Student's feedback is one of the most important considerations in health profession quality management. One of the most popular approaches for receiving feedback from students within individual institutions is the Student Satisfaction Approach. The aim of this study was to measure the satisfaction with educational services among health profession students and the determinants of satisfaction. Cross-sectional study was conducted in the main campus of the High Institute of Health Sciences in Yemen, including its eight branches. A self-directed questionnaire was distributed to 327 students who were randomly selected. The participation rate was very high: 94% (309/327); 57.9% were male and 42.1% were female. Overall, 59% of students were totally satisfied, 35% were partially satisfied; however only 6% of them were not satisfied. Results showed that personal development was the highest component of satisfaction among students, while the research subjects showed less–satisfaction with the learning resources. The findings provide valuable insights and offer recommendations for improvement in terms of quality management in health profession education.
The Aging Male Symptoms Scale (AMS) measures health-related quality of life in aging men. The objective of this paper is to describe the translation and validation of the AMS into Bahasa Melayu (BM). The original English version of the AMS was translated into BM by 2 translators to produce BM1 and BM2, and subsequently harmonized to produce BM3. Two other independent translators, blinded to the English version, back-translated BM3 to yield E2 and E3. All versions (BM1, BM2, BM3, E2, E3) were compared with the English version. The BM pre-final version was produced, and pre-tested in 8 participants. Proportion Agreement, Weighted Kappa, Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient, and verbatim responses were used. The English and the BM versions showed excellent equivalence (weighted Kappa and Spearman Rank Coefficients, ranged from 0.72 to 1.00, and Proportion Agreement values ranged from 75.0% to 100%). In conclusion, the BM version of the AMS was successfully translated and adapted.
Family planning is a method of controlling fertility which helps to prevent unwanted pregnancies among couples. Unwanted pregnancy has negative effects for mothers and children. The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of family planning practices among women in Serdang area and associated factors with their family planning practices. A cross sectional study was conducted with a systematic random sampling of 349 women of reproductive age, who attended Sri Kembangan Polyclinic. Descriptive analysis with chi-square and multiple regression analysis were conducted to identify factors associated with the family planning practice. The prevalence of family planning practice was 38.4%. Family planning was significantly associated with age (p=0.001), marital status (p=0.001), mode of delivery of the last pregnancy (p=0.001), number of children (p=0.001), source of information (p=0.004), level of knowledge (p=0.001), and the attitude (p=0.004). Using multiple logistic regression, four factors contributed to family planning practice, were identified as statistically significant: marital status (married OR=40, 95% CI: 9.45, 169.8), religion (Muslim OR=1.9, 95% CI: 1.14, 3.4), number of children (children>4 OR=2.98, 95% CI:1. 74, 5.09) and attitude (positive attitude OR=1.88, 95% CI:1.11, 3.18). The prevalence of family planning practice in Serdang was low even though knowledge was sufficient. The use of pamphlets and booklets are still needed to enhance efforts in health education. Currently, practice on family planning will determine the future structure of the community and the economic wellbeing of a country. Future study should focus on family planning practice among teenager and types of methods for women.
Purpose of the present study was to assess effect of work-family conflict (along with its four dimensions) on physical health status. In particular, we examined the mediating role of health related behaviors on the linkage between all dimensions of work-family conflict and physical health status. The current cross-sectional research was conducted among 567 women who were working in the public departments of Malaysia. Self-administrated questionnaire was used for data collection. Our findings showed that work-family conflict (along with its four dimensions) significantly and negatively correlated with physical health status. The findings from mediational analysis showed that all dimensions of work-family conflict indirectly deteriorate physical health status via increasing the chance of not using food strategies. However, our results did not support the mediating function of physical activity on the proposed relationship. Results of the current study indicated that women with greater level of work-family conflict are more likely to suffer from poor physical health status. Having multiple strategies for managing food and eating reduce the adverse effect of work-family conflict on physical health. Organizations may benefit from Family Friendly Policies (FFP) that can alleviate level of conflict and eventually avoid or decrease rate of engagement in unhealthy behavior that have detrimental effect on health status.
Indonesian government secures the access of the poor towards health services through subsidised schemes. This study is aimed to describe the pattern of health expenditure by households and to describe the pattern of health service utilisation across household’s socioeconomic level in the city of Padang after seven years of the introduction of subsidised schemes. A household survey was conducted involving 918 households, with multistage random sampling method. The proportion of out-of-pocket (OOP) health spending as a share of household’s capacity to pay was regressive across consumption quintiles. The proportion of households with catastrophic health expenditure was 1.6% while 1.1% faced impoverished health expenses. Among those who need health care, the utilisation among the rich was higher than the poor. Health insurance schemes in Padang provides financial protection, however with regards to household’s capacity to pay, the poor has the higher burden of health payment. The gap on health service utilisation between the poor and the better-offs was still apparent for outpatient services and it has been narrowed for inpatient care. This study suggests that the subsidised schemes for the poor are highly needed and the possibility of the leakage of subsidies to the rich should be considered by the government.
The uprising needs of traditional & complementary medicine (T&CM) despite the availability of conventional medical (CVM) treatments has gained a serious concern to the authorities in hospital care delivery systems. It was about suffices the supply and demand for T&CM and its absence may interfere the quality of patient care. Malaysia was not exempted of this phenomenon. Moreover, its rich tropical biodiversity and multi-ethnical medical systems promoted T&CM usage. This research was aimed to determine the overall T& CM preferences, the preferred future patient care services (FPCS) and its socio-demographic and warding characteristics. Using a self-administered standardised questionnaire, instrumented by cross sectional study, a total 132 warded patients in a UKM Medical Center (UKMMC) were interviewed. T&CM preferences were the composite of seven domains. The finding revealed that the T&CM preference was 64.4%, dominated by older age (66.2%), women (68.2%), low education (66.0%), employed (66.7%), high income (67.5%) and married (66.0%). Oncology (81.3%) and orthopaedic (75.7%) ward patients were more in preference compared to other wards. When asked about the FPCS preference, about 80.3% expected integrative medicine services to be provided, whereas the remaining were still exclusively preferred modern medicine (15.2%) and alternative medicine (4.5%) respectively. As conclusion, this study has affirmed that there is a great need towards T&CM among hospitalized patients who are accessible to modern CVM.
Health impact related to smoking is a critical public health predicament especially in pregnancy. However there is not much data available to describe the magnitude of the problem. Hence this study was conducted to determine the prevalence of smoking and its socioeconomic factors among antenatal mother and their opinion related to tobacco control measures. A cross sectional study was carried out involving newly registered antenatal mothers attending all government health clinics in Penang. Prevalence of ever smoking among antenatal mother is 1.4%, of which 42.4% is still smoking at first antenatal visit. It was found that single mothers are more likely to smoke (OR, 14.23: C12.52-53.27). It was also noted that spouse smoking (OR, 5,14: CI 1.95-17.09), primigravida (OR, 2.7: C1 1.3-5.62), age group less than 30 years old (OR, 2.41; CI 1.03-6.09) and living in urban area (OR, 2.33; CI 1.01 — 6.47) have a higher risk to indulge in smoking behaviour. Muslim OR 0.29; C1 0.14 - 0.60) and Malay (OR 0.22; CI 0.10 - 0.47) pregnant mothers are noted to be less likely to smoke as compared to non Muslim and non Malay. More than 85% of them agreed with the tobacco control measures regardless of their smoking status. Most of respondents agreed the influential people in community L;11T · such as medical personnel, teachers and parents should not smoke.
Influenza has always been wrongly perceived as a minor disease which is no dwerent than common cold. Influenza affecting all age groups cause a considerable morbidity and mortality although the data are not well established in Asia Pacwc. In the United States, it claims similar order of mortality as that due to car accidents. Inflluenza A and B can cause epidemic human disease. New Influenza virus variants develop frequently due to antigenic dry?. The rapid evolution of both influenza A and B virus is responsible for annual influenza epidemics in humans. Although in Malaysia, Influenza Surveillance began in 1954, the disease awareness is still low. It is
prudent to continue the surveillance throughout in order to monitor the seasonal trend, circulating strain as well to prepare us from an epidemic or pandemic. Institute for Medical Research, being the sole WHO National Reference lab in this country committed in improving the Influenza Surveillance which will involve all the states in Malaysia in the near future.
Water filters are being increasingly promoted and used in the home. There are many types of commercial water jilters available for domestic use but almost all of them employ a physical filter media and an activated substance. The study showed that water filters effectively removed suspended solids and residual chlorine. However, as far as removing colhform bacteria is concerned, in ZZ .5% of the cases, bacteria were in fact introduced into the water. And in 20% ofthe cases, the amount of bacteria introduced was “too numerous to count (TNTC)". Furthermore, water hlters can lose their ability to filter bacteria without losing their ability to filter suspended solids and residual chlorine. This highlights the necessity of some authorized body looking into the claims made by these water filter manufacturers and impose certain standards to ensure that at the very least, the water quality ofthe hltered water is not worse than the unfiltered water.
Upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) are the most common diseases treated in the primary health care centres in Kinta District, Perak. Thus, aretrospectiire study was undertaken to examine the documentation of the presentation of patients diagnosed with URTI and their antibiotic treatment at two health care centres in Kinta district, The randomly selected case notes of 700 patients documented the following symptoms, fever (43 .29%) , cough (68.14%) , no cough (24.43%), nasal symptoms (35 .29%) , sore throat (46.00%), headache (13 .57%) , bodyache (3 .57%) , earache (1 .86%) and gastrointestinal symptom (0, 14%) . Analysis of results using 'sore throat score' and isuggested appropriate management’ adopted from a study by Wawen et al. revealed poor correlation between diagnosis of URTI and the need for antibiotic therapy. Therefore, a clinical score for patients with sore throat can be introduced to overcome inappropriate prescription of antibiotics.
Klinik Kesihatan Gopeng, Klinik Kesihatan Malim Nawar, Kinta district, Perak, Malaysia
This is a cross»sectional study to determine the nutritional status of Malay children aged 6 to 10 years in Kampongknderam Hilir. A cross sectional study design was used.All households were included in the study. All the 218 Malaysian children aged 6 to 10 years in Kamponglenderam Hilir were included in the study. A pre-tested structured questionnaire was used to collect the data.
Data were analyzed by using Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) version 10. The minority of the chihlren were within normal range for weight·for-age, normal height for age status and weight for height status. However in small proportion of children, there was a persistence of protein·energy malnutrition problems. Overall 11% were underweight. There was no significant difference in the prevalence ofunderweight between males and females. The prevalence of overweight and stunting was 5 .3% and 11 .5%. There was no significant difference in the prevalence of sturtting in male compared to females. Although stunting was prevalent in all age groups (4.4% to 19.6%) a significant higher prevalence was observed in the age group 9 - 9.9 years compared to other age groups (p< 0.05). Wasting was present in 7.6% of the respondents. The 6 - 6.9 years age group had the highest wasting prevalence compared to other age groups. The prevalence of wasting was significantly higher in males. ln conclusion the overall nutritional status of children aged 6 to 10 years old in Kampong]enderam Hilir was satnfactory. However, there was still malnutrition in a small proportion of chihlren. Underweight, stunting and overweight were seen in all age groups. As such there is a need to identify these chiMren and improve their nutritional status.
A diarrhoea outbreak had occurred among neonates delivered in a private hospital in Kedah from 15 August to 8 September 2002 involving 27 (55.1%) cases out of a total of 49 deliveries. Thirteen of them (48.1%) were admitted to either government or private hospitals for treatnzent while fourteen of them (51.9%) were managed at home. The main presenting feature was frequent yellowish to greenish watery stool not associated with vomitting. Investigations include active case finding, environmental inspection, sampling of stool specimens, identifying causative agents and identuying human carriers. All the diarrhoea eases (100%) were noted to have received infant formula feeding while in the private hospital. Staphylococcus aureus was isolated hom the milk scoop which was used for milk preparation. Nasal swabs of four (50%) nursing personnel were also positive for Staphylococcus aureus. One of them was positive for methycilline resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The milk and water samples showed no signuicant bacterial contamination. Stool samples of these cases were negative for Rotavirus, Vibrio sp., Salmonella sp., Shigella sp. and Entamoeba coli. This outbreak of diarrhoea was noted to have a strong association with infant formula feeding in the hospital. Breastfeeding should be continuously promoted. Baby friendly hospital initiatives in private hospital settings need to be initiated.
The aim of this study is to describe the epidemiological features of HFMD outbreak in the Hulu Langat District in 2000. Until November 2000, a total of 60 cases were reported and the worst ever reported to the previous years. The mean age of patients was 3.9; 5.8 years with majority of the cases aged between 1 to 4 years old (53.8 per 100,000 of population), male gender (8.3 per 100,000 of populations), and were of Chinese (12.2 per 11 100,000 of populations) and Malay ethnicity (7.2 per 100.000 of populations). All cases were uncomplicated cases and were diagnosed clinically. Most of the notified cases were front the government facilities, which are 44 cases (73.3%). Thirty-five (35) cases (58.4%) were treated as outpatient and 25 cases (41.6%) as in patients (p>0,05). Only 7 cases (11.7%) have history of contact with HFMD patients. The notified cases were mainly from the densely populated areas which were Cheras, Kajang and Ampang. No differences were noted between HFMD cases which have been breasfed for less than 6 month or more, and twenty nine (29) cases (48.3 %) had completed the immunization schedule. In conclusion, the recent emergence of HFMD brings a new challenge, which have to be faced in the prevention and surveillance activities of public health problems in the district.
Study site: Notified cases from Klinik Kesihatan, hospital, private clinics, Ulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia
Hypertension and smoking are established and independent risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. There are important inter-relationships between these two factors that may explain the aetiology of coronary heart disease. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of hypertension and smoking in a rural community setting in Malaysia, and to identify their associated factors. A cross sectional study was conducted among residents aged 15 years and above in Mukim Dengkil, Sepang, Selangor, Malaysia from June to October 1999. Systematic random sampling was used to select the respondents. Results: Five-hundred and seventy respondents agreed to participate giving a response rate of 86.7%. The overall prevalence of hypertension was 26.8%. The prevalence was 31.7% among males, and 23.5% among females. Factors found to be significantly associated with hypertension were males and age. The overall prevalence of smoking was 21.2%. The prevalence among males was 48.7%, where as the prevalence was only 2.6% among females. The factors associated with smoking were males, ethnicity with Malays showing the highest prevalence of 27.2% and age. However, there was no significant association between hypertension and smoking. The prevalence of hypertension in this study is high. However, the prevalence of smoking in this study was slightly lower compared to the result found by the 2nd Malaysian National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS2).
The National Health Morbidity Survey 1996 showed only 34.2% of women aged 20 years and above had done breast self examination (BSE). This data showed the practice of BSE is still low despite of various awareness programmes and activities carried out. A cross sectional study through Systematic Random Sampling was done at Out Patient Department, Kuantan Health Office to know the knowledge and practice of BSE among women aged 20~60 years. The results showed 94.9% respondents had received information about BSE, however only 31.6% knew the appropriate time to do BSE, 14.7% knew the purpose of doing at that time and only 29.9% knew how frequent they should do BSE. 74% of respondents did BSE, however 70.2% of them did not do monthly and 67.2% did not do at the suggested time. There was an association between the practice of BSE with the knowledge and sociodemographic characteristics i.e. educational level, income, ethnic group and marital status.
Key word: Breast self-examination, breast cancer, Kuantan.
Study site: Klinik Kesihatan, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
The prevalence of cleft lip and palate in human is 1 in 500 live births worldwide. Non·syndromic clefts are a complex trait with both genetic and environmental etiology. The aim ofthe study was to assess the association between maternal exposure to second-hand smoke during pregnancy and ruk of having cleft child. Unmatched case-control study was carried out among Malays in Kelantan.
1 Case and control subjects were denned as mothers of cleft children and mothers of normal children respectively. The cleft children were recruited from the Combined Cleft Clinic at Kota Bharu Dental Clinic. Normal chiMren were selected at Orthodontic Clinic, Kota Bharu. A total of 184 cases and controb with age range from 17 to 50 years were interviewed using the standard craniofacial
registration form. Multiple Logistic Regression modeling was used to estimate adjusted odds ratio of factors associated with non-syndromic oral cleft. Signijicant factors include history of miscarriage (OR: 3.40; 95% C1:1.05, 11 .08) p=0.042; duration of exposure to second-hand smoke for 15-30 minutes (OR: 2.41; 95% C1:1.42, 4.09) p 30 minutes (OR: 5.16; 95% C1:Z.87, 9.28) p
National Antenatal HIV Screening Programme has been integrated as a routine screening in antenatal care in early 1998 and in Terengganu since May 1998 involving all health centers in the state. As of December 2001, a total number of 57,882 antenatal mothers were screened (97.5% of all new antenatal mothers). The HIV prevalence rate among antenatal mothers was found to be 0.052%. All HIV positive mothers were married and majority were Malays (93 .3%). Ninety percents of them revealed that the only risk factorfor HIV was through sexual contact. HIV positive status was confirmed in 66 .7% ofthe husbands. All twenty eight mothers that managed to be followed up delivered to live birth babies. All newborns reported to have good Apgar score (9 at 5 minutes of life). Mean birth weight was 3 .08 kilograms 1- 0.45 and only 8% were premature babies. The observed rate of HIV vertical transmission was 6.25% and this is lower than the expected mother to child transmission rate of 30% without intervention.
The hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) outbreak occurred in the state of Johor, Malaysia in the months 0f October and November 2000 aber the HFMD outbreak started in Singapore in September 2000. The HFMD notification and investigation forms sent to the Epidemiology Unit of the Johor Health Department from district health offices and hospitals during the outbreak were analysed. Patients’ specimens were sent to the Institute for Medical Research, Kuala Lumpur and the Universiti Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur for viral isolation. A total of 1,122 HFMD cases were notified during the outbreak period with 2 deaths giving 0.2% casefatality rate. From all the cases, 544 (48.5%) patients were admitted to the hospital while the rest were treated as outpatients. Majority (81.7%) of children with HFMD were aged below 5 years old with the commonest age group (46.9%) being between 1 to 2 years old. Sixty-eight patients had positive specimens for viral isolation belonging to enteroviruses namely Enterovirus 71 (43 cases), Coxsackievirus Type A16 (11), Echovirus 7 (3), and Coxsackievirus Type B (2); and non-enteroviruses namely Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1
(5), and Adenovirus (4). Fever and mouth ulcer were the two most common symptoms among HFMD children but vesicles on palms and soles were more common than rashes in children with positive enteroviral isolation.
Study site: University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC)
The main objective of the study was to determine the oral health status and possible factors influencing oral hygiene in the institutionalized elderly in Sabah. A cross sectional study in all four institutions for the elderly in QM ii Sabah was conducted using oral examination and interview/questionnaires. Qualitative assessment using Focus Group Discussion was carried out in the caregivers of the institutions. Plaque score was used to assess oral hygiene status. A total of 94.0% of inmates were above 55 years old. There were 13.4 % non-respondents in the total sample of 284. Of the n0n—respondents, 42.4 % had mental disorders and this was statistically signnicant. Of those who responded 34.6% had good 33.3% fair and 32.1% poor oral hygiene. 33.5% were completely edentulous, 86.4% had gingivitis which required scaling, 22.0% had decayed teeth and 54.9% required extraction. Gingivitis, decayed teeth and number of teeth for extraction were signwcantly associated with poor oral hygiene. 14.2% had at least one type of oral disease. Dental abscess was the most common muco»cutaneous lesion found. Mental disorders showed a trend towards poor oral hygiene and this was statistically signyicant. Although 40.8% had physical handicap, 23.3% visual impairment and 8.2% hearing impairment, there was no significant association with oral hygiene status. In conclusion, oral health status of the population is poor and treatment needs are high. Although there was high objective need for oral care (88.6%), perceived need was low (32.0%).
On March 17, 2003 the Kelantan Health Department was notihed about a possible typhoid outbreak following a wedding party. An investigation was carried out to identiy the source and recommend control measures. Active case detection, yield investigation and case»control study were conducted. Cases were symptomatic attendees with a stool or blood culture positive for Salmonella
typhii. Each control had a negative culture and denied symptoms. Of the more than 1 OOO guests, 477 experienced fever; 152 met the case definition. The party hostess was found to be an Salmonelb typhii carrier. Syrup prepared with untreated well water was identified as the most likely source for this outbreak, with an odds ratio 14.0 (95% C1: 2.9, 104.1). This was a common source
outbreak of typhoid. We recommend that all food handlers at large parties be screened for typhoid and other foodborne diseases and samples of higherisk foods should be kept for few days after each event in case they are needed for testing.