For reefs in South East Asia the synergistic effects of rapid land development, insufficient environmental policies and a lack of enforcement has led to poor water quality and compromised coral health from increased sediment and pollution. Those inshore turbid coral reefs, subject to significant sediment inputs, may also inherit some resilience to the effects of thermal stress and coral bleaching. We studied the inshore turbid reefs near Miri, in northwest Borneo through a comprehensive assessment of coral cover and health in addition to quantifying sediment-related parameters. Although Miri's Reefs had comparatively low coral species diversity, dominated by massive and encrusting forms of Diploastrea, Porites, Montipora, Favites, Dipsastrea and Pachyseris, they were characterized by a healthy cover ranging from 22 to 39%. We found a strong inshore to offshore gradient in hard coral cover, diversity and community composition as a direct result of spatial differences in sediment at distances <10 km. As well as distance to shore, we included other environmental variables like reef depth and sediment trap accumulation and particle size that explained 62.5% of variation in benthic composition among sites. Miri's reefs showed little evidence of coral disease and relatively low prevalence of compromised health signs including bleaching (6.7%), bioerosion (6.6%), pigmentation response (2.2%), scars (1.1%) and excessive mucus production (0.5%). Tagged colonies of Diploastrea and Pachyseris suffering partial bleaching in 2016 had fully (90-100%) recovered the following year. There were, however, seasonal differences in bioerosion rates, which increased five-fold after the 2017 wet season. Differences in measures of coral physiology, like that of symbiont density and chlorophyll a for Montipora, Pachyseris and Acropora, were not detected among sites. We conclude that Miri's reefs may be in a temporally stable state given minimal recently dead coral and a limited decline in coral cover over the last two decades. This study provides further evidence that turbid coral reefs exposed to seasonally elevated sediment loads can exhibit relatively high coral cover and be resilient to disease and elevated sea surface temperatures.
Extreme climate events, such as the El Niños in 1997/1998 and 2015/16, have led to considerable forest loss in the Southeast Asian region following unprecedented drought and wildfires. In Borneo, the effects of extreme climate events have been exacerbated by rapid urbanization, accelerated deforestation and soil erosion since the 1980s. However, studies quantifying the impact of interannual and long-term (>3 decades) climatic and anthropogenic change affecting Borneo's coastal and coral reef environments are lacking. Here, we used coral cores collected in Miri-Sibuti Coral Reefs National Park, Sarawak (Malaysia) to reconstruct the spatio-temporal dynamics of sea surface temperature and oxygen isotopic composition of seawater from 1982 to 2016, based on paired oxygen isotope and Sr/Ca measurements. The results revealed rising sea surface temperatures of 0.26 ± 0.04 °C per decade since 1982. Reconstructed δ18Osw displayed positive excursion during major El Niño events of 1983, 1997/98 and 2015/16, indicating drought conditions with less river runoff, rainfall and higher ocean salinities. La Niñas were generally associated with lower δ18Osw. We observed a long-term shift from more saline conditions between 1982 and 1995 towards less saline conditions after 1995, which are in agreement with the regional freshening trend, punctuated by saline excursion during El Niños. The decadal shifts were found to be driven by the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). This study provides the first long-term data on El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO)-driven synchrony of climate impacts on both terrestrial and marine ecosystems in northern Borneo. Our results suggest that coral records from northern Borneo are invaluable archives to detect regional ENSO and PDO impacts, and their interaction with the Asian-Australian monsoon, on the hydrological balance in the southern South China Sea beyond the past three decades.
The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a worldwide climate phenomenon impacting temperatures and precipitation regimes across the globe. Previous studies have shown this climate phenomenon to influence Malaysian Borneo's hydroclimate. In the context of a changing climate and increasingly strong extreme ENSO events, understanding the influence of ENSO on this region, and its evolution through time, is essential to better constrain the future impacts it will have on the Maritime Continent's hydroclimate. Here, we used coupled δ18O and Sr/Ca records from massive corals' carbonate calcium skeletons to build a proxy for past hydroclimate: δ18Oseawater (δ18Osw) and compensate for the limited dependable instrumental data in most of the 20th century. We assessed our two 90 and 60-year-long δ18Osw records' quality as proxies for regional hydroclimate by correlating them with different instrumental salinity datasets before performing moving windowed correlations with the NINO3.4 index, an indicator of ENSO state. Results show that agreement between geochemical proxies and instrumental data highly depends on the chosen dataset, study site location, period, and monsoon season, with stronger agreement with more recent data, pointing towards insufficient data quality when going far back in time. More importantly, when correlated against the NINO3.4 index, our δ18Osw records showed a growing correlation for most of their respective lengths. From the 1980s, we found an increasing influence of ENSO on the local hydroclimate with correlation coefficients r > 0.8 during the wet monsoon season. Our findings highlight the differences in results depending on the chosen observational dataset, time scale, or period of the year, and stress the importance of such geochemical archives to better understand the impacts of ENSO across periods predating reliable instrumental data. More importantly, our findings show how the concurrent evolution of the IOD, and the PDV affect ENSO and ultimately, northwestern Borneo's hydroclimate through their teleconnections.