A 60-year old Malay man presented with an intermittent lowgrade fever for 3 days and worsening of right ankle ulcers. He was known to have ischaemic heart disease, diabetes mellitus type 2, hypertension and end stage renal failure and was on regular haemodialysis. The organisms isolated from the peripheral and central blood specimens were identified as Ochrobactrum anthropi, a rarely encountered gramnegative bacillus with a unique antibiotic susceptibility profile. His condition improved after removal of the catheters and administration of antibiotic therapy. This case report highlights the importance of being wary of such rare, opportunistic pathogens and good communication between the microbiologists and the clinicians.
Ochrobactrum anthropi is a rare nosocomial pathogen that is manifesting itself mostly in immunocompromised patients and those with indwelling catheters. Identification of the microorganism is challenging and the ability to survive in aquatic surroundings have made it a clinically significant pathogen. Furthermore, the clinical picture of
O. anthropi infection, is not well described. It may manifest in any form of clinical infections though bacteremia is the most common mode of presentation reported in the limited literature. We report here two cases of O. anthropi bacteremia presenting in an immunocompetent and an immunocompromised host respectively with different clini- cal manifestation and response. In view of the highly variable presentation of O.anthropi, a high index of suspicion must be given to at risks patients to ensure the timely diagnosis and optimal clinical outcome.