
  • 1 Universiti Sains Malaysia


Educational environment is an important determinant of medical students’ behaviour. It impacts their
academic performance, motivation, and psychological well-being. Quantitative evidence have shown
that there is a decrease in the positive perception of clinical medical students towards the educational
environment. The primary focus on this study was to explore the clinical education environment
through the lived experience of clinical medical students during medical training. Using hermeneutic
phenomenology we aimed to interpret participants’ experience of personal clinical learning journey
through free text input. Thematic analysis was performed to analyse the written texts. Various
measures were taken to enhance the trustworthiness of the findings. A total of 154 (74.8%) fourth year
students and 144 (74.6%) final year students participated in the study. We identified six overarching
themes of education environment in clinical setting that are personal development, teaching and
learning, assessment for learning, facility, support and nurturing curriculum. The overlapping
relationship of the themes is illustrated in the Clinical Education Environment Framework. While
many themes were consistent with existing framework, our findings also proposed assessment as an
important component to influence perception on education environment. The themes in this study
finding conform to the definition of education environment which covers physical, social, and
psychological aspects of students learning. Medical schools should take active measures to incorporate
a nurturing education environment especially in clinical year where students struggle with the hidden