Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 2015;olume 29:61-70.


The present study aims to identify the impact of peer bullying on school students with and without ADHD symptoms. Sample comprised of one thousand (N=1000) school going children with an age range 9-15 years whom belong to grades 6-10, were selected by using purposive sampling technique, taken from two major cities of Southern Punjab (Multan & Bahawalpur) Pakistan. Two scales were used for data collection; Conners Teacher Rating Scale – (Revised) developed by © Conners (1997), followed by Olweus Bullying Questionnaire by © Olweus (2007). Tools were formally validated with translating into native language (i.e. Urdu) and employing pilot study. ANOVA, standard deviation, Z-test, and mean were calculated using SPSS (21.0) to process the results. Findings suggest (Z=10.096, P-Value=0.000) showing that there is significant difference between the mean scores of bullying with ADHD and without ADHD students. However, results on gender indicated (Z=1.769, P-Value=0.077) that there is significant difference between the impact of bullying on boys and girls. Results also show (F= 7.783, P= 0.000) that there is significant difference of bullying impact among all the grade students at 5% level of significance. Limitations of the study and recommendations for future research are also enclosed.