The present study examines bullying in primary school children aged 7 to 12 years old who are estate settlers. BBQ Olweus Questionnaire was administered with a reliability Cronbach alpha of 0.899 towards n=110 primary school children. The study gives an indication of existing bullying behaviour of 37.3% from n-110 sample respondents with verbal bullying being the most prevalent (¯x=0.9873); relational bullying (¯x=0.8065) and physical bullying (¯x=4591). Consequently, the finding of this study pointed out recess was the peak time of bullying behaviour to occur (89% lining up; 80% lining up and taking up food, 69% in toilet and 46.4% journey to and from classes). Subsequently, this study shows strong relationships between bullying locations and type of bullying with relational (r=0.833,>0.05), verbal (r=0.704,>0.05) and physical (r=0.619,>0.05). Finally, there were strong relationships between the type of bully and type of bullying behaviours with verbal (r=0.692, p>0.05), relational (r=0.614, p>0.05) and physical (r=0.468, p>0.05).