Parapharyngeal abscess is a serious medical condition that may lead to life-threatening complications. Its incidence has dramatically decreased since the advent of antibiotics. We report two cases of parapharyngeal abscesses in immunocompromised patients. We believe that early diagnosis, broad-spectrum antibiotics, surgery and pus drainage can prevent serious complications.
Sexual dysfunction is highly prevalent in gynaecological cancer patients. Most of the time, sexual dysfunction in gynaecological cancer is underdiagnosed as there is overlapping of symptoms with other psychological morbidities, interplaying of multiple risks, patients’ reluctance to complain or incompetence of health care provider to assess. Determining the risk factors of sexual dysfunction in cancer patients enables us to pay more attention to those who are vulnerable and to device strategies for early detection, prevention and treatment of sexual dysfunction in them. The main aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of sexual dysfunction and its risk factors in gynaecological cancer patients in Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah, Alor Star, Malaysia. Sexual function of eighty-three gynaecological cancer patients who were married were assessed with self-rated MVFSFI (Malay version Female Sexual Function Index). Self-rated WHOQOL-BREF (World Health Organization- Quality of Life- 26) which assessed the domains of quality of life was used while MINI (Mini International Neuropsychiatry Interview) was used for diagnosis of major depressive disorder. The prevalence of sexual dysfunction among the married gynaecological cancer patients was 65% (54/83). Sexual dysfunction was significantly associated with low education level (OR 3.055, CI 1.009-9.250), shorter duration of cancer (OR 0.966, CI 0.966- 0.998), ongoing chemotherapy (OR 3.045, CI 1.149-8.067), pain perception (OR 3.230, CI 1.257-8.303), absence of sexual intercourse for more than one month (OR 1.862) and three domains of quality of life such as physical health, psychological health and social relationship (OR 0.942, CI 0.908-0.978; OR 0.955, CI 0.916-0.995; OR 0.933, CI 0.894-0.973, respectively). However, sexual dysfunction was not associated with major depressive disorder (χ2 ² = 1.224, p = 0.268). The prevalence of sexual dysfunction in gynaecological cancer patients was comparable to other studies of similar population. Since, the risk factors of sexual dysfunction in gynaecological cancer patients are multidimensional, the process of assessment and management need to be holistic and patient-oriented.
The primary objective of the present study was to investigate the impact of sociodemographic factors on smoking and alcohol consumption among adults in Penang (Malaysia). A cross-sectional primary survey data with 398 respondents was used for analysis. The present study applied logistic regression models to examine the factors affecting the odds of smoking and alcohol consumption. The results showed that gender, ethnicity and education could significantly affect smoking. In particular, males (OR: 26.678) had a higher likelihood of smoking compared to the females, whereas Chinese (OR: 0.177), Indians/others (OR: 0.331) and individuals with tertiary education (OR: 0.258) had a lower likelihood of smoking than others. In terms of alcohol, gender, ethnicity and marital status were found to have a significant influence on the likelihood of alcohol consumption. Specifically, males (OR: 5.051), Chinese (OR: 37.796) and Indians/others (OR: 10.863) were more likely to consume alcohol than others, while married individuals (OR: 0.380) were less likely to consume alcohol than unmarried individuals. Based on the findings of the present study, numerous population-based intervention measures were suggested.
Ventilated patients who require intensive care unit (ICU) treatment may encounter unpleasant experiences. These experiences may include factual incidents and delusional memories of ICU such as dreams, hallucinations and frightening experiences. A cross sectional study using “Intensive Care Experience Questionnaire” consisted of four domains: awareness of surrounding, frightening experiences, recall of experience and satisfaction with nursing care. Forty five participants who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were recruited in this study. This study was conducted in ICU of HUKM from January to March 2006. Results showed that 20 respondents (44%) were aware of their surrounding and 31 respondents (69%) reported frightening experiences. Majority of respondents (43 respondents, 96%) reported satisfaction with the delivery of nursing care. There was positive correlation between awareness of surrounding and their abilities to recall their experiences (p
The art of talking to patients and their relatives does not come naturally to most of us and the ability to put oneself in the patients’ predicament is difficult particularly for the young doctors. To identify the communication abilities of the young doctors, a cross sectional study was carried out on 32 house officers who graduated from UKM in 2004 during their house jobs at different hospitals in Malaysia. A standardized questionnaire was used to collect the data. Fifty nine percent respondents claimed that they had communicated very well with patients while 69% with support staff and 88% with peers. On the other hand 38% and 41% of the respondents claimed they communicated very well with their superiors and families of patients. Only 22% of the graduates’ skills of communication in breaking bad news were very well, while 50% and 81% were very well in counselling patients and taking consent for procedures. Curriculum planners need to emphasize the importance ofdeveloping good communication skills in all aspects for the future doctors.
Cancers of the breast and cervix made up 30.4% and 12% of all cancer cases in Malaysia. Thus screening for reproductive organ cancers as women approached menopause becomes exceedingly important. The study reports the baseline assessment tests of 495 disease free urban Malaysian women aged 45 years and above who volunteered in a healthy lifestyle intervention study. The sample comprised of 58.0% premenopaused and 42.0% postmenopaused women with an average age of 51.27±5.35 years old. Over two thirds were Chinese followed by Malays and Indians. Overall, abnormal Pap smears were seen in 7.6% comprising of 1.3% cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), 6.1% human papilloma virus (HPV) infection and 0.2% atypical squmous cells of undetermined significances (ASCUS). Yeast and other infections were found in 6.9% and 1.9% respectively. Comparatively, postmenopausal women had a 2.8 fold higher cancerous changes whereas premenopausal women had a higher infection rate, 11.8% vs. 4.7% respectively (p=0.024) with comparable HPV infection rates in both. This study found 1.3% had breast cancer (BC) with 3.6% requiring a biopsy while 3.4% needed regular follow up. Postmenopaused women had more abnormal mammograms (p
This is a cross-sectional study on 218 pregnant mothers in an urban government Hospital.The study aimed to assess knowledge, attitudes and sources of information on breastfeeding. The results could be utilised to promote breastfeeding. Almost all the respondents (96.8%) intended to breastfeed their newborns. Most of them (74.8%) were knowledgeable about breastfeeding i.e. colostrum and breast milk was the best food, good for resistance against disease and allergy, filling up stomach easily, helpful in teeth development and maternal recovery after birth, increased bonding, was easy and economical. The two main misconceptions were mothers would stop breastfeeding when infant or mother was sick, and giving clear fluid to the exclusively breastfed infants to prevent dehydration. Most mothers (83.9%) responded positively towards breastfeeding i.e. it was easier than infant formula, had no negative effect on marital relationship or family care, would commence breastfeeding straight after delivery, agreeable to the banning of bottles and teats in hospital and they would not stop breastfeeding even if husband discouraged them. Only 56.9% of the mothers believed they could breastfeed their babies with modesty anywhere. The main sources of information were attained from the mass media (34.9%), antenatal class (32.1%) and other mothers with breastfeeding experiences.
A study was carried out on 79 female telephone operators working in a Telecommunication Centre in Kuala Lumpur to determine the prevalence of Work Related Upper Limb Disorders (WRULD) and its risk factors. Data collection for this study was done between December 2000 and May 2001. The presence of WRULD was determined based on a guided questionnaire and physical examination. The response rate for this study was 94.9% (n= 75) and results showed that the prevalence of WRULD among the female telephone operators was 48.0%: Stage 1= 38.9%, Stage 2= 19.4%, Stage 3= 38.9%, Stage 4= 0% and Stage 5= 2.8%. In the telecommunication centre, it was found that those with WRULD had a mean of 11.59±9.09 years of employment duration whereas those without WRULD had a mean of 9.89 ± 8.48 years of employment duration. None of the factors studied such as Body Mass Index, age, ethnicity, menstrual cycle, hormone replacement therapy, overtime work, duration of employment in the present unit and in the telecommunication center differ in distribution between subjects with and without WRULD. This could be contributed by factors such as small number of subjects or the common healthy worker effect found in occupational health research. The findings studied of this study show that almost 40.0% of the workers experienced pain and neurological symptoms. Since none of the factors was found to be associated with WRULD, an elaborate study with a case-control design is needed in order to match cases and enable researchers to control the effect of confounding factors. This will ensure risk factors pertinent to WRULD in the Malaysian setting to be identified.
One of the most important cervical cancer risk factors is human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. The p53 gene is one of the most important targets of the HPV E6 gene. E6 protein has the ability to stimulate p53 degradation, inhibits several functions of wild-type p53 and it competes with its function including suppression of malignant growth. The aim of this study is to determine the differences in p53 expressions in pre-malignant and malignant cervical neoplasms. This is a retrospective study on 100 cases of cervical neoplasms. There were 21 cases of CIN 1, 8 cases of CIN 2, 25 cases of CIN 3, 36 cases of squamous cell carcinoma, 7 cases of adenocarcinoma and 3 cases of adenosquamouscarcinoma. All cases were evaluated by immunohistochemistry using p53 monoclonalantibody. Thirty six of the 54 pre-malignant cases (66.7%) were positive for p53 protein, n contrast to the malignant cases in which, 40 of the 46 cases (87.0%) were positive. he majority of CIN showed absent to focal staining (29/54, 53.7%). In contrast, 84.8% (39/46( of the invasive carcinoma showed regional to diffuse staining. The expression of p53 is greater in the malignant cervical neoplasms than the pre-malignant cervical lesions, suggesting that p53 overexpression is not an early phenomenon in the pathogenesis of cervical cancer. It is also shown to be slightly higher in percentage in CIN 2 and 3 when compared with CIN 1. However, a number of cases were p53 negative, suggesting that other factors may be involved and further HPV studies are indicated.
Proper management of chronic otitis media may reduce the incidence of otogenic brain abscess. The aim of this study was to describe the clinical profile, treatment and surgical outcome of patients presenting with otogenic brain abscess. The medical record of patients in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) with otogenic brain abscess were retrospectively analyzed from January 1997-January 2006. Within this eriod we had approximately 10,800 of follow up cases of chronic otitis media (COM) in our clinic. Ten patients (2 females, 8 males) with an average age of 42 (age range 11 to 69 years) were identified with otogenic brain abscess and included in this study. The mean follow-up period was 14 months. All patients had cholesteatoma. All patients had a history of chronic ear discharge, headache, otalgia and fever. Six of the 10 patients had cerebellar abscess and 4 had temporal lobe abscess. Cerebellar signs were present in 3 patients All the patients were treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics. In 5 patients, mastoid exploration was the primary surgical treatment and the brain abscesses were treated conservatively. In the other 5 patients, craniotomy and drainage were performed followed by mastoid exploration when their neurological conditions had stabilized. All our patients had uneventful recovery. There were no permanent cerebellar signs during the follow up and no mortality reported in our series. In this series we demonstrated that early diagnosis and proper treatment of otogenic abscess leads to good neurological outcome.
This is a cross sectional study examining quality of life in relation to coping styles among patients with Schizophrenia (N=92) in remission, from June 2002 to December 2002.Remission state is determined by Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS). The psychiatric diagnosis was made by treating psychiatrist using the Clinical Interview Schedule for the DSM-IV Diagnosis. They are subsequently asked to complete demographic and clinical data questionnaire and followed by 36-item short-form health survey (SF-36) of the Medical Outcome Study (MOS) for the assessment of quality of life and the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situation (CISS). The QOL in term of overall mental health among patients with schizophrenia was significantly and positively associated with ethnic group (p
Turner syndrome is one of the most common chromosomal abnormalities affecting newborn females. More than half of patients with Turner syndrome have a 45X karyotype The rest of the patients may have structurally abnormal sex chromosomes or are mosaics with normal or abnormal sex chromosomes. Mosaicism with a second X sex chromosome is not usually of clinical significance. However, Turner syndrome patients having a second Y chromosome or Y chromosomal material are at risk of developing gonadoblastoma later in life. The aim of this study is to compare the results of conventional (karyotyping) and molecular cytogenetics (FISH), and discuss the advantages and limitations in the diagnosis of Turner syndrome. We also aim to compare the degree of mosaicism identified using conventional cytogenetics and FISH techniques. Conventional cytogenetics and FISH analyses were performed on eight peripheral blood samples of patients with Turner syndrome collected between 2004 and 2006. From this study, two out of eight patients with Turner syndrome were found to have the sex determining region on the Y chromosome (SRY) gene by FISH analysis. Our results showed that the rate of detection of mosaic cases in Turner syndrome was also increased to 88% after using the FISH technique. We concluded that FISH is more superior to conventional cytogenetics in the detection of the Y chromosomal material. FISH is also a quick and cost effective method in diagnosing Turner syndrome and assessing the degree of mosaicism.
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) is a rare tumour, accounting for approximately 3% of adult non-Hodgkin lymphomas.1 Primary systemic ALCL frequently involves both lymph nodes and extranodal sites. A 44-year-old woman presented with a firm, mobile mass in the left iliac fossa region. Ultrasound findings showed a well defined inhomogenous soft tissue mass, measuring 4x4x2.6cm in the deep subcutaneous region. Histopathological examination revealed that the mass was infiltrated by large lymphoid cells with marked nuclear atypia including kidney-shaped nuclei. These neoplastic cells expressed anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) (both nuclear & cytoplasmic staining), CD30 and EMA but not for T-cell (CD45RO and CD3), and B-cell (CD20 & CD79α) markers. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis showed a t(2;5)(p23;q35) chromosomal translocation. Subsequently the patient developed shortness of the breath and a thoracic computed tomography (CT) scan showed a mass encasing the right upper lobe bronchus. She also had bilateral axillary lymph nodes, measuring 1 cm in diameter (biopsy was not done). The mediastinum and endobronchial region did not show any abnormalities. She received 6 cycles of CHOP chemotherapy and remained disease free 2 years after diagnosis. ALCL, rarely present as a soft tissue tumour and this disease should be included as a differential diagnosis of any soft tissue mass.
This was a prospective randomized double blind controlled study to compare intubating conditions at 60 seconds with rocuronium 0.6 mg/kg by using three different induction techniques: propofol-placebo (PP), propofol-ephedrine (PE) and propofol-placebo-crystalloid (PC). Ninety patients were included and randomly allocated to receive one of the three combinations. The patients were induced using fentanyl 2 µg/kg, followed by propofol 2.5 mg/kg with normal saline as placebo (Group PP and Group PC) or ephedrine 70 µg/kg (Group PE) given over 30 seconds. Subsequently, rocuronium 0.6 mg/kg was given over five seconds and endotracheal intubations were performed 60 seconds later. Intubating conditions were clinically acceptable in all patients except in four patients in PP group, who had poor intubating conditions. The proportion of excellent intubating conditions was significantly highest in Group PE (94%) followed by Group PC (81%) and lowest in Group PP (50%). In conclusion, induction with propofol-ephedrine and propofol-placebo-crystalloid combinations rovided significantly better intubating conditions than propofol alone, when rocuronium 0.6 mg/kg was used for intubation at 60 seconds.
Placenta praevia is a known obstetric condition that causes complications to mother and fetus. This study was done to evaluate the knowledge of placenta praevia amongst the obstetric patients. A cross sectional study was carried out in Hospital Ipoh, Perak among 323 antenatal and postnatal patients. Socio-demographic parameters (ie age, race, parity, occupation, educational level) and history of placenta praevia were studied in relation to level of knowledge and attitude towards placenta praevia. Twenty (6.2%) from 323 women had current or past history of placenta praevia. Three had history of placenta praevia while 17 had current placenta praevia with prevalence of 5.3%. The mean score of knowledge achieved by patients was 11.8 which indicated overall poor knowledge. Occupation, level of education and history of placenta praevia were found to have a relationship with level of knowledge regarding placenta praevia in all obstetric patients. There was a significant relationship between attitude of patients with current and history of placenta praevia to level of knowledge regarding placenta praevia. (p=0.037,
The working environment of intensive care unit (ICU) nurses is a constant source of stress. Researchers have described ICU as a stressful environment because of the complex nature of patients’ health problems requiring an extensive use of very sophisticated technology. This study aimed to identify the prevalence of stress among staff nurses working in ICU, Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM), factors influencing stress and to explore the symptoms of stress experienced. This descriptive study was conducted on 67 staff nurses working in ICU, HUKM. Data was collected using self-administered questionnaires. The questionnaires included sections on socio-demographic data, factors influencing stress and symptoms of stress experienced. Data was analyzed using frequency and percentage. The Chi square test was used to examine the relationship between socio-demographic data and factors influencing stress. Findings indicated that stress symptoms were experienced by 100 per cent (n =67) of staff nurses Knowledge, working experience, critically ill patients, and environmental factors were one of the many factors contributing to the stress experienced by the ICU nurses in HUKM. Nurses working in ICU, HUKM are found to have a high level of stress. Recommendations like encouraging ICU nurses to take up post basic ICU courses and increasing the nurses quota can reduce the prevalence of stress among ICU nurses. Hospital management has an important role to play in reducing the stress levels of nurses working in ICU as stress has an effect on job performance and quality of nursing care.
Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is important and should be mastered by House Officers (HO). House officers who have just completed their studies are assigned to acute medical and surgical wards. If a patient in the ward has a cardiac arrest (CA), these doctors are usually the first to attend. Therefore an HO must be confident with CPR skills. They must be competent in performing CPR. The authors assessed 26 new HOs from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Hospital (HUKM) with respect to their self-perception about CPR skills, confidence level in performing CPR and knowledge in performing CPR. Knowledge was assessed by a questionnaire. We found that 16 of 26 (61.5%) assessed themselves to have inadequate knowledge and 46.2% had no confidence in performing CPR. The mean score of the written test was 5.7 ± 1.8. Seven out of 26 (27.0%) HOs had incorrect hand placement position for CPR. Only 4 and 9 out of 26 HOs had their sternal paddle and cardiac apex paddle positions correctly placed respectively. In conclusion, knowledge, perception of skills and confidence levels of HOs on CPR are inadequate and need further assessment and improvement. Medical schools need to review their CPR curriculum in order to prepare HOs adequately to work in emergency situations.
Home Care Nursing Program (HCNP) at HUKM was started in 1998 and evaluation of the program was required. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of HCNP on stroke rehabilitation at HUKM. A retrospective study using a matched pair design involving 69 stroke patients admitted to HUKM from August 1998 to December 2000 was carried out. The participants of this study were the HCNP group (n=35), and Non- HCNP (n=34). The matching was based on five criteria; age, sex, race, data of admission and severity of disability. The HCNP group was identified through data at the HCNP unit and their medical reports were traced. For the Non-HCNP group, the participants were identified based on criteria which were similar to that of the HCNP group. Based on the criteria identified, there was no significant difference between the two groups. The Activities of Daily Living was measured using the Modified Barthel Index twice; once on admission (based on record) and one post stroke. The t-test was applied to parametric data and non-parametric data; Chi-square was used to detect any significant relationships between the scores of the two groups. Results showed no significant difference (p=0.1990) in ADL on admission and ADL post stroke patients between the two groups. However, there were significant difference (HCNP p=0.000 and Non-HCNP p=0.000) in ADL on admission and post stroke for stroke patients who sought alternative treatment compared to those who had not.
Stroke is becoming a major public health issue in our country due to the fact that there isan increasing life span of our population. Due to advancement of acute management of stroke, three out of four people will survive beyond the acute phase of stroke. Stroke careproviders are still debating regarding the exact period of the terminology ‘longer-term stroke’; however many agreed that long-term of stroke refers to the period of one year and thereafter as this period is the determinant for longer-term survival. Management beyond the first year of stroke is complex, encompasses all aspects of patient’s life; physical, psychological and integration into community. Rehabilitation being the cornerstone of longer-term stroke management should now focused on more evidence-based approach as to be effective and relevant to the stroke patients.
Patients’ satisfaction is of critical interest to all healthcare providers. Satisfied patients are more likely to seek health care and to comply with prescribed treatment regimes. The objective of the study was to identify factors that influence patient satisfaction with Emergency Department HUKM (ED HUKM). This study was conducted at ED HUKM from January 2007 till March 2007. A convenience sample of 100 participants was recruited from triage 4. The Davis Consumer Emergency Care Satisfaction Scale (CECSS) was adopted and modified. It consists of 19 questions; used a 5 point, Likert type scale of 1 to 5 (1= completely disagree and 5= completely agree) to measure patient satisfaction with triage, health care providers caring behaviours and health teaching. Results showed that 75 participants (75%) were satisfied. There were no significant difference found between male and female patients with total CESCC scores (t=0.308, p values >0.05). Pearson product moment correlation coefficients showed a positive relationship between total and subscale patient satisfaction scores, caring scores (r=0.905, p value