The role of paraoxonase 1 in cardiovascular disease complications in type 2 diabetes mellitus is not fully understood. We studied paraoxonase activity towards paraoxon in 188 non-diabetic and 140 diabetic subjects using general linear models and univariate analysis. Adjusting for age revealed a reduction in activity towards paraoxon was associated with a significant increase in risk (p = 0.023) for cardiovascular disease complications in diabetic patients. Multivariate analysis of two plasma measures of paraoxonase activity using paraoxon and diazoxon also showed reduced paraoxonase activity towards paraoxon was associated with a significant increase in risk (p = 0.045) for cardiovascular disease complications in diabetic patients. These analyses showed that a reduced paraoxonase activity towards paraoxon was associated with ethnicity. Based on multivariate analysis, subjects of Malay ethnic origin have significantly higher than expected activity (p = 0.008, compared to Indians), towards paraoxon than subjects of Chinese origin who in turn had higher than expected paraoxonase activity (p = 0.028, compared to Indians) Indian subjects.
We hypothesized that C. borivilianum root, known to improve male reproductive performance, prevents impairment in characteristics, morphology and elevation of oxidative stress in sperm of diabetics. We therefore investigated the effect of aqueous root extract of C. borivilianum on these parameters in diabetic rat model.