Displaying all 2 publications

  1. Hatti-Kaul R, Chen L, Dishisha T, Enshasy HE
    FEMS Microbiol Lett, 2018 10 01;365(20).
    PMID: 30169778 DOI: 10.1093/femsle/fny213
    Lactic acid bacteria constitute a diverse group of industrially significant, safe microorganisms that are primarily used as starter cultures and probiotics, and are also being developed as production systems in industrial biotechnology for biocatalysis and transformation of renewable feedstocks to commodity- and high-value chemicals, and health products. Development of strains, which was initially based mainly on natural approaches, is also achieved by metabolic engineering that has been facilitated by the availability of genome sequences and genetic tools for transformation of some of the bacterial strains. The aim of this paper is to provide a brief overview of the potential of lactic acid bacteria as biological catalysts for production of different organic compounds for food and non-food sectors based on their diversity, metabolic- and stress tolerance features, as well as the use of genetic/metabolic engineering tools for enhancing their capabilities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Lactobacillales/growth & development*
  2. Ooi MF, Foo HL, Loh TC, Mohamad R, Rahim RA, Ariff A
    Sci Rep, 2021 Apr 07;11(1):7617.
    PMID: 33828119 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-87081-6
    Postbiotic RS5, produced by Lactiplantibacillus plantarum RS5, has been identified as a promising alternative feed supplement for various livestock. This study aimed to lower the production cost by enhancing the antimicrobial activity of the postbiotic RS5 by improving the culture density of L. plantarum RS5 and reducing the cost of growth medium. A combination of conventional and statistical-based approaches (Fractional Factorial Design and Central Composite Design of Response Surface Methodology) was employed to develop a refined medium for the enhancement of the antimicrobial activity of postbiotic RS5. A refined medium containing 20 g/L of glucose, 27.84 g/L of yeast extract, 5.75 g/L of sodium acetate, 1.12 g/L of Tween 80 and 0.05 g/L of manganese sulphate enhanced the antimicrobial activity of postbiotic RS5 by 108%. The cost of the production medium was reduced by 85% as compared to the commercially available de Man, Rogosa and Sharpe medium that is typically used for Lactobacillus cultivation. Hence, the refined medium has made the postbiotic RS5 more feasible and cost-effective to be adopted as a feed supplement for various livestock industries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Lactobacillales/growth & development
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