We present the case of a 24-year-old woman with acute septicemic melioidosis resulting from inhaled infective dust during a blast injury. With appropriate antibiotic treatment and supportive therapy in the ICU, the patient made an uneventful recovery.
In a retrospective study, 455 people were found to have been admitted to the Surgical Unit of the Taiping District Hospital, suspected of acute appendicitis in the study period from 1 July to 31 December 1990. However, only 147 (32.3%) were clinically confirmed to have appendicitis and underwent appendicectomy. Out of these, 120 (81.6%) cases were subjected to detailed analysis. The study showed that the commonest age group affected was the 10 to 20 year old. Males were slightly more often affected but there seemed to be an equal distribution among the major races. The diagnostic accuracy, that is the operated cases that were actually acute appendicitis, was 92.5%. The perforation rate was 31.5%. Fifty-five percent of patients developed some post-operative complications, of which the commonest was fever.
Recent advances in neuroimaging have allowed the detection and characterization of focal malformations of cortical developmental in a significant proportion of patients with epilepsy, many of whom were previously labelled as cryptogenic, allowing a better description of the associated electroencephalogram (EEG) features. Alpha activity is usually preserved, although superficial gyral abnormalities are often associated with overlying localized polymorphic delta activity, and occasionally abnormal fast activity. Most affected patients with epilepsy show interictal spikes. These are often broadly concordant with the structural abnormality but may show a wider anatomic distribution and be multifocal, or occasionally appear only in anatomically distant sites. In many patients the spikes are frequent and sometimes they occur continuously or in long trains. EEG findings are often stable over time, but some patients only show the development of slow wave changes or interictal spikes when followed serially for several years. A small proportion of patients with focal malformations of cortical development have EEG features mimicking idiopathic generalized epilepsy, and occasionally patients exhibit continuous generalized spike and slow wave activity in sleep. Electrocorticography studies confirm the often widespread nature of interictal spiking, but may also show highly epileptogenic patterns recorded directly from dysplastic cortex. The intrinsic epileptogenicity of areas of cortical developmental abnormalities has also been demonstrated by chronic intracranial studies and in vitro recordings of slices obtained from resected human dysplastic cortex. In this regard such developmental abnormalities are fundamentally different from acquired lesions such as tumors/vascular anomalies that usually exert their effects through changes in adjacent cortex.
This study examines the persistence of familial aggregation and familial predisposition to Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura infection over 2 periods of treatment and reinfection, in an urban community in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Both parasite species were shown to be aggregated (assessed by the variance to mean ratio) within families at all 3 interventions, although no consistent trend in aggregation was observed over the period of the study. Associations between mean A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura infection levels of families, at all 3 interventions, were highly significant (P < 0.0001), suggesting persistent predisposition at the family level.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the utility of a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay in detecting Mycobacterium tuberculosis in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) specimens of patients suspected of having active pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) but who were sputum smear-negative. Patients undergoing investigation for suspected pulmonary TB at the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, and who were sputum smear-negative underwent fibreoptic bronchoscopy and BAL. One portion of each lavage specimen was submitted for smear examination for acid-fast bacilli and mycobacterial culture and the other portion assayed by PCR for the presence of a 562-base pair DNA segment belonging to the insertion sequence IS986, unique to the M. tuberculosis complex. As controls, lavage specimens from patients with other lung lesions were also similarly tested. The PCR assay gave a positivity rate of 80.9% (55 of 68) compared with 8.8% of smear examination and 7.4% of culture for detecting M. tuberculosis in BAL specimens. The assay was positive in two of 45 BAL specimens from 35 control subjects. The PCR assay was more sensitive than smear and culture in detecting M. tuberculosis in BAL specimens of patients with sputum smear-negative pulmonary TB.
PIP: Pink Triangle, the only community-based group in Malaysia which works with men who have sex with men, took initial steps in August 1992 to establish a self-help project for people who are HIV-seropositive. Supporting people who are HIV-positive and fighting for their rights is new in Malaysia. The group has thus far been publicized through its public education events, hospitals, and other nongovernmental organizations. For the first time, information is being published specifically by and for people living with HIV/AIDS. The project also has a phone line to allow people to speak anonymously with someone who shares their experience. Many callers are men who have sex with men in the social context of intense prejudice and discrimination. Afraid to openly acknowledge their sexuality with strangers, the callers have yet to accede to meeting each other face-to-face in a group setting. The author notes in closing that Pink Triangle must be realistic about what can be achieved in Malaysia and allow the group to develop according to people's needs and not on the basis of a model imported from outside of the country.
All post-neonatal children with acute non-traumatic coma admitted over an 8-month period were analysed and followed up for 18-24 months to determine the aetiology and outcome of their coma. One hundred and sixteen children, 72 boys and 44 girls, were recruited. Half the children were under 1 year of age and only 16 (14%) were more than 6 years of age. Eighty cases (69%) were due to infection, 15 (13%) to toxic metabolic causes, six (5%) to hypoxic ischaemic insults, four (3.5%) had intracranial haemorrhage, nine (7.8%) were due to miscellaneous causes and in two (1.7%) the cause was unknown. Seven cases were lost to follow-up. Of the remainder, 39 (35.7%) died, 32 (29.3%) developed permanent neurological deficit, and 38 (35%) were discharged well. The outcome was worst in the infectious group. Age of onset and sex did not significantly affect outcome. Our findings are similar to experience in Japan, where infection accounts for 74% of non-traumatic coma, but differ considerably from Western data on childhood coma where only a third of cases are due to infection.
BACKGROUND: Dengue has been recognized as a potential hazard to tourists. A prospective, controlled study in the outpatient clinic of a German infectious disease clinic was conducted to assess the prevalence of dengue virus infection among international travelers.
METHODS: Serum samples from 130 patients with signs or recent history clinically compatible with dengue (fever, headache, muscle and joint pain, or rash), 95 matched controls with diarrhea, and 26 patients who never visited a country endemic for dengue were investigated.
RESULTS: Nine (6.9%) of the 130 patients with compatible symptoms and 1 (1%) of the 95 controls with diarrhea developed rising antibody titers against dengue virus. Of these 10 patients with probable dengue infection, 6 had been to Thailand, 2 to Malaysia, and 1 each to Indonesia and Brazil.
CONCLUSIONS: Infection with dengue virus appears to be a realistic threat to travelers to Southeast Asia. Symptoms commonly associated with dengue, such as fever, myalgia, arthralgia, and vomiting, can be helpful for diagnosis when present, but the absence of typical symptoms does not exclude infection.
The Japanese encephalitis (JE) serocomplex of flaviviruses comprises 10 members, 9 of which: Alfuy (ALF); Koutango (KOU); Kokobera (KOK); Kunjin (KUN); Murray Valley encephalitis (MVE); JE; Stratford (STR); Usutu (USU); and West Nile (WN) have been isolated from Africa, southern Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Australia. The tenth member, St. Louis encephalitis (SLE) virus, is confined to North, Central, and South America. For ALF, KOK, KOU, STR, and USU, no sequence data have as yet been reported, and little molecular phylogeny has been determined for this complex as a whole. Using a rapid, one-step RT-PCR and universal primers, we have amplified and sequenced a 450-600 base pair region of the virus genome encompassing the N terminus of the nonstructural protein NS5 and the 5' end of the 3' noncoding region, for several strains of all of these viruses, except USU and SLE viruses. These data, as well as published sequence data for other flaviviruses, were analyzed with the ClustalW and Phylip computer packages. The resultant phylogenetic data were consistent with some of the current flavivirus serological classification, showing a close relationship between ALF and MVE viruses and between KOK and STR viruses, but suggested that KOK and STR are distantly related to the other viruses and should perhaps be reclassified in their own serocomplex. The data also confirmed the close relationship between KUN and WN viruses and showed that an isolate of KUN virus from Sarawak may represent a "link" between these two virus species. In addition, the primary sequence data revealed a polymorphic region just downstream of the stop codon in the 3' end of the viral genomes.
Retinal changes are common in adult acute leukemia patients at presentation, but their prognostic significance is controversial. A 5-year study has been carried out with newly diagnosed acute leukemia patients aged 12-77 years. Seventy-seven cases (49 AML, 28 ALL) were studied prospectively for the presence of intraretinal hemorrhages (IRH), white-centered hemorrhages, cotton-wool spots, and macular hemorrhages. They were treated according to standard chemotherapy protocols, and then achievement of complete remission (CR) and the duration of overall survival (OS) were compared between the groups with and without these different retinal features. No association was found between the presence of any retinal abnormality and CR induction rate, although there was a trend to a lower CR rate among patients with IRH. The median OS of those with IRH was 72 days, compared with 345 days among those without IRH (p=0.002). A WBC at presentation greater than 50x10(9)/l and age greater than 40 years were also associated with shorter OS (p<0.0001 and p=0.0045, respectively). However, after regression analysis, IRH remained statistically significant as a poor prognostic indicator (p=0.01). We conclude that the presence of IRH is an indicator of poor prognosis in acute leukemia.
Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are two common illnesses that cause significant morbidity and mortality. Steroids are widely used in both conditions. They act through steroid or glucocorticoid receptors (GR) causing up or down regulation of protein synthesis resulting in an increase in lipocortin 1 and beta 2 adrenergic receptors, and decreased levels and activities of cytokines or cytokine receptors, which reduces the inflammatory process in the airways and decreases bronchial hyperreactivity. Consequently symptoms of airway obstruction are alleviated and lung function is improved. In asthma, steroids have been convincingly shown to be effective in the treatment of both acute exacerbations and chronic condition. In COPD, however, only a subset of patients seem to respond favourably to steroid therapy. Therapeutic trials are therefore recommended before committing to a long-term treatment in order to determine this subset of patients, as no markers of steroid responsiveness can be identified. The inhaled steroids currently available have a good safety profile with significant side effects occurring only occasionally. Such side effects are usually confined to the oropharynx, causing local irritation, candidiasis and dysphonia, which can be easily overcome. Biochemical abnormalities involving bone, adrenal, carbohydrate and lipid profiles have been noted with high doses of inhaled steroids; however, these have no significant clinical effects.
In the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, from 1984 to 1990, 184 patients with acute conjunctivitis were examined for chlamydial infection by direct immunofluorescence. Overall, 52 (28.3%) were found to be positive for chlamydial antigen. There was no significant difference in the detection rate between men and women and among the 3 major ethnic groups. The detection rate was highest among sexually active adults. Epidemiological and clinical features suggest that most of the chlamydial ocular infections seen were inclusion conjunctivitis and not classical trachoma.
Study site: Eye clinic, University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia