A total of 86 unrelated Malaysian patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) were studied for mutations in their low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDL-R) gene. Amongst them, 23 had a LDL-R gene mutation, while none having an Apolipoprotein B-3500 (Apo B-3500) mutation. Patients with the LDL-R gene defect appeared to have a higher level of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), an increased incidence of xanthomas and coronary heart disease (CHD), but no relationships were found between the type of LDL-R gene mutations and their lipid levels or clinical signs of CHD. In contrast to Western data, our findings seemed to indicate a predominance of mutations in the ligand binding domain and an absence of Apo B-3500 gene mutation. The latter finding may offer a genetic basis as to why Asian patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia have lower LDL-C levels and less premature CHD than their Western counterparts.
This paper reports the result of a brief therapy attempt at treating panic in a busy outpatient psychiatric clinic. The patients were cases of panic referred from the various outpatient clinics within the hospital complex. The patients were divided into three groups at random using one of three modalities of treatment, i.e. cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), CBT and Fluvoxamine (FVX), and FVX alone. The therapy was aimed for a maximum of nine sessions after which the patients were to be discharged. There were 14 patients in each group. The results show that all the groups were similar in the severity and scores pre treatment but after the different types of treatment there was a significant difference among them. The FVX alone group, showed significant improvement from the pretreatment levels but did not show as much improvement as the other groups and the mean score was only 9.07 after nine sessions. The best group was the CBT in combination with FVX. This indicates that the best way to treat panic is to combine drug treatment and psychological treatment. It is also shown from the study that the combination group requires less FVX than the FVX alone group. This finding has implications for the treatment of panic at the family physician clinic.
Study site: Psychiatric clinic, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia
The number of women in the workforce in increasing. A substantial proportion are in the reproductive age which brings to attention the problem of work exposures that adversely affect reproductive outcome. These exposures include chemicals, radiation, strenuous physical activity and infections. They affect reproduction by effect on the germ cells, through hormonal distribution which in turn affects transport of germ cells or zygote, implantation and development. Some of these exposures are teratogenic. At present, some regulations and policies seem to be directed at women workers while there is evidence to show that women are not the only victims. Paternal exposures have also been reported to be associated with infertility, spontaneous abortions and other adverse outcomes. There is insufficient information about reproductive effects of work exposures and hence further research is required in this area.
Sensitivity testing on Vibrio cholerae isolates during an epidemic in 1998 in Kelantan identified strains resistant to tetracycline. This prompted a change in the usual management of cholera in Kelantan. The antibiotic of choice was changed from tetracycline to erythromycin.
A method for securing closed suction drains in the neck is described where it serves to prevent leakage, slippage and accidental removal. This method involves passing a stay suture through the most proximal holes of the drain and suturing it to the skin and an overlying short length of the tube externally. Drains secured in this manner can be left in the wound for up to fourteen days with no associated complications from our experience in sixty-two patients following head and neck surgery.
From June 1993 to September 1995, 132 case files of patients who received palliative radiotherapy (RT) for skeletal metastases were reviewed. Majority of the patients (75/132) was in the age range of 41-60 years. Common sites of metastases were the vertebrae (86 patients) and the pelvic bones (40 patients). The major primary tumors encountered were as follows: multiple myeloma (30), breast cancer (25) and prostate cancer (20). Pain was the commonest symptom of presentation. Doses of palliative RT ranged from 8-40 Gy in different fractionation schedules. Ninety-four patients showed more than 50% symptomatic response, 26 had no response and 12 were lost to follow up immediately after the treatment. Single fraction treatments resulted in almost similar responses compared to various multiple fraction treatments. To conclude, short course radiation therapy regimes are optimum in our local circumstances where RT resources are limited and patients have to travel long distances to attend hospital.
Malaria is an infectious disease that remains the main health problem in Tawau, Sabah. A case control study was carried out in the district to determine the influence of seasonal migration on malaria occurrence. Respondents consisted of 142 cases who were randomly selected from the reported cases in 1996 and they were pair-matched with 142 controls from the same villages by age and sex. The results showed that malaria occurrence was significantly associated with movement to the jungle, use of preventive measures during migration and frequency of using treated bednets (p < 0.05). The risk of individuals migrated to the jungle was 6 times as compared to those who do not (unadjusted Odd Ratio = 5.50, 95% CI 1.16-35.89) and they were more likely to get the infection if they did not use bednets (OR = 3.57, 95% CI 1.57-9.06). Health promotion campaign on the use of bednets especially during short term migration should be given priority in any malarial intervention program.
A study was conducted among out-patients attending the Melaka Tengah Health Clinic to determine their compliance status towards antihypertensive, antidiabetic and antiasthmatic drugs. A total of 585 patients were enrolled in this study. Assessment of compliance was carried out using pill-counting and house-to-house interviews 14 days from the date of medication dispensed at the counter. The noncompliance rate among the 464 successfully interviewed patients was 56%. The mean noncompliance percentage was 78.0 +/- 43.1% (range: -10.0-314.3%). Among the four variables of compliance studied, race was not seen as a determinant of compliance. The older age group and those taking two or more drugs were statistically significant to be a noncomplier. Females were highly likely not to comply with drug therapy. Patients who conform to their refill dates were not really drug compliers. Forgetting to take their drugs and inability to read instructions on drug labels were the main reasons given. Underdosing was more common than overdosing, with an estimated cost of RM20,261.00 of unused medications per year.
Study site: Klinik Kesihatan Melaka Tengah, Melaka, Malaysia
A total of 323 workers from 5 different occupational groups in the telecommunication industry were studied in this cross sectional study, which sought to determine the prevalence of Work Related Upper Limb Disorders (WRULD) in 5 occupational groups; operators using the Video Display Terminals, switchboard operators, clerks, data entry processors and the supervisors. WRULD was also studied with regard to factors such as sex, race, height, age, stress and the discomfort perceived due to the work station design. The possibility of WRULD was determined from a self-administered questionnaire and confirmed by history and physical examination. Psychological stress and the discomfort due to the workstation were measured from the questionnaire. The overall prevalence was found to be 31.2% and the prevalence among the various occupations differed with it being the highest in the switchboard operators and data processors and the lowest in the supervisors. The older workers and the female workers were found to have higher prevalences of WRULD. It was also found that a higher stress score and a higher score of discomfort perceived at the work station were associated with higher prevalences of WRULD.
A prospective study was carried out among pregnant women and their newborn babies in the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur from January 1996 to June 1997. The maternal cervical colonization rates of Ureaplasma urealyticum (UU) and Mycoplasma hominis (MH) were found to be 57.5% and 15.8% respectively while the isolation rates from nasopharyngeal secretions of the newborns were 50.8% for UU and 6.6% for MH. The overall transmission rates were 88.4% for UU and 42.1% for MH. There was no significant difference in the transmission rates of either organism from mothers to their respective newborn babies by the maturity of pregnancy. In preterm babies, the nasopharyngeal isolation rates of UU and MH were not influenced by the babies' gestational age and birth weight nor by the maternal history of abortion or parity. However, there was a tendency for UU to persist in the nasopharyngeal secretion of preterm babies especially those of birth weight below 2 kg. None of the babies contaminated with mycoplasmas at birth developed respiratory symptoms during six to eight weeks of follow-up.
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is the final outcome of a common pathway of a variety of unrelated but massive insults to the lung. It is commonly seen in adults but also occurs in the paediatric age group. A prospective study was carried out to determine the incidence, predisposing conditions, clinical course and outcome of children with ARDS admitted to a paediatric intensive care unit (PICU). Six patients (aged 0.8 to 11 years) who fulfilled the strict criteria for ARDS were identified prospectively during a one year study period. The incidence was 1.7% of all PICU admission. The most common underlying conditions were septicemia and pneumonia. The mortality rate was 83%. Death most often occurred during the early phase of the disease. Treatment of ARDS included elimination of the cause of ARDS, early institution of mechanical ventilation with PEEP, prompt recognition and treatment of superimposed infection and careful management of additional organ failure.
To investigate the anxieties of patients undergoing oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy (OGD), colonoscopy and endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography (ERCP) in relation to their demographic features, their knowledge and understanding of the procedure, its indication, and their doctors' explanation. A standard questionnaire was filled in consecutively for 280 OGD patients, 64 colonoscopy patients and 50 ERCP patients.
Penicillium marneffei, a dimorphic fungus is a rare opportunistic pathogen. It is known to cause infection in immunocompromised patients and recently its occurrence in AIDS patients has been well-documented. Disease with Penicillium marneffei is even rarer among previously healthy individuals. The disease is endemic in Southeast Asia and China. Recognition of this rare disease is important because it is amenable to treatment. We report a case of P. marneffei infection in a previously healthy individual.
We report a case of a sixteen-month old boy with osteosarcoma of the left humerus. To the best of our knowledge this is the youngest case reported in Malaysia. This case illustrates that osteosarcoma although rare does occur in a very young child. The child died six weeks after presentation due to disseminated disease.
A mass CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) teaching programme, believed to be the first in Malaysia, was held at the Dewan Tunku Canselor, University of Malaya (UM) on Saturday, 13th July 1996. Organised by the Resuscitation Committee of University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, this programme was conducted for 200 first year UM students. We describe the organisation of this non-traditional and non-threatening, new CPR teaching programme and propose that this be further developed for the dissemination of CPR skills to our Malaysian public.
Naso-lacrimal duct tumours are uncommon and present with epiphora and swelling. Since the naso-lacrimal duct is embedded in bone for the majority of its anatomical length, the late presentation of proptosis is due to orbital extension of the tumour. Radical surgical treatment is necessary to establish clear margins and facilitate reconstruction.
We present a rare case of a patient diagnosed with probable dengue fever sustaining an intracranial haemorrhage after a trivial motor vehicle accident. From the literature reviewed, it was noted that there have been no reports of dengue fever presenting with an intracranial haemorrhage, and the association is more common in patients diagnosed with dengue hemorrhagic fever and/or dengue shock syndrome.
Although survival rates for childhood cancers have improved steadily over the past two decades, the outcome for advanced stage solid tumours remains poor. Many of these tumours are chemosensitive but most chemotherapeutic regimens are limited by their haematological toxicities. Much attention is now focused on mega-dose chemotherapy followed by stem cell rescue in the treatment of disseminated neuroblastoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, germ cell tumour and brain tumours. There is a preferential shift towards peripheral blood stem cell transplantation instead of bone marrow transplantation because of its advantages of faster engraftment, decreased transfusion and antibiotic usage and shortened hospitalisation. This mode of therapy is dependent on technologies including peripheral blood stem cell harvesting, cell cryopreservation and thawing. These technologies were recently made available in Malaysia and we report our early experience.