Ty1-copia-like retrotransposons have been identified and investigated in several plant species. Here, the internal region of the reverse transcriptase (RT) gene of Ty1-copia-like retrotransposons was amplified by PCR from total genomic DNA of 10 varieties of banana. Two to four clones from each variety were sequenced. Extreme heterogeneity in the sequences of Ty1-copia-like retrotransposons from all the varieties was revealed following sequence analysis of the reverse transcriptase (RT) fragments. The size of the individual RT gene fragments varied between 213 and 309 bp. Southern blots of genomic DNA digested from Musa acuminata and other banana varieties probed with W8 clone from M. acuminata and A4 clone from Pisang Abu Nipah showed similar strong, multiple restriction fragments together with other faint hybridization band patterns with variable intensities indicating the presence of many copies of the Ty1-copia-like retrotransposons in the genomes. There was no correlation between retroelement sequence and the banana species (with A or B genomes) from which it arose, suggesting that the probes are not useful for tracking genomes through breeding populations.
Two areas in the chicken anemia virus (CAV) genome have high G:C content with secondary structures. These two G:C rich areas could not be sequenced with Perkin Elmer's Big Dye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Kit. Several modifications were carried out to solve the problem. Finally, a package of modified method was developed to sequence the high G:C areas. The result showed that the Perkin Elmer's Big Dye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Kit with the normal procedures are not suitable for sequencing the high G:C regions of the CAV genome. The present developed method made the Perkin Elmer's Kit useful for the first time to sequence the G:C rich hairpin structures of the CAV genome. The system may be useful to sequence all other G:C rich DNA templates.
The protozoan parasite Eimeria tenella has a complex life cycle that includes two major asexual developmental stages, the merozoite and the sporozoite. The expressed sequence tag (EST) approach has been previously used to study gene expression of merozoites. We report here the generation and analysis of 556 ESTs from sporozoites. Comparative analyses of the two datasets reveal a number of transcripts that are preferentially expressed in a specific stage, including previously uncharacterised sequences. The data presented indicate the invaluable potential of the comparative EST analysis for providing information on gene expression patterns in the different developmental stages of E. tenella.
Partial nucleotide sequences of 1D gene of 38 isolates of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) of serotypes O, A and Asia 1 originating from various parts of India were determined. Field materials were subjected straight to RNA extraction, reverse transcription - PCR (RT-PCR) and sequencing. Also 3 FMDV vaccine strains, IND R2/75 (serotype O), IND 63/72 (serotype Asia 1) and IND 17/77 (serotype A) were included in the analysis. The seqences were compared mutually as well as with available corresponding sequences of other FMDV isolates, and their phylogenetic relationships were calculated. The deduced amino acid sequences showed that the serotype O isolates were relatively conserved as compared to serotype Asia 1 or A isolates from India. In phylogenetic analysis, the serotype O viruses clustered in two genotypes, one including the European vaccine strain (O1/K) and the other represented by the isolates from Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Turkey. The serotype Asia 1 viruses clustered in two groups of single genotype where the prototype strain from Pakistan (PAK 1/54) formed one group and the other was formed by the isolates from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Israel and Nepal. In serotype A viruses three well-differentiated genotypes were observed. The isolates from Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Malaysia and India formed the first genotype. The second genotype was formed by isolates from Iran, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, while two recent Iranian isolates represented the third genotype. In India, the prevalence of at least one genotype could be identified in each serotype. This evolutionary clustering of isolates from the neighbor countries is not surprising, since these countries share border with India. The genetic relatedness between sequences of isolates from India and those from distant places is indicative of spread of the virus between the countries. Of importance is the fact that clinical materials proved useful for rapid generation of sequences and subsequent studying of molecular epidemiology of the disease.
Separate studies have reported spina bifida patients to be especially allergic to proteins of 27 and 23 kDa found in the serum of centrifuged natural rubber latex. An insoluble latex protein located on the surface of small rubber particles, Hev b 3, has similarly been found to be allergenic to spina bifida patients. In this study, internal amino acid sequences of Hev b 3 showed similarity to the published sequences for the 27- and 23-kDa latex proteins. The latter allergens are hence identified as Hev b 3. Determination of the molecular weight of Hev b 3 revealed various species of 22-23 kDa. The consistent gaps of about 266 Da observed between various forms of the intact protein suggest that the protein undergoes post-translational modification. To determine whether Hev b 3 also occurs in a soluble form in the latex serum, its presence in molecular-filtered serum was checked by ELISA and Western blot. The results showed Hev b 3 to be largely absent in the C-serum from fresh latex. The protein is therefore insoluble in its native state. However, a small amount of the solubilized protein was detected in ammonia-stabilized latex (commonly used in the manufacture of latex products).
We recently adopted immobilized jacalin as an affinity adsorbent to purify human serum IgA for laboratory study. In the course of our investigation, we detected a serum protein that co-eluted with IgA from jacalin-agarose affinity column. It constituted in significant quantity (24.0 +/- 0.9%, n = 30) of total jacalin-bound protein (JBP) and the yield was equivalent to 0.4 +/- 0.1 mg per ml serum. The molecular mass of this protein was 55 kDa with electromobility in the alpha 2 region as demonstrated by SDS-PAGE and immunoelectrophoresis. N-terminal microsequencing of this 55 kDa protein revealed that it is human alpha 2-HS glycoprotein (alpha 2HSG). The molecular interaction of alpha 2HSG with jacalin was characterized by competitive ELISA: human serum IgA, human colostrum secretory IgA (sIgA), and monosaccharides including D-galactose and melibiose exhibited strong inhibitory effect on its binding to jacalin. Accordingly, we propose that human alpha 2HSG binds in a similar manner as that of the bovine fetuin to jacalin. In addition, alpha 2HSG displays similar binding property to jacalin from different geographic area (India and Malaysia) and from different laboratory preparations (Sigma, Pierce and 'homemade' jacalin).
For elucidation of the taxonomic status of the Japanese Fasciola species, whole mitochondrial DNA of Fasciola hepatica from Australia, F. gigantica from Malaysia, and Fasciola sp. from Japan was digested with three four-base-cutting endonucleases: HinfI, MspI, and RsaI. The resulting digestion patterns showed that for each enzyme there were some bands specific for each geographical isolate and that the Japanese Fasciola sp. shared more bands with F. gigantica than with F. hepatica. Nucleotide sequences of two regions, the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) of the nuclear ribosomal RNA cluster and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI), were also compared among them. The ITS2 sequence was highly conserved among the three isolates. F. gigantica and the Japanese Fasciola sp. were identical, but they differed from the Australian F. hepatica at six sites, one of which was a deletion. The COI sequence was less conserved but implied a similar relationship between the isolates. There seems no reason to regard the Japanese Fasciola sp. as anything other than a strain of F. gigantica.
Laboratories intending to adopt cycle sequencing of PCR products in their routine analysis often face a confusing range of methods and kits. Through the study of mitochondrial cytochrome b, we have shown that clean and highly reproducible sequences could be obtained by using a combination of existing simple and economical methods in the preparation of DNA templates, PCR, purification of PCR products and sequencing. Our protocol is useful in itself or as a standard in typing other PCR-amplified DNA at the population level.
The variation in the sequence of the coat protein genes of four isolates of rice tungro spherical virus from different countries, Malaysia, Thailand, India and Bangladesh, was compared with an isolate from the Philippines. The evidence from RT-PCR, Southern blot hybridization and sequences of the coat protein genes indicated that the isolates appeared to fall into two groups. One comprised the Philippine and Malaysian isolates (about 95% sequence similarity) and the other the Bangladeshi and Indian isolates, the sequences of which differed by about 15% from that of the Philippine isolate. The Thai isolate seemed to be a mixture of these two subgroups.
A tymoyirus isolated from Malaysian crops of Calopogonium mucunoides has been shown to have virions that are serologically indistinguishable from those of clitoria yellow vein tymovirus. We have sequenced the virion protein (VP) gene of the virus and have found that although it is a member of the cluster that includes CYVV, it is the most distinct member of that cluster (< 62% sequence identity with all the others), and is clearly a separate species, which we propose should be named calopogonium yellow vein virus. Most of the serological specificity of the virions of tymoviruses seems to reside in the C-terminal hexapeptide of the virion protein.
Coat protein genes CP1, CP2 and CP3 of an isolate (MaP1) of rice tungro spherical virus (RTSV) from Malaysia were isolated, cloned and sequenced. Comparative analysis indicated that MaP1 isolate is closely related to the Philippine isolate.
Specific human papillomavirus (HPV) types have been implicated in the development of cervical carcinoma worldwide. Novel molecular techniques have facilitated the detection and typing of HPV in cervical lesions. DNA preparations from a series of 23 histopathologically confirmed cervical carcinoma patients were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using degenerate primers for the presence of HPV DNA sequences. A total of 22 of 23 cases studied (95.7%) were found positive for HPV DNA sequences. Further studies by DNA hybridization with viral specific probe and restriction enzyme analysis demonstrated the presence of HPV 16 in 73.9% (17/23) and HPV 18 in 65.2% (15/23) of the cases examined. Interestingly, the uncommon HPV 31 and 33 were also found but with a lower percentage (16.9%). It was noted that HPV 16 frequency in the carcinoma increased with age but HPV 18 was evenly present at all ages investigated. We found that HPV was frequently associated with the majority of the cervical carcinomas, and in all but one case, oncogenic high risk HPV genotypes were present. We conclude that HPV infection of the genital tract has an important role in the development of the disease in Malaysia.
Rice tungro bacilliform virus (RTBV) is a plant pararetrovirus and a member of the Caulimoviridae family and closely related to viruses in the Badnavirus genus. The coat protein of RTBV is part of the large polyprotein encoded by open reading frame 3 (ORF3). ORF3 of an RTBV isolate from Malaysia was sequenced (accession no. AF076470) and compared with published sequences for the region that encodes the coat protein or proteins. Molecular mass of virion proteins was determined by mass spectrometry (matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-TOF) performed on purified virus particles from three RTBV isolates from Malaysia. The N- and C-terminal amino acid sequences of the coat protein were deduced from the mass spectral analysis, leading to the conclusion that purified virions contain a single coat protein of 37 kDa. The location of the coat protein domain in ORF3 was reinforced as a result of immunodetection reactions using antibodies raised against six different segments of ORF3 using Western immunoblots after SDS-PAGE and isoelectrofocusing of proteins purified from RTBV particles. These studies demonstrate that RTBV coat protein is released from the polyprotein as a single coat protein of 37 kDa.
The nucleic acid sequences of the pre-membrane/membrane and envelope protein genes of 23 geographically and temporally distinct dengue (DEN)-3 viruses were determined. This was accomplished by reverse transcriptase-PCR amplification of the structural genes followed by automated DNA sequence analysis. Comparison of nucleic acid sequences revealed that similarity among the viruses was greater than 90%. The similarity among deduced amino acids was between 95% and 100%, and in many cases identical amino acid substitutions occurred among viruses from similar geographical regions. Alignment of nucleic acid sequences followed by parsimony analysis allowed the generation of phylogenetic trees, demonstrating that geographically independent evolution of DEN-3 viruses had occurred. The DEN-3 viruses were separated into four genetically distinct subtypes. Subtype I consists of viruses from Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and the South Pacific islands; subtype II consists of viruses from Thailand; subtype III consists of viruses from Sri Lanka, India, Africa and Samoa; subtype IV consists of viruses from Puerto Rico and the 1965 Tahiti virus. Phylogenetic analysis has also contributed to our understanding of the molecular epidemiology and worldwide distribution of DEN-3 viruses.
The study concerned the identification of the beta-thalassaemia mutations that were present in 24 patients with beta-thalassaemia major who were transfusion dependent. The application of a modified polymerase chain reaction, the amplification refractory system (ARMS) was found to be an effective and rapid method for the identification of the beta-thalassaemia mutations. Six different mutations were detected. Seventy five percent of the patients were Chinese-Malaysians and showed the commonly occurring anomalies: 1. frameshift codon 41 and 42 (-TCTT); 2. the C to T substitution at position 654 of intron 2 (IVS-2); 3. the mutation at position -28(A to G); and the nonsense mutation A to T at codon 17. In the Malays, the common mutations seen were: 1. the G to C mutation at position 5 of IVS-1; 2. the G to T mutation at position 1 of intron 1 (IVS-1); and the A to T at codon 17. The delineation of the specific mutations present will enable effective prenatal diagnosis for beta-thalassaemia to be instituted.
In recent years, a large amount of nucleotide sequence data for dengue viruses has been published. Most of it was derived by sequencing cDNA synthesized from highly purified genomic viral RNA. This paper presents a simple and rapid method for the isolation of total RNA from mosquito cells infected with dengue viruses. This RNA can be used for direct nucleotide sequencing with specific primers without the need for further purification.
The JC polyomavirus (JCV) is ubiquitous in humans infecting children asymptomatically, then persisting in renal tissue. Since JCV DNA can be readily isolated from urine, it should be a useful tool with which to study the evolution of DNA viruses in humans. We showed that JCV DNA from the urine of Japanese, Taiwanese, Dutch and German patients can be classified into A and B types, based upon restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). This work was extended in the present study. We established multiple JCV DNA clones from the UK, Spain, Italy, Sweden, South Korea, People's Republic of China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Mongolia, India, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Zambia, South Africa and Ghana. Using type-specific RFLPs, most clones except the four clones from Ghana were classified as either type A or B. We constructed a molecular phylogenetic tree for the Ghanaian clones and several representative type A and B clones. According to the phylogenetic tree, the Ghanaian clones constituted a major new group, tentatively named type C. From the findings presented here and elsewhere, the following conclusions were drawn: (i) type A is prevalent only in Europe; (ii) type B is found mainly in Asia and Africa; and (iii) type C is localized to part of Africa. Our findings should help to clarify how JCV evolved in humans.
The Japanese encephalitis (JE) serocomplex of flaviviruses comprises 10 members, 9 of which: Alfuy (ALF); Koutango (KOU); Kokobera (KOK); Kunjin (KUN); Murray Valley encephalitis (MVE); JE; Stratford (STR); Usutu (USU); and West Nile (WN) have been isolated from Africa, southern Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Australia. The tenth member, St. Louis encephalitis (SLE) virus, is confined to North, Central, and South America. For ALF, KOK, KOU, STR, and USU, no sequence data have as yet been reported, and little molecular phylogeny has been determined for this complex as a whole. Using a rapid, one-step RT-PCR and universal primers, we have amplified and sequenced a 450-600 base pair region of the virus genome encompassing the N terminus of the nonstructural protein NS5 and the 5' end of the 3' noncoding region, for several strains of all of these viruses, except USU and SLE viruses. These data, as well as published sequence data for other flaviviruses, were analyzed with the ClustalW and Phylip computer packages. The resultant phylogenetic data were consistent with some of the current flavivirus serological classification, showing a close relationship between ALF and MVE viruses and between KOK and STR viruses, but suggested that KOK and STR are distantly related to the other viruses and should perhaps be reclassified in their own serocomplex. The data also confirmed the close relationship between KUN and WN viruses and showed that an isolate of KUN virus from Sarawak may represent a "link" between these two virus species. In addition, the primary sequence data revealed a polymorphic region just downstream of the stop codon in the 3' end of the viral genomes.