The presence of vegetation in urban soil is both visually appealing and environmentally beneficial. Vegetation contributes to changes in soil water content (SWC) and soil suction (SS) through transpiration. These changes ultimately affect slope stability, soil erosion, runoff generation, and water infiltration. This study closely examines the impact of tree canopy covers on SWC and SS dynamics in an urban slope site with a diverse mix of vegetation (trees and grass) in a tropical region. Field monitoring revealed that slope areas with higher tree canopy cover consistently exhibited lower SWC and higher SS at shallower depths, highlighting the stabilizing effects of vegetation. During wet periods, the difference in SWC between high and low canopy cover areas increased by 36% compared to dry periods, emphasizing the role of canopy cover in regulating soil moisture under varying climatic conditions. Furthermore, stations with lower canopy cover demonstrated a stronger correlation between SWC and relative humidity (R values of 0.64 in dry and 0.71 in wet periods) than those with higher canopy cover (R values of 0.57 in dry and 0.63 in wet periods), indicating distinct soil moisture retention patterns based on canopy density. These findings underscore the critical role of tree canopy cover in controlling SWC and SS dynamics, particularly for urban slope stability and sustainable landscape management.
A two-staged engineered wetland-based system was designed and constructed to treat raw domestic septage. Hydraulic loading rates (HLRs) of 8.75 and 17.5 cm/d were studied with four and eight daily dosings at the second stage of the system to investigate the influence of the regimes on septage treatment. Removal of organic matter (OM) was found to be HLR dependent, where the results indicated that the increase of HLR from 8.75 to 17.5 cm/d impaired the overall level of treatment in the wetland units. Effluent of wetland fed at HLR 17.5 cm/d presented significantly lower oxygen reduction potential and dissolved oxygen values than wetland fed at 8.75 cm/d, indicative of the occurrence of less aerobic and reductive conditions in the bed. The reoxygenation capability of the wetland units was found to be heavily affected by the dosing frequency especially under high hydraulic load (17.5 cm/d). NH3-N degradation was found to decrease with statistical importance when the wetland was flushed two times more frequently with smaller batches of influent. The number of hydraulic load fractionings did not seem to affect the level of treatments of OM and ammonia for both the wetlands fed under the lower HLR of 8.75 cm/d. Prediction of hydraulic limits and management of the feeding strategies are important in the vertical type of engineered wetlands to guarantee the treatment performance and minimize the chances of filter clogging.
Land and water resources are becoming scarce and are insufficient to sustain the burgeoning population. Salinity is one of the most important abiotic stresses affecting agricultural productions across the world. Cultivation of salt-tolerant turfgrass species may be promising option under such conditions where poor quality water can also be used for these crops. Coastal lands in developing countries can be used to grow such crops, and seawater can be used for irrigation of purposes. These plants can be grown using land and water unsuitable for conventional crops and can provide food, fuel, fodder, fibber, resin, essential oils, and pharmaceutical products and can be used for landscape reintegration. There are a number of potential turfgrass species that may be appropriate at various salinity levels of seawater. The goal of this review is to create greater awareness of salt-tolerant turfgrasses, their current and potential uses, and their potential use in developing countries. The future for irrigating turf may rely on the use of moderate- to high-salinity water and, in order to ensure that the turf system is sustainable, will rely on the use of salt-tolerant grasses and an improved knowledge of the effects of salinity on turfgrasses.
The demand for salinity-tolerant turfgrasses is increasing due to augmented use of effluent or low-quality water (sea water) for turf irrigation and the growing turfgrass industry in coastal areas. Experimental plants, grown in plastic pots filled with a mixture of river sand and KOSAS(R) peat (9 : 1), were irrigated with sea water at different dilutions imparting salinity levels of 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, or 48 dS m⁻¹. Salinity tolerance was evaluated on the basis of leaf firing, shoot and root growth reduction, proline content, and relative water content. Paspalum vaginatum was found to be most salt tolerant followed by Zoysia japonica and Zoysia matrella, while Digitaria didactyla, Cynodon dactylon "Tifdwarf," and Cynodon dactylon "Satiri" were moderately tolerant. The results indicate the importance of turfgrass varietal selection for saline environments.