The objective of this paper is to design an efficient room automation system in POLIMAS to control and automatize lighting, fan and air-condition.. This system will overcome human mistakes where the students or staffs forget to switch off the appliances in classroom or laboratories, and effectively reduce the cost of operation and power consumption of the buildings. Room Automation involves the automation and controlling the electrical appliances. The system will monitors electrical parameters of room appliance such as temperature, humidity and ambient light. The factors like temperature and light can have significant effects on the productivity of office workers as well as students. Thus, classrooms, laboratories and staff offices can be equipped with super sensors featuring temperature and light monitors. Besides, it helps in reducing power consumption by monitoring the environment condition and controlling the appliances as well as conservation of energy in the campus. Furthermore, it provides simple and cost effective to the institution. The system uses Arduino ESP8266 NodeMCU platform as the IoT enddevice connecting to various sensors and actuators to the platform via Wi-Fi channel. By using Wi-Fi connectivity, the hardware integrates with software application to control, monitoring and analysis. A sequence testing is conducted to determine the connectivity and integration of hardware and software. The performance of each sensor was performed to measure the accuracy. As a result, PIR sensors are able to detect general movement in effective range of about 10 meters. Moreover, the DHT temperature sensor in range of 5 meters away from air-condition is able to read the present room temperature and send command to the air-condition adjusting the air- condition’s set temperature similar to the air-condition’s remote. Thus, by implementing this system, not only the electrical appliances in a room more manageable and under control but also able to reduce the operational cost and improve environmental protection.
Automatic Vehicle Number Plate Recognition (AVNPR) system is an image processing technology in computer vision which captures the image of the vehicle and recognizes its number plate. Currently, the security and management of transportation system becomes an important key in controlled place such as campus area. With an increased number of vehicles, there is a need for vehicle recognition mechanism that is effective, affordable and efficient. The objective of this paper is to propose an efficient automatic vehicle identification system by recognizing the vehicle plate number. The system will be installed at the main entrance of POLIMAS to ensure that only the authorized vehicles can automatically enter the campus area. Once the vehicle is detected by the input sensors, AVNPR system will capture the image of vehicle plate number. An image is then extracted and investigated character segmentation by using optical character recognition (OCR). The method used for detection of a plate number is by preprocessing of the image and using a combination of Sobel edge detection and Laplacian edge detection techniques. Bounding Box technique is used to find the number plate and character segmentation. For character recognition, OCR method is used by using template matching to compare the segmented image with the template. The system is sustainable as the camera will only be switched on when a car is present. The propose system successfully detects and recognizes the vehicle number plate on real images. This system can also be used for security and traffic control.
This paper aims to tackle the Patient Admission Scheduling Problem (PASP) using the Discrete Flower Pollination Algorithm (DFPA), a new, meta-heuristic optimization method based on plant pollination. PASP is one of the most important problems in the field of health care. It is a highly constrained and combinatorial optimization problem of assigning patients to medical resources in a hospital, subject to predefined constraints, while maximizing patient comfort. While the flower pollination algorithm was designed for continuous optimization domains, a discretization of the algorithm has been carried out for application to the PASP. Various neighborhood structures have been employed to enhance the method, and to explore more solutions in the search space. The proposed method has been tested on six instances of benchmark datasets for comparison against another algorithm using the same dataset. The prospective method is shown to be very efficient in solving any scheduling problem.