METHODS: A cross-sectional study using retrospective data from January 2000 to May 2002 was performed pertaining to elective colorectal surgery, cholecystectomy and inguinal hernia repairs. Appropriateness of antibiotic administration was determined based on compliance with national and internationally accepted guidelines on prophylactic antibiotic prescribing policy. A single dose or omission of antibiotic administration was judged appropriate for cholecystectomy and inguinal hernia repair, while up to 24 hours' dosing was considered appropriate practice for colorectal surgery.
RESULTS: Of 419 cases, there were 55 (13.1%) colorectal procedures, 97 (23.2%) cholecystectomies and 267 (63.7%) inguinal hernia repairs. Antibiotics were administered in a total of 306 (73%) cases, with single-dose prophylaxis in only 125 (41%) of these. Prophylaxis was inappropriately prolonged in 80%, 52% and 31% of colorectal, cholecystectomy and inguinal hernia cases, respectively. The corresponding mean duration of anti-biotic administration was 2.4+/-2.2, 1.6+/-1.8 and 1.1+/-1.3 days, respectively.
CONCLUSION: Antibiotic prophylaxis in elective surgery continues to be administered haphazardly. This study supports close surveillance of antibiotic utilization by a dedicated team, perhaps consisting of microbiologists or pharmacists, to minimize inappropriate administration.
METHODS: This is a retrospective review of all mechanically ventilated surgical patients in the wards, in a tertiary hospital, in 2020. Sixty-two patients out of 116 patients ventilated in surgical wards fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Demography, surgical diagnosis and procedures and physiologic, biochemical and survival data were analyzed to explore the outcomes and predictors of mortality.
RESULTS: Twenty-two out of 62 patients eventually gained ICU admission. Mean time from intubation to ICU entry and mean length of ICU stay were 48 h (0 to 312) and 10 days (1 to 33), respectively. Survival for patients admitted to ICU compared to ventilation in the acute surgery wards was 54.5% (12/22) vs 17.5% (7/40). Thirty-four patients underwent surgery, and the majority were bowel-related emergency operations. SAPS2 score validation revealed AUC of 0.701. More than half of patients with mortality risk