Zoonotic onchocerciasis is a human infection caused by Onchocerca species of animal origins and transmitted by black fly vectors. The reported incidence of this disease has increased throughout the world. This study aims to clarify the vectorial roles of black fly species in zoonotic filarial transmission in Tak province, western Thailand. The integrated approach of morphological and DNA sequence-based analyses was used to identify species of both wild-caught female black flies and infective filarial larvae found in the infected black flies. All of 494 female black flies captured were identified as Simulium nigrogilvum, through scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and DNA sequence analyses based on the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and subunit II (COII), and the fast-evolving nuclear elongation complex protein 1 (ECP1) genes. Four females of S. nigrogilvum harbored one to three third-stage larvae (infective larvae) in their thoraces, with an infection rate of 0.81% (4/494). All infective larvae were similar in morphology and size to one another, being identified as Onchocerca species type I (= O. sp. type A), a bovine filaria, originally reported from Japan, and also as O. sp. found in S. nodosum in Thailand, based on their body lengths and widths being 1,068-1,346 µm long by 25-28 µm wide, and morphological characters. Comparisons of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and 12S rRNA sequences of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and phylogenetic analyses with those of previous reports strongly supported that all larvae were O. sp. type I. This report is the first indicating the presence of O. sp. type I in Thailand and its vector being S. nigrogilvum.
We investigated the phylogeography of the smooth-coated otter (Lutrogale perspicillata) to determine its spatial genetic structure for aiding an adaptive conservation management of the species. Fifty-eight modern and 11 archival (dated 1882-1970) otters sampled from Iraq to Malaysian Borneo were genotyped (mtDNA Cytochrome-b, 10 microsatellite DNA loci). Moreover, 16 Aonyx cinereus (Asian small-clawed otter) and seven Lutra lutra (Eurasian otter) were sequenced to increase information available for phylogenetic reconstructions. As reported in previous studies, we found that L. perspicillata, A. cinereus and A. capensis (African clawless otter) grouped in a clade sister to the genus Lutra, with L. perspicillata and A. cinereus being reciprocally monophyletic. Within L. perspicillata, we uncovered three Evolutionarily Significant Units and proved that L. p. maxwelli is not only endemic to Iraq but also the most recent subspecies. We suggest a revision of the distribution range limits of easternmost L. perspicillata subspecies. We show that smooth-coated otters in Singapore are L. perspicillata x A. cinereus hybrids with A. cinereus mtDNA, the first reported case of hybridization in the wild among otters. This result also provides evidence supporting the inclusion of L. perspicillata and A. cinereus in the genus Amblonyx, thus avoiding the paraphyly of the genus Aonyx.
Tuberculosis-associated immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (TB-IRIS) complicates combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) in up to 25% of patients with HIV/TB coinfection. Monocytes and IL-18, a signature cytokine of inflammasome activation, are implicated in TB-IRIS pathogenesis. In this study, we investigated inflammasome activation both pre- and post-cART in TB-IRIS patients. HIV/TB patients exhibited higher proportions of monocytes expressing activated caspase-1 (casp1) pre-cART, compared with HIV patients without TB, and patients who developed TB-IRIS exhibited the greatest increase in casp1 expression. CD64(+) monocytes were a marker of increased casp1 expression. Furthermore, IL-1β, another marker of inflammasome activation, was also elevated during TB-IRIS. TB-IRIS patients also exhibited greater upregulation of NLRP3 and AIM2 inflammasome mRNA, compared with controls. Analysis of plasma mitochondrial DNA levels showed that TB-IRIS patients experienced greater cell death, especially pre-cART. Plasma NO levels were lower both pre- and post-cART in TB-IRIS patients, providing evidence of inadequate inflammasome regulation. Plasma IL-18 levels pre-cART correlated inversely with NO levels but positively with monocyte casp1 expression and mitochondrial DNA levels, and expression of IL-18Rα on CD4(+) T cells and NK cells was higher in TB-IRIS patients, providing evidence that IL-18 is a marker of inflammasome activation. We propose that inflammasome activation in monocytes/macrophages of HIV/TB patients increases with ineffective T cell-dependent activation of monocytes/macrophages, priming them for an excessive inflammatory response after cART is commenced, which is greatest in patients with TB-IRIS.
Objective: To review and present the most distinct concepts on the association of reactive oxygen species (ROS) with male reproduction. Methods: The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines were used to search PubMed, Medline, EMBASE, and the Cochrane electronic databases for studies investigating the role of oxidative stress (OS) on sperm function. Results: The literature search yielded 1857 studies, of which 1791 articles were excluded because of irrelevance of data, non-English language, non-human nature or because they were case reports or commentaries. All included studies were reviews (46), meta-analyses (one), original research studies (18) and guideline articles (one). The studies were published between 1984 and 2018. Under normal physiological conditions, ROS are vital for sperm maturation, hyperactivation, capacitation, acrosome reaction, as well as fertilisation. However, a number of endogenous and exogenous causes may induce supra-physiological levels of ROS resulting in lipid peroxidation, sperm DNA fragmentation and apoptosis, and consequently infertility. Several laboratory testing methods can be used in infertile men to diagnose OS. Treatment usually involves antioxidant supplementation and, when possible, elimination of the causative factor. Conclusion: OS is an important cause of male factor infertility. Its assessment provides essential information that can guide treatment strategies aimed at improving the male's reproductive potential. Abbreviations: bp: base-pair; CAT: catalase; LPO: lipid peroxidation; MDA: malondialdehyde; MiOXSYS: Male Infertility Oxidative System; mtDNA: mitochondrial DNA; NAD(PH): nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (phosphate); NO: nitric oxide; 8-OHdG: 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine; ORP: oxidation-reduction potential; OS: oxidative stress; PKA: protein kinase A; PLA2: phospholipase A2; PRISMA: Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses; PUFA: poly-unsaturated fatty acid; ROS: reactive oxygen species; SOD: superoxide dismutase; TAC: total antioxidant capacity; TBA: thiobarbituric acid.