Two series of Blood Pressure (BP) measurements were carried out to assess the variability in BP following repeated measurements in normotensive individuals. In one series, measurement of BP on three occasions three and seven days apart revealed a significant drop in BP in unaccustomed subjects ('untrained'). In a second series assessing the significance of time-interval between measurements or the number of measurements, it was found that a significant fall in BP occurred over the first four days in 'untrained' individuals, whose blood pressure was measured repeatedly for five consecutive days. A significant positive correlation was evident between the falls in systolic and diastolic pressures and the pressure at first screening. Assessment of the anxiety status revealed a significantly lower state anxiety in 'trained' subjects. It therefore appears that (a) BP in normotensive individuals previously unaccustomed to BP measurements, drops significantly with repeated measurements, (b) the number of measurements seem more important than the time-interval between measurements, (c) the largest falls occur in individuals with high initial pressures and (d) the fall upon repeated measurements may be due to reduced anxiety as familiarity with the procedure makes the subjects comparatively relaxed and less state anxious.
The effectiveness of sodium citrate as a prophylaxis against acid aspiration syndrome was studied in 3 groups of obstetric patients. Group I was the control group which consisted of 20 patients in established labour who were not likely to require caesarean section. No antacid had been given to these patients. Group II consisted of 20 patients who underwent elective caesarean section, while Group III consisted of another 20 patients who underwent emergency caesarean section. Group II and III were given 30ml of 0.3M sodium citrate as soon as they arrived in the operation theatre. The gastric content was aspirated after the induction of anaesthesia and at the end of surgery just before extubation. The volume was measured and a sample sent for pH analysis. Sodium citrate was found to increase the gastric pH significantly in both Group II and III patients when compared with Group I patients who underwent emergency caesarean section. We conclude that 30ml of 0.3M sodium citrate is effective in increasing gastric pH though it tends to be associated with an increase in gastric volume.
Aneurysms of the sinus of Valsalva are uncommon disorders and are usually congenital in origin. When these aneurysms rupture into an intracardiac chamber, they may be silent initially but later give rise to progressive heart failure due to left or right shunting and aortic regurgitation. The mortality and morbidity in untreated cases is high. We report 13 patients with ruptured aneurysms of the sinus of Valsalva who underwent surgical repair. There were seven males and six females with a mean age of 24.5 years. Three patients were asymptomatic and five were in congestive cardiac failure. The majority of patients (61.5%) had insidious onset of symptoms, only 2 cases presenting acutely. The connection was between the right aortic sinus and the right ventricle in 11 cases and the non coronary sinus and the right ventricle in 2 cases. Associated cardiac anomalies included a ventricular septal defect (8 patients) and aortic regurgitation (6 patients). There was 1 post operative death and 1 patient required re-operation three months later for a recurrence of the fistula. All 6 patients with aortic regurgitation required aortic valve replacement. All patients remained well and asymptomatic during follow up ranging from 2 to 19 years.
Endometriosis and its complications are not uncommon in Malaysian women. Two cases of ureteric obstruction due to endometriosis are reported and the literature on ureteric obstruction and endometriosis reviewed. It is emphasized that the possibility of ureteric obstruction must be suspected when there is extensive endometriotic disease or if the patient presents with loin pain or pain on one side of the abdomen. Ultrasound scan of the kidneys and, if necessary, an intravenous pyelogram will have to be done on the slightest suspicion. Patients with endometriosis will have to be followed up until the menopause or even later if they are on hormone replacement therapy.
Torsion of the flliJopian tube is an uncommon condition but cases have been reported fairly often since the first case published by Bland Sutton in 1980. The following case report is presented because we have not found any report in the literature where torsion of the fallopian tube was asymptomatic and only discovered incidentally during Caesarean Section.
The role of fiberoptic bronchoscopy for rapid diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis was examined among 74 patients who were suspected of having the disease but had negative sputum smear for acid fast bacilli. Bronchial brushing and washing were routinely performed in all subjects and bronchial biopsy was performed on abnormal mucosa in 7 of them. The diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis was confirmed in 44.6% of the patients studied from smear examination, culture, histology or the combination of them. Rapid diagnosis was achieved in 54.5% of the confirmed cases from smear or histology within a few days of examination. Two of the cases had concomitant bronchogenic carcinoma. We conclude that the fiberoptic bronchoscopy is a useful investigation for this group of patients as confirmation of the diagnosis can be made fairly rapidly in a significant proportion of them, hence the treatment can be started confidently.
In a retrospective study of 100 patients with pleural effusion the final diagnosis was tuberculosis in 49, malignancy in 43, malignancy with tuberculosis, bacterial infection, hydrothorax with cirrhosis, reaction to pneumothorax in one each, and unknown in 4. Most of the effusions analysed were exudates (94%). Pleural biopsy was diagnostic in 46% of tuberculous effusions (13/28) and 67% of malignant effusions (20/30). Tuberculosis accounted for 87% of cases in patients aged 40 years and under. In this age group, patients with exudative pleural effusion and a positive tuberculin test are likely to have tuberculosis and early therapeutic trial is justified.
The effect of an antiprostaglandin, piroxicam, in preventing surgically induced miosis is studied. Patients undergoing extracapsular cataract surgery were randomly divided into the piroxicam and placebo groups. Intra-operative measurements of the pupillary diameters were performed. The stages of procedure at which they were measured were at the beginning of operation (Stage 1), after anterior capsulotomy (Stage 2), after lens nucleus delivery (Stage 3) and at the end of irrigation and aspiration (Stage 4). It is noted in this Study that the pupillary diameters were larger at stages 2,3 and 4 in the piroxicam group. The increase in the mean pupillary areas of the piroxicam group were statistically significant for Stages 3 and 4.
The public especially in West Malaysia are becoming more aware of their rights and litigations are on the increase. Fortunately in East Malaysia there are fewer cases. The legal aspects of anaesthesia practice are very much on the lines of British system. Here the cause for compensation or legal action depends on the proof of negligence. Currently in West Malaysia all anaesthetics are being given by medical practitioners. In East Malaysia the anaesthetics are being given mainly by Medical Assistant's who have been trained for about six months to give anaesthesia in all government hospitals. There are guidelines on minimum standard of safety for patients undergoing general anaesthesia, though this is not as elaborate as those in Western countries.
A 61-year old lady presented clinically in unstable angina with ST-segment depression typical of myocardial ischemia. However, coronary arteries were completely normal at angiography. Exercise testing reproduced symptoms and ST-segment depression. A diagnosis of Syndrome X was made, an uncommon disorder of myocardial ischemia with normal coronary anatomy and excellent prognosis.
A thirty six week gestation male baby weighing three kilogram was born to a twenty five year old mother by spontaneous vaginal delivery. At four hours of life, the baby developed respiratory distress with cyanosis and was admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit. There was clinical and radiological evidence of bilateral pleural effusion. Thoracentesis revealed a transudate. Repeated thoracentesis was necessary to relieve the respiratory distress. Subsequently, multi resistant Klebsiella aerogenes was isolated from the blood. The baby expired due to gram negative sepsis.
A community based study was conducted on the understanding and knowledge of childhood diarrhoea and use of oral rehydration therapy (ORT), in four selected villages in Tumpat District, Kelantan. The calculated annual incidence of diarrhoeal disease in children aged 0 to four years in all study villages was 1.38 episodes for each child. The main care-givers of children aged 0 to four years were interviewed and asked to demonstrate how to mix a standard ORS (oral rehydration solution) sachet if they had previously used ORT. Forty percent of care-givers had heard of the locally available ORT and 30% had actually used ORT. Of those who had heard of or used ORT, 10% had good knowledge of what it was and what it was used for, 51% had some knowledge and 39% had either no knowledge or inaccurate knowledge. Of care-givers who had previously used ORT only 20.5% demonstrated the correct volume of water to add to one sachet of ORT, but 82% would discard an unused solution within 24 hours. Significantly more literate women had used ORT than those not literate (p = 0.002). Mothers, particularly those literate, are the primary target group for ORT intervention strategies. Components of health education should include advice on what ORS is, what it is used for, and how to correctly mix a standard sachet.
Thirty-six asymptomatic infertile women undergoing laparoscopic examination as part of their infertility investigations, were included in this study on chlamydial infection. Patients were tested for chlamydial antigen in the cervix and peritoneal fluid. The serum of twenty-five of these patients was titrated for evidence of chlamydial antibodies. Fifty women attending a family planning clinic were used as a control group. The study showed a strong relationship between chlamydial infection and infertility due to tubal pathology. The incidence of chlamydial infection in asymptomatic infertile women was 33.3%. The results indicate that Chlamydia trachomatis should be sought in patients presenting with infertility and, if detected, appropriate medical treatment be given.
Sixty two patients with displaced femoral neck fractures treated by percutaneous pinning are reviewed. There were 37 females and 25 males with an average age of 63.7 years. There were 36 Garden grade III and 26 grade IV fractures. Twenty three patients had other medical conditions. Fourteen patients were operated under local anaesthesia. Superficial wound infection was found in three cases with no deep infection. Union occurred in 41 patients by eight months. Of the 21 non-unions 15 remained painless. The pins migrated outwards in seven cases but caused no clinical problem. Avascular necrosis was seen in 11 patients by 18 months. Avascular necrosis and non-union occurred together in six patients. Secondary hemiarthroplasty was performed in only ten patients. Routine hemiarthroplasty for femoral neck fractures is not always indicated. Femoral head preservation should be attempted before prosthetic replacement. The pinning surgery is simple, fast and can be performed under local anaesthesia. Hemiarthroplasty should be reserved for failed cases only.
Ultrasound examinations were done to evaluate clinically palpable abdominal masses in 125 children. The examinations were normal in 21 patients. In 15 patients, the clinically palpable masses were actually anterior abdominal wall abscesses or hematomas. Final diagnosis was available in 87 of 89 patients with intraabdominal masses detected on ultrasound. The majority (71%) were retroperitoneal masses where two-thirds were of renal origin. Ultrasound diagnosis was correct in 68 patients (78%). All cases of hydronephrosis were correctly diagnosed based on characteristic ultrasound appearances. Correct diagnoses of all cases of adrenal hematoma, psoas abscess, liver hematoma, liver abscess and one case of liver metastases were achieved with correlation of relevant clinical information.
Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis (CTX), a rare inherited lipid storage disease is due to a defect in bile acid metabolism. Involvement of five members of a family is presented. The clinical features, laboratory and pathologic findings are discussed. Tendinous and tuberous xanthomatosis, bilateral cataracts, cerebral impairment and raised serum cholestanol are the salient features. We believe this is the first report of CTX in Malaysia.
The occurrence of post-operative wound infection was studied respectively over an eight month period in the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. One hundred and seventy four (3.4%) surgical wounds out of 5129 operations became infected. The clean wound infection rate was 2.9%, rising to 5.4% and 12.2% for clean-contaminated and contaminated surgical wounds respectively. Of the wound infections, 80.8% occurred within the first two weeks post-operatively. Bacteriological studies revealed that the commonest bacterial isolates were Staphylococcus aureus (36.1%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (15.4%) and Klebsiella species (10.1%).