Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 185 in total

  1. Abdullah B
    Biomed Imaging Interv J, 2006 Oct;2(4):e28.
    PMID: 21614327 MyJurnal DOI: 10.2349/biij.2.4.e28
    Predicting the future is a dangerous undertaking at best, and not meant for the faint-hearted. However, viewing the advances in molecular medicine, genomics and proteomics, it is easy to comprehend those who believe that molecular imaging methods will open up new vistas for medical imaging. The knock on effect will impact our capacity to diagnose and treat diseases. Anatomically detectable abnormalities, which have historically been the basis of the practice of radiology, will soon be replaced by molecular imaging methods that will reflect the under expression or over expression of certain genes which occur in almost every disease. Molecular imaging can then be resorted to so that early diagnosis and characterisation of disease can offer improved specificity. Given the growing importance of molecular medicine, imagers will find it profitable to educate themselves on molecular targeting, molecular therapeutics and the role of imaging in both areas.
  2. Abdullah B, Wolbring G
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2013 Dec;10(12):6799-819.
    PMID: 24317386 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph10126799
    As populations continue to grow older, efforts to support the process of aging well are important goals. Various synonyms are used to cover aging well, such as active aging. The World Health Organization published in 2002 the report Active Ageing: A Policy Framework that according to the call for papers, has brought active ageing to the forefront of international public health awareness. The 2010 Toronto Charter for Physical Activity: A Global Call for Action was singled out in the call for papers as a key document promoting physical activity one goal of the 2002 WHO active aging policy framework. Media are to report to the public topics of importance to them. We investigated the newspaper coverage of aging well and synonymous terms such as active aging through the lens of the 2002 WHO active aging policy framework and the 2010 Toronto Charter for Physical Activity. As sources we used the following newspapers: China Daily, The Star (Malaysia), two UK newspapers (The Guardian, The Times), a database of 300 Canadian newspapers (Canadian Newsstand) and a US newspaper (The New York Times). The study generated data answering the following four research questions: (1) how often are the 2002 WHO active aging policy framework and the 2010 Toronto Charter for Physical Activity mentioned; (2) how often is the topic of active aging and terms conveying similar content (aging well, healthy aging, natural aging and successful aging) discussed; (3) which of the issues flagged as important in the 2002 WHO active aging policy framework and the 2010 Toronto Charter for Physical Activity are covered in the newspaper coverage of active aging and synonymous terms; (4) which social groups were mentioned in the newspapers covered. The study found a total absence of mentioning of the two key documents and a low level of coverage of "active aging" and terms conveying similar content. It found further a lack of engagement with the issues raised in the two key documents and a low level of mentioning of socially disadvantages groups. We posit that reading the newspapers we covered will not expose the reader to the two key documents and the issues linked to aging well including the need to increase physical activity.
  3. Abdullah B, Hassan S, Sidek D, Jaafar H
    J Laryngol Otol, 2006 Jul;120(7):556-60.
    PMID: 16834804 DOI: 10.1017/S002221510
    INTRODUCTION: Otitis media with effusion (OME) is an inflammation of the middle ear in which a collection of liquid is present in the middle-ear space while the tympanic membrane is intact. The association between adenoid inflammation and OME has long been noted but the exact mechanism is still much debated. We studied the role of adenoid mast cells in the causation of OME.
    OBJECTIVE: To study the distribution and role of adenoid mast cells in the causation of OME.
    METHODOLOGY: A cross-sectional, prospective study was carried out in the otorhinolaryngologic clinic, department of otorhinolaryngology (ORL), Science University of Malaysia, from June 1999 to September 2001. A total number of 50 cases were studied. Twenty-five of these patients underwent adenoidectomy, while another 25 patients underwent adenoidectomy and myringotomy with ventilation tube insertion. The adenoid specimens from all patients were examined for the number of adenoid mast cells present, using light microscopy and toluidine blue as the staining agent. The results were analysed using SPSS version 10.0 computer software.
    RESULT: The population of adenoid mast cells in children with OME was significantly greater than that in children without OME (p=0.000).
    CONCLUSION: The increased number of adenoid mast cells in patients with OME suggests that inflammation may play a role in this condition.
  4. Balasubramanian A, Abdullah B
    Acta Inform Med, 2012 Sep;20(3):192-3.
    PMID: 23322978 DOI: 10.5455/aim.2012.20.192-193
    Respiratory distress is one of the commonest cause of admission into a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, be it surgical or medical in nature. Adequate and prompt resuscitation as well as intubation can be life saving. Emergency or early tracheostomy may be necessary if airway intervention is needed. The authors present the case of a term neonate who was born with a large cervical cystic hygroma causing compression of the airway, together with a concurrent grade III subglottic stenosis, in respiratory distress within few minutes of life. Nine months post tracheostomy and sclero-therapy treatment twice, the child shows marked improvement. The succesful management of this unusual case of severe extrinsic compression with concurrent internal airway obstruction is presented.
  5. Faridah Y, Abdullah B, Ng Kh
    Biomed Imaging Interv J, 2005 Jul;1(1):e3.
    PMID: 21625275 DOI: 10.2349/biij.1.1.e3
    The single emulsion or single screen system is usually reserved for mammography since its use in general radiography is limited. The purpose of this study is to compare the mammographic film-screen combination (MFC) and the standard film-screen combination (SFC) in terms of fracture and soft tissue injuries detection. PATIENTS, METHODS AND MATERIALS: In this prospective study, 41 patients from Accident and Emergency suspected of having injury in the hands, wrists, ankles and feet regions were radiographed using both MFC and SFC. These were compared in terms of image quality, presence of fractures and soft tissue injuries. The two different film-screen combinations were also compared in terms of detection of bony fragments, film characteristics such as film speed, contrast and spatial resolution, dose and cost.
  6. Faridah Y, Abdullah BJ
    Hong Kong Med J, 2003 Apr;9(2):134-6.
    PMID: 12668827
    Magnetic resonance imaging is gaining importance in the diagnosis of nerve and muscular disorders. The ability of magnetic resonance imaging to delineate the different muscles and the nerve in any plane has made the differentiation between the changes of neuropathy, denervation, and nerve entrapment possible. Although findings on magnetic resonance imaging are non-specific, their use, coupled with clinical symptoms and electromyographic findings, allow an accurate diagnosis to be made without resorting to invasive biopsies.
  7. Abdullah B, Singh S
    PMID: 33810309 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18073441
    Surgical treatment of the inferior turbinates is required for hypertrophic inferior turbinates refractory to medical treatments. The main goal of surgical reduction of the inferior turbinate is to relieve the obstruction while preserving the function of the turbinate. There have been a variety of surgical techniques described and performed over the years. Irrespective of the techniques and technologies employed, the surgical techniques are classified into two types, the mucosal-sparing and non-mucosal-sparing, based on the preservation of the medial mucosa of the inferior turbinates. Although effective in relieving nasal block, the non-mucosal-sparing techniques have been associated with postoperative complications such as excessive bleeding, crusting, pain, and prolonged recovery period. These complications are avoided in the mucosal-sparing approach, rendering it the preferred option. Although widely performed, there is significant confusion and detachment between current practices and their basic objectives. This conflict may be explained by misperception over the myriad of available surgical techniques and misconception of the rationale in performing the turbinate reduction. A comprehensive review of each surgical intervention is crucial to better define each procedure and improve understanding of the principle and mechanism involved.
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