This is a study of patients referred to the Scoliosis Service of Hospital Kuala Lumpur. Three hundred and thirty five (335) consecutive patients who were seen between 1985 and 2000 were reviewed to determine the presentation of scoliosis, the treatment received and the compliance to follow up. Data were determined by measuring the frontal spinal radiographs. Two hundred and ninety eight (298) patients met inclusion criteria. Idiopathic scoliosis accounted for 203 patients (68.1%), 31 (10.4%) were neuromuscular scoliosis; and 44 (14.8%) had congenital scoliosis. Twenty-five point five percent of patients had surgery, 10.4% were treated with brace, while the remaining 69.1% of patients were observed, or had no treatment at all. Congenital scoliosis patients had better compliance compared to idiopathic or neuromuscular scoliosis patients.
We conducted a retrospective study of 3 years duration beginning from the 1st January 1997 to the 31st December 1999 in order to identify the epidemiology of major limb amputations in Seremban Hospital. Two hundred and four patients were included in this study out of which 65.7% were male and 34.3% were female. The mean age of the amputees was 39.7 years old. Non traumatic amputations constitute 85.8% of the cases mainly due to diabetic ulcers or gangrene (91%) followed by peripheral vascular disease (7%) and malignancy (2%). Traumatic amputations represent 14.2% of the cases with road-traffic accident as the major cause (82.8%) followed by industrial accident (17.2%). Lower limb amputations were performed in 97.5% of the cases with below knee amputations as the commonest procedure (72%), followed by above knee amputations (27%) and Syme amputations (1%). Five patients had upper limb amputations done. Four of them were below elbow amputations while one had forequarter amputation done of the left shoulder. Of note, there were increasing number of amputations done over the last three years with alarming increasing trends of traumatic amputation. The three main risk factors for major limb amputations are diabetes mellitus, male gender and road traffic accident.
The Pedriolle torsion meter is an established method of vertebral rotation assessment in scoliosis. However, the assessment of scoliosis by this method is static and indirect. The objective of this study is to compare the accuracy of a direct method of assessing scoliosis rotation by fluoroscopy compared to the Pedriolle torsion meter. Secondly, to determine that vertebral body rotation changes with supine posture compared to erect position. Eight volunteers with idiopathic scoliosis were assessed for the apical vertebral rotation with this method and the Pedriolle torsion meter. These patients were also assessed in the supine and erect position with the fluoroscopic method to determine if the apical vertebral rotation would change with posture. The mean Cobb angle of the curves was 62.8 degrees (range 45 degrees to 86 degrees). The mean apical vertebral rotation in a standing position was assessed to be 21.5 degrees by Pedriolle torsion meter and 29 degrees by the fluoroscopic method. This difference was not statistically significant by the student t-test. In most patient, the rotation of vertebrae improved by a varying degree ranging from none to 24 degrees in the supine position. In conclusion, the fluoroscopic method is an alternate mean of measuring vertebrae rotation in idiopathic scoliosis, with comparable accuracy to the Pedriolle torsion meter method. The amount of vertebral rotation changes with posture of the patient.
We studied the curve progression of untreated curves presenting to the Scoliosis Service of Hospital Kuala Lumpur. One hundred and fifty-two (152) patients were included in this study. The median rate of curve progression of idiopathic scoliosis curves was 7.03 degrees per year, for neuromuscular scoliosis curves was 17.39 degrees per year; and congenital scoliosis curves were 3.67 degrees per year. These rates are similar to the reported rates in the literature. Data for sixty-one (61) surgically treated patients were reviewed to determine the early curve correction of the curves of different aetiology. The mean age of surgery was 14.15 years old, the mean preoperative curve size was 71.61 degrees; and the mean postoperative curve size was 43.78 degrees. The mean duration of follow up after surgery was 2.44 years. The revision and removal of instrumentation rate was 8.3%.
A case of late reconstruction of the patellar tendon is reported. Besides partial loss of the tendon, the patient also had loss of the distal third of the patella. A rolled strip of fascia lata was used to reconstruct the tendon with tunnels through the patella. At the tenth month of follow-up, the result was deemed successful.
We report a case of a 12-year-old boy with acute compartment syndrome of the foot following a road-traffic accident. Due to the rarity of the injury, there was a delay in diagnosing the injury. An emergency fasciotomy was performed 19 hours after the injury. The foot healed with a mild extension contracture of the second toe.
A 14 year-old boy with an epiphyseal fracture of the distal right tibia and fibula developed compartment syndrome of the calf and foot. The diagnosis of compartment syndrome was delayed and a fasciotomy resulted in uncontrolled infection, which ultimately resulted in an above knee amputation. Constant vigilance is necessary in uncooperative or non-complaining patients to detect the signs and symptoms of compartment syndrome, even where the injury is not often associated with this complication. The difficulties in management, following a fasciotomy for delayed diagnosis of compartment syndrome, are discussed.
Neurotization of the brachial plexus is an established procedure in the upper limb. However, neurotization of the lower limb remains experimental. Brunelli reported the use of the ulnar nerve to neurotize the lower limb. Zhao et al reported the use of intercostals nerve to neurotize the lower limb in rats. The aim of the study was to determine the feasibility of using intercostals nerve to neurotize the femoral nerve in human cadavers and to ascertain the ideal intercostals nerve that has the anatomical course that suit this role. Six fresh cadaveric dissection were performed through an extensile midline incision in the postmortem room and the lower six (T7-T12) were identified and traced from their origin. Their length and course identified and charted. T9 and T10 intercostal nerve was thought to be the most suitable nerve as the donor nerve, and the T11 and T12 intercostal nerve could not be free from its intra-muscular course sufficiently to be use as donor.
Sixty-seven primary THR surgeries in 57 patients between January 1992 and December 1998 were reviewed after a mean follow-up of 35.9 months. The rate of superficial and deep wound infections were 11.9% and 1.5% respectively. The most common organism in superficial wound infection was Staphylococcus aureus. The factors that were significantly associated with superficial wound infection were diabetes mellitus (p= 0.0230) obesity (p=0.0088). The patients who developed superficial wound infection have a significantly longer duration of surgery compared to patients without infection (p=0.014). However, there was no significant difference between the mean age among patients with and without superficial wound infection (p=0.814).
Despite advancements in endoscopy and pharmacology in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease the overall mortality has remained constant at 10% for the past four decades. The aim of this study was to determine the age, gender, racial distribution, incidence and causes of endoscopically diagnosed cases of upper gastrointestinal (UGI) bleeding to summarise treatments undertaken and to report their outcome. A prospective study of UGI bleeding in 128 patients was performed in two surgical wards of Kuala Lumpur Hospital, involving both elective and emergency admissions. The study group comprised of 113 (88.2%) males and 15 (11.7%) females. The mean age was 51.9 years (range 14 to 85 years) and 37.5% (48 of 128 patients) were older than 60 years. The Indian race was over-represented in all disease categories. Smoking (50.1%), alcohol consumption (37.5%), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (17.2%), traditional remedies (5.5%), anti-coagulants (2.3%) and steroids (0.8%) were among the risk factors reported. Common presenting symptoms and signs included malaena (68.8%), haematemesis (59.4%) and fresh per rectal bleeding (33.6%). The commonest causes of UGI bleeding were duodenal ulcer (32%), gastric ulcer (29.7%), erosions (duodenal and gastric) (21.9%), oesophageal varices (10.9%) and malignancy (3.9%). UGI bleeding was treated non-surgically in 90.6% of cases. Blood transfusions were required in 62.6% (67/107) of peptic ulcer disease patients. Surgical intervention for bleeding peptic ulcer occurred in around 10% of cases and involved under-running of the bleeding vessel in most high risk duodenal and gastric ulcer patients. The overall mortality from bleeding peptic ulcer disease was 4.7%. Six patients died from torrential UGI haemorrhage soon after presentation, without the establishment of a cause. Active resuscitative protocols, early endoscopy, more aggressive interventional therapy, early surgery by more senior surgeons, increasing intensive care unit beds and more active participation of multidisciplinary teams in co-ordinating management are among remedial measures advocated. Broader educational preventive strategies should target the causes of UGI bleeding.
Thalassaemics in Malaysia are poorly chelated because desferrioxamine is too expensive and cumbersome for long term compliance. The efficacy and tolerability of the oral chelator deferiprone, and the effects of using a combination therapy in our patients were studied. Ten patients completed the study and the mean serum ferritin reduced from 7066.11 ug/L (2577-12,896 ug/L) to 3242.24 ug/L (955-6120 ug/L). The liver iron concentration did not show a significant drop (19.6 vs 18.2 mg/g dry weight) although 3 patients showed reductions ranging from 30-40%. Concomitant use of desferrioxamine increased the urinary excretion from a mean of 13.66 mg/day to 27.38 mg/day. Main side effects seen were nausea and rashes.
This is a prospective study of clinical questions generated in primary care consultations and a comparison of two approaches to answering those clinical questions. Twenty-one doctors in a university-based primary care clinic submitted 78 clinical questions arising from patient consultations during 24 clinic days (0.01 question per patient encounter). These doctors subsequently found answers to 40% of their questions but were satisfied with only 67% of these answers. The investigators were able to provide answers for 95% of the questions asked and the doctors rated these answers as satisfactory in 86% of instances. Answers obtained by investigators had significantly higher satisfaction score than those obtained by doctors' search (p = 0.002). The two main findings of this study are (1) almost all questions arising in clinic setting could be answered by intensive search; (2) answers found by intensive searches were judged to be more satisfactory than those found routinely by doctors. Provision of an information retrieval service in addition to training in the searching and appraisal of medical literature are possible solutions to the information needs of busy clinicians.
Study site: Primary Care Clinic,
University Hospital Kuala Lumpur i
One of the main reasons for poor response in organ donation is the lack of positive attitudes and knowledge present in health care professionals. Definite legislation, policies and programmes dealing with brain death and cadaveric organ transplantation have shown some favourable results in terms of increasing donor rates. These programmes are mainly Western based; therefore adopting such programmes to be used locally may not be adequate or proper. To address this issue, we decided to carry out a questionnaire in two tertiary hospitals in Malaysia, one with a well establish brain death and cadaveric organ transplantation programme and one with none.
Intrahepatic stones remain a major source of morbidity and mortality. With improving techniques in hepatobiliary surgery, the management and the outcome of intrahepatic calculi is reviewed. Forty-nine cases referred from all over Malaysia between January 1993 to June 1996 were analyzed retrospectively. There were thirty-two females and seventeen males. The median age was 46 years. Biliary diseases encountered in association with intrahepatic calculi included benign strictures (n = 14), ascariasis (n = 3), cholangiocarcinoma (n = 1), Caroli's disease (n = 1), and thalassaemia, (n = 1), fifty-six percent of stones were located in both the intrahepatic ducts while 34% were found in the left intrahepatic duct. Thirty-one patients underwent common bile duct exploration either alone or in combination with liver resection or bilioenteric anastomosis. Despite the various combinations of surgical and non-surgical intervention 28 (57.1%) patients had residual stones. Despite the availability of newer techniques in hepatobiliary surgery, residual stones were common, resulting in higher treatment costs.
Aim: To explore the safety and feasibility of coronary angioplasty and stenting via the radial artery in a heterogenous group of patients and to report the immediate and 3-month clinical follow-up.
Background: The use of the transradial approach for coronary angiography was first described by Lucien Campeau in 1989. Based on the favorable initial results, this technique has gained widespread acceptance worldwide. Ferdinand Kiemeneij’s work in transradial angioplasty and stenting has taken invasive cardiology into the exciting new era of “minimally invasive coronary intervention”.
Methods and results: Fifty consecutive patients underwent Transradial Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) with or without stenting from mid March 98 – December 98. The right radial approach was utilized in 41 patients (80%) while the left in 9 patients. Ninety percent of the procedures was done on an adhoc basis. Diabetes mellitus was present in 38% of patients. Eighty percent of the patients had unstable angina pectoris and 60% had a prior history of acute myocardial infarction. The commonest vessel involved was the LAD (41%) and type B lesions predominated (54%). PTCA was successful in 96%. One patient had a total LAD occlusion, which could not be wired, and another developed severe spasm during catheter manipulation. The latter ad successful PTCA via the right femoral route Stents were utilized in 57% of patients. The commonest indication for stenting was suboptimal PTCA results (89%) and dissection (14%). There was no stent embolization and all stents were successfully deployed (100%). One patient developed acute stent thrombosis necessitating repeat PTCA and another patient sustained an acute anteroseptal myocardial infarction 5 days post procedure as a result of subacute stent thrombosis and died. Two patients had successful primary PTCA. There was no bleeding or vascular complications. 60% of patients were treated on an outpatient basis. At 3-months follow up 1 patient required CABG’s for disease progression. Three patients had absent radial pulses without adverse consequence. No patient required repeat PTCA at follow up.
Conclusion: In summary, adhoc PTCA and stenting is safe and feasible in our patient population. A study on the cost effectiveness of the procedure compared to conventional femoral PTCA is warranted.
Colonoscopy is an integral part of the clinician armamentarium in the diagnosis of colorectal cancer and its precursor, the adenoma. Polypoid lesions when identified can be excised at colonoscopy and in turn reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. We prospectively evaluated the yield of colorectal cancer and adenomatous polyps by indication for colonoscopy over a one-year period. A total of 375 colonoscopies were carried out. The more common indications of colonoscopy were rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, surveillance of colorectal cancer and altered bowel habit. The highest yield for cancer was for rectal bleeding with 12.5% while surveillance of patients with a history of polyps yielded the highest percentage of new polyps. We conclude that rectal bleeding as an indication for colonoscopy yielded the highest number of cancers.
In a cross-sectional study of 21 children with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, 15 (71%) were found to have neuropsychiatric manifestations. The most common finding was generalised seizures (42.8%) followed by encephalopathy (19%) and hallucinations (19%). One child (4.76%) had hemichorea. In 3 children neurological manifestations were the first symptom of SLE. Computerised Axial Tomograms (CAT scans) showed cerebral atrophy in 7 of 12 scans available for review. Ten children had abnormal EEGs. Although none of the children had clinical evidence of a peripheral neuropathy, 8 had neurophysiological evidence of a neuropathy. One child died of intracranial haemorrhage. Six children had residual neuropsychiatric sequalae.