
  • 1 Woosong Language Institute, Woosong University, Daejeon 34514, Korea
PMID: 32560396 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17124327


Social and cultural backgrounds, as well as understanding, play key roles in workforce development and human resource shortages, which are associated with the transition to nursing education and teaching from frontline nursing practices. A qualitative method, with the direction of the general inductive approach, was employed in this study. The researcher collected information from 18 male nursing educators who switched their senior roles (from the frontline and practicing fields to nursing education) at nursing schools in South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, China, and Malaysia. Three interview sessions were used to collect information. Three themes were merged from the information: (i) gender-oriented knowledge, teaching and learning; (ii) respect; and (iii) health promotion. More importantly, participants advocated that their male roles and identities provided uniqueness to patients, students, parents, and the general public concerning Asian customs and practices. Based on the social cognitive career theory, personal goals and achievements of career satisfaction took important roles. Although the general public may not agree with these career decisions, due to gender and social biases, participants continued to contribute their energy and knowledge in the health and social caring professions.

* Title and MeSH Headings from MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.