The mangement of vascular lesions such as haemangiomas frequently present difficult choices between various treatment modalities. Circumstances may limit the,number of options available for the surgeon. This article describes the circumstances, investigations, difficult choices, and eventual treatment of a case of a mandibular haemangioma. It is concluded that for a medium sized haemangioma such as in this case,in the absence of facilities to embolize it, surgical excision may be safely carned out provided that proper investigations and precautions have been conducted. An angiogram is of utmost important in determining the feeding vessels and is very important before any surgical procedure is attempted.
Kimura's disease is a chronic inflammatory disorder which affects the subcutaneous tissues of the head and neck, axilla and upper limb as well as the groin region. In the head and neck region, major salivary glands and regional lymph nodes are mainly involved with associated eosinophilia and an elevated IgE concentration. Three cases of Kimura's disease involving the parotid glands, lymph nodes and cheek are presented with a brief review of the literature.