Work-related upper-extremity disorders (WRUEDs) are frequently occurring among workers in general. Various researches support the empirical results of the Autogenic factors related to such problems of health and safety. Research shows the association of different aspects of work organization strengthen the possibilities of work-related stress and other psychosocial factors, which may lead towards adverse health conditions. To review the previous work done for finding the association between psychosocial factors and upper extremity disorders. Findings from different studies have been reviewed to examine the psychosocial factors association in developing WRUEDs. Published studies, which were primarily focused on WRUEDs and psychosocial factors association, were reviewed. Various studies have shown the relationship between psychosocial factors and UEDs. Due to the different nature of epidemiology of the disorder and variable differences, findings from different studies contradicts. Finally, this review presents the limitations in existing studies, and further research has been proposed for future.