An investigation was undertaken 0f a malaria outbreak in Felda Neram 1 in the district of Kemaman,
Terengganu. Thirty-eight malaria cases of Plasmodium falciparum with one death were reported from that locality. The outbreak peaked between the epidemiological week of 42 and 44. A total of 2300 persons were surveyed with population coverage of 90%. Overall Slide Positive Rate was 1.5%. Out of 38 cases, 19 were Malays and the rest were Indonesian workers. Seventy-nine percent (30/38) had a history of fever within nine weeks prior to the survey. Thirty persons were found to be febrile on of the survey of which 42% (14/30) were smears positive. Blood smears showed 65.7% (25/38) had an asexual parasitemia and 34.2% (13/38) cases were gametocytaemic. The males0”emales ratio was 1:7. Younger age groups were more ajfected. All patients were given radical malaria treatment. F orty-three percent (16/38) had a second course of radical treatment. The outbreak was caused by the re-entry of an Indonesian worker with malaria to the locality. Factors such as delayed detection and notyication and inadequate surveillance were instrumental for the outbreak.
The bioefficacy of indoor residual-sprayed deltamethrin wettable granule (WG) formulation at 25 mg a.i./m2 and 20 mg a.i./m2 for the control of malaria was compared with the current dose of 20 mg/m2 deltamethrin wettable powder (WP) in aboriginal settlements in Kuala Lipis, Pahang, Malaysia. The malaria vector has been previously identified as Anopheles maculatus. The assessment period for the 20 mg/m2 dosage was six months, but for the 25 mg/m2 dosage, the period was 9 months. Collections of mosquitoes using the bare-leg techniques were carried out indoors and outdoors from 7:00 PM to 7:00 AM. All mosquitoes were dissected for sporozoites and parity. Larval collections were carried out at various locations to assess the extent and distribution of breeding of vectors. A high incidence of human feeds was detected during May 2005 and a low incidence during January 2005 for all the study areas. Our study showed that deltamethrin WG at 25 mg/m2 suppressed An. maculatus biting activity. More An. maculatus were caught in outdoor landing catches than indoor landing catches for all the study areas. The results indicate that 25 mg/m2 WG is good for controlling malaria for up to 9 months. Where residual spraying is envisaged, the usual two spraying cycles per year with 20 mg/m2 deltamethrin may be replaced with 25 mg/m2 deltamethrin WG every 9 months.
Dengue has enormous health impacts globally. A novel approach to decrease dengue incidence involves the introduction of Wolbachia endosymbionts that block dengue virus transmission into populations of the primary vector mosquito, Aedes aegypti. The wMel Wolbachia strain has previously been trialed in open releases of Ae. aegypti; however, the wAlbB strain has been shown to maintain higher density than wMel at high larval rearing temperatures. Releases of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes carrying wAlbB were carried out in 6 diverse sites in greater Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, with high endemic dengue transmission. The strain was successfully established and maintained at very high population frequency at some sites or persisted with additional releases following fluctuations at other sites. Based on passive case monitoring, reduced human dengue incidence was observed in the release sites when compared to control sites. The wAlbB strain of Wolbachia provides a promising option as a tool for dengue control, particularly in very hot climates.