A 3-month-old Malay male infant presented with multiple infections (candidiasis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Cytomegalovirus), persistent pneumonia, intractable diarrhoea and failure to thrive. There was lymphopaenia affecting both T and B subsets. He developed Graft versus Host disease weeks following transfusion with non irradiated blood. In spite of aggressive microbicidal and supportive therapy including regular immunoglobulin infusions, the child succumbed to infection before a bone marrow transplant could be instituted.
Primary non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the brain is rare. Majority of the lesions are intraaxial, multicentric and involve the leptomeninges. We report a case of malignant primary non-Hodgkin's lymphoma arising from the cranial vault. Computed tomography of the brain showed an extraaxial lesion in the right parietal region mimicking a meningioma.
Oxygen consumption values calculated by Fick's principle (cVO2) were compared to simultaneously obtained values measured by indirect calorimetry (mVO2) in two groups of patients; post-coronary artery bypass graft (post-CABG) and septic shock. In both groups of patients, oxygen consumption values derived using indirect calorimetry were higher than that from Fick's principle. Whilst the bias obtained between the two methods of measurement were of acceptable amount clinically, the limits of agreement were wide: -57 to 51 ml.min-1.m-2 in the post-CABG group and -101 to 67 ml.min-1.m-2 in the group of septic patients; indicating that significant differences exist between paired individual values such that cVO2 and mVO2 were not interchangeable in this study.
Blood glucose concentration was measured in 100 children immediately before and during surgery. These children were randomly assigned to receive either lactated Ringer's (LR) solution or 5% dextrose in lactated Ringer's (5%D/LR) intraoperatively as maintenance and replacement fluids. Blood samples were taken immediately after induction of anaesthesia and at 1/2, 1, 1.5, 2 and subsequent hours. Blood glucose concentration was assayed by a reflectance meter. None of the patients was noted to be hypoglycaemic pre- and intraoperatively. Intraoperative blood glucose concentration increased significantly (p < 0.05) from preoperative levels for both groups of children but the increase in those that received 5%D/LR was significantly greater (p < 0.05) than those who received LR. The number of children who were hyperglycaemic during surgery was also greater in those who received 5% dextrose in lactated Ringer's as their intraoperative fluid. These data suggest that lactated Ringer's alone is a safe and appropriate fluid for intraoperative fluid therapy in children.
The finding of a supernumerary or marker chromosome in a karyotype poses difficulty in genetic counselling. The true incidence and significance of this chromosomal aberration is unknown in Malaysia. We report two patients who presented with supernumerary chromosomes in mosaic Turner syndrome.
Appendicitis in pregnancy has a well documented high morbidity due to the difficulty in diagnosis. However, synchronous ectopic pregnancy and appendicitis is a rare event. This report describes the case of a 22-year-old lady of Bangladeshi origin who presented with both these conditions. The importance of prompt diagnosis and early surgical intervention, the inherent difficulties in diagnosis and the possible interrelated aetiological factors are discussed.
The reactions of 117 parents to the febrile seizure experienced by their children; and their fears and worries were investigated. A standard questionnaire was used and clinical information was abstracted from the notes. In 88.9% of the cases, the adult present at the seizure was one of the parents usually the mother. Most of the parents (66.7%) did tepid sponging to bring the fever down but a third tried to open the clenched teeth of the child. The adults present placed the child supine in 62.9%, on the side in 9.5% and prone in 6.0%. Over half of the parents brought the child to a private clinic first before bringing to hospital. A fifth of the children were given antipyretics by the parent or the doctor and an anticonvulsant was given in 7.7% of cases. Interestingly, in 12% of children traditional treatment was given for the seizure. Three quarters of the parents knew that the febrile seizure was caused by high fever (which we have taken as the correct knowledge of febrile seizure). However "ghosts" and "spirits" were blamed as the cause of the seizure by 7% of parents. Factors significantly associated with correct knowledge were higher parental education and higher family income. The most common fear expressed was that the child might be dead or might die from the seizure (70.9%). Fear of death was associated with low paternal education. We concluded that the majority of our parents had reacted appropriately to a febrile seizure and their knowledge of the cause of febrile seizure was generally correct. Their fears and worries were similar to those elsewhere. However, traditional beliefs and practices may have to be taken into consideration during counselling.
The main objective of this study is to illustrate the role of ductography in the management of nipple discharge. Thirty-six patients had ductography for the investigation of blood-stained or serous nipple discharge. The ductogram findings were reviewed. Ductography showed an intraductal lesion in 13 patients, duct ectasia in 16 and normal ducts in 7. Fourteen patients had surgery. Eight had preoperative ductography using a mixture of methylene blue and contrast media. Histology revealed 5 cases of duct papilloma, 2 cases of epithelial hyperplasia, 4 cases of fibrocystic change and 3 cases of duct ectasia. Twenty had follow-up without surgery and of these, the nipple discharge ceased in 11 patients. Two patients did not come for follow-up. Ductography has a significant role in the management of nipple discharge. Firstly, surgery might be averted in patients with normal ducts or duct ectasia on ductography. Secondly, intraductal methylene blue will demonstrate the abnormal ductal system to the surgeon and allow for a less radical surgery.
This is the first report in South East Asia of a singleton frozen embryo donation pregnancy for hypergonadotrophic hypogonadism. The hormonal profile was compared with that of a control group of normal uncomplicated singleton pregnancies in Singapore. The plasma beta hCG levels were lower compared to those of our normal uncomplicated singleton pregnancies at 2 to 3 weeks after the embryo transfer but became comparable at 4 to 5 weeks after embryo transfer. The successful vaginal delivery and the obstetric complications developed in this case are discussed.
Extra pelvic endometriosis is rare and its presentation is varied. A case of pulmonary and umbilical endometriosis which presented as catamenial pneumothorax is presented. Due to poor response to medical treatment, a total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy was done to relieve the patient of her recurrent symptoms.
Giardiasis, a gastrointestinal disease caused by Giardia intestinalis is endemic in Malaysia. The prevalence rate has been reported to range from 1.4% to 11.1%. The present study was undertaken between 1992-1994 in three health districts in three states viz. Pahang, Negeri Sembilan and Selangor. Seven thousand five hundred and fifty seven (7557) primary school children between the ages of 6-12 years from the lower socio-economic groups were screened. The prevalence was 0.21%. The study suggests that improved water supply, toilet facilities and sanitation have lowered the prevalence of a waterborne disease in the areas surveyed.
This is a prospective observational study of the outcome of 80 cases of external cephalic version (ECV) at term using terbutaline infusion. There were 55 primiparas and 25 multiparas. The successful ECV rate was 44% and 85% respectively. The majority (82%) of the patients with successful ECV delivered vaginally. Parity and type of breech were the two significant factors in the success of the procedure.
In this part of Malaysia, consent of splenectomy is virtually unobtainable, so we studied the outcome of ITP without this treatment option. Thirty-two adult patients were seen, but 7 defaulted before therapy evaluation. Of the remaining 25, 17 achieved a complete remission with prednisolone, but in only 8 was this prolonged. Twelve patients, who failed to respond to prednisolone or who required > 15 mg/day as maintenance, were offered splenectomy, but all fused. Of these 12: one has died from an intracranial haemorrhage; three others have defaulted while on no treatment with platelet counts of < 16 x 10(9)/1; one has had a baby who died from intracranial bleeding. The other seven patients have platelet counts ranging from 4 - 202 x 10(9)/1 with moderate bleeding on doses of prednisolone of 0-60 mg/day: long-term corticosteroid side-effect are evident in all but one of them. This study demonstrates that ITP patients who refuse splenectomy have a high morbidity.
A retrospective six-month study of serum calcium and albumin in patients treated at the Kuala Lumpur Hospital was carried out. There were 19,291 subjects, of which the prevalences of hypocalcemia (corrected serum calcium of < or = 2.1 mmol/l) and hypercalcemia (corrected serum calcium of > 2.7 mmol/l) were 18.0% (3460 subjects) and 2.4% (468 subjects) respectively. Persistent hypocalcemia (a minimum of first two consecutive corrected serum calcium of < or = 2.1 mmol/l) was found in 408/19,291 subjects 2.1%). Serum calcium values of < 2.00 mmol/l were found in 98.5% of this group. Persistent hypercalcemia (a minimum of first two consecutive corrected serum calcium of > 2.7 mmol/l) was found in 108/19,291 subjects (0.5%) and 52/108 subjects (48.1%) had serum calcium values of > or = 3.0 mmol/l. 2902/3460 subjects (83.8%) and 313/468 subjects (66.9%) the hypocalcemia and hypercalcemia groups respectively failed to be retested (singletons). In the hypocalcemia group, 1115/2902 (38.4%) showed corrected serum calcium values of < 2.00 mmol/l), whilst 100/313 subjects (31.9%) of the hypercalcemia group had corrected serum calcium values of > or = 3.00 mmol/l. There were no significant differences between the mean corrected serum calcium between 3 age groups of the test population, namely in childhood ( < or = 65 years).
This prospective survey attempt to study the incidence of post-operative back pain after lumbar epidural anesthesia for non-obstetric patterns and the correlation of this symptom with various contributing factors. One hundred and five patients who were given lumbar epidural anaesthesia as the sole anaesthesia for non-obstetric surgery were studied. The choice of equipment, number of attempts at giving the injection, duration of surgery and position of patient during surgery were documented. One week post-operatively, the patients were asked whether they recalled any back pain. The nature, duration and severity of the back pain was documented. Statistical analysis was achieved by using Chi-squared test. Twenty-eight patients recalled "injection site tenderness" post-operatively. The pain was mild to moderate in severity and lasted up to 4 days. None of the studied patients had post-operative "backache". The pain showed no significant correlation with needle size, technique of injection, use of epidural catheter, patient's position during surgery, duration and number of attempts made during epidural injection.
Author reply to: Chia CP. Low birth weight babies. Med J Malaysia. 1995 Mar;50(1):120.
Comment on: Yadav H. Low birth weight incidence in Lundu, Sarawak. Med J Malaysia. 1994 Jun;49(2):164-8.