Antibiotic resistance is an ever
increasing in worldwide problem nowadays. It is happened when t he exten-
sive use of antibiotics which will creates the selective pressure resulting from mutation of normal genes and
spreading of a variety of an antimicrobial resistance. Uses of Lactobacillus as probiotics or in starter cul-
tures may serve as hosts of antibiotic resistance genes, which could be transfer or resistance to multiple an-
tibiotics. Therefore it is important to screen the susceptible or resist ance towards antibiotics which will not
tr ansferable resistance genes. In the recent study, a total of 3 7 strains of Lactobacillus species isolated from
various milk and dairy products such as goat ’s milk, cattle ’s milk , human ’s milk , homemade yogurt and
commercial yogurt were examined for the a ntibiotic p rofile using Kirby Bauer method . The results of this
study show that human’s milk has a high number of Lactobacillus isolates resistant to ampicillin (75%),
vancomycin (62.5%) and gentamycin (62.5%). Whereas Lactobacillus isolated from cattle’s milk have re-
sistant to ampicillin (42.1%), vancomycin (42.1%) and susceptible to gentamycin (0%). But however,
goat’s milk stil l has lower percentage number of resistant to ampicillin (28.0%), vancomycin (14.3%) and
are susceptible to gentamycin (0%). These results indicate that ampicillin and vancomycin resistant seems
to be very common among Lactobacillus isolates bu t g entamyci n are still susceptible used. Vancomycin
resistant are more concerned because of the emerging problem in hospital and often described as one of the
last resorts against the infection caused by multidrug resistant pathogens. Therefore, lactobacilli as probi ot-
ics would be more monitor ing when applied in food industry and clinical especially for immune
compromised patients or during anti biotherapy. Acquisition and retransfer of resistance genes should be
addressed in the new safety aspects of probiotics uses.