Prediction is one characteristic of the human mind. But what does it mean to say the mind is a "prediction machine" and inherently forward looking as is frequently claimed? In natural languages, many contexts are not easily predictable in a forward fashion. In English, for example, many frequent verbs do not carry unique meaning on their own but instead, rely on another word or words that follow them to become meaningful. Upon reading take a the processor often cannot easily predict walk as the next word. But the system can "look back" and integrate walk more easily when it follows take a (e.g., as opposed to *make|get|have a walk). In the present paper, we provide further evidence for the importance of both forward and backward-looking in language processing. In two self-paced reading tasks and an eye-tracking reading task, we found evidence that adult English native speakers' sensitivity to word forward and backward conditional probability significantly predicted reading times over and above psycholinguistic predictors of reading latencies. We conclude that both forward and backward-looking (prediction and integration) appear to be important characteristics of language processing. Our results thus suggest that it makes just as much sense to call the mind an "integration machine" which is inherently backward 'looking.'
Marine picocyanobacteria Synechococcus exhibit highly diverse pigment types (PTs) and hence possess great advantage to utilize different spectrum of light effectively and to occupy a wide range of light niches. In this study, we explored the diversity of Synechococcus PTs in the eastern Indian Ocean (EIO), surface water of Strait of Malacca (SSM), and coastal waters of Sri Lanka (SSL). All the detected PTs were phycourobilin (PUB) containing PT 3 and showed distinct distribution patterns. Low PUB PT 3a and partial chromatic acclimater PT 3eA dominated in coastal and shallow waters (SSM and SSL). In contrast, high PUB and chromatic acclimaters PT 3dA and PT 3c/3dB were mainly distributed in open ocean (EIO). PT 3dA and PT 3c/3dB occurred at similar depths of the lower euphotic layers but showed distinct distribution pattern that are partially exclusive, indicating that they compete with each other for the same light niche. Interestingly, the newly described PT 3f was detected with high relative abundances at all stations and particularly dominated in the upper euphotic layer in EIO, which was confirmed with PT-specific quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). The relative abundance of PT 3f was negatively correlated with nutrient level, implying that PT 3f is adapted to oligotrophic waters. Pronounced niche partition of different PTs was observed in the upper and lower layers of euphotic zone in EIO and SSM/SSL. Light, nutrients, and strong stratification may play important roles in the niche partition of different PTs. Further analysis about ecologically significant taxonomic units revealed high diversity within each PT at different locations, which provided insights for understanding specific PT with wide range of niches.