumstances and situations. The study
examines housing choices and preferences within the Nigerian housing delivery
systems. The study employed quantitative method of data collection. A total of 434
questionnaires were distributed to selected households in the South West,
geopolitical zone of Nigeria. The analysis was based on 359 retrieved questionnaires
that represented 82.7 percent response rate. Descriptive statistics, relative
importance index and regression analysis was used for the analysis. Using relative
importance index, the study found out that 41 percent of the respondents preferred
3 bedroom flat with a relative importance index of 0.74, followed by 2 bedrooms flat
with RII of 0.64, self-contain with RII of 0.61. The study also revealed that the state of
the national economy plays a prominent role in individual’s housing preferences and
choices and increasingly a large number of Nigerians find housing to be beyond the
family budget. The authors are also of the opinion that policy measures that
incorporate the design of low-cost social housing and the creation of conducive
environment for developers such as the granting of tax break and provision of
subsidy may promote a better housing delivery system. Consideration of user
preferences for housing is a requirement to meeting and satisfying housing needs.