The treatment preferences of 109 general practitioners (GPs) for childhood asthma were determined. Availability and adherence to clinical practice guidelines (CPG) for the treatment of childhood asthma was also assessed. Ninety eight (90%), 60 (55%) and 33 (30%) GPs considered nocturnal symptoms > 2 times/week, exercise induced wheeze and cough respectively as indications for preventer therapy. An oral preparation was preferred for relief medication [72 (66%) for 2-5 years, 60 (55%) for > 5 years]. An inhaled preparation was however preferred for preventer medication [60 (55%) for 2-5 years, 85 (78%) for > 5 years]. The oral form was more likely prescribed for asthmatic children 2-5 years (p < 0.001). Corticosteroids and ketotifen were the commonest inhaled and oral preventer treatment prescribed respectively. Only 36(33%) GPs have a CPG copy for reference. Children with asthma symptoms that require preventer therapy may not always be identified in general practice. The oral route remains important for asthma medication especially in young children. The accessibility to the CPG among GPs is disappointing.
Study site: General practitioners attending a pharmaceutical industry sponsored asthma management workshop
Increasing concern about the antibiotic resistance in acute otitis media (AOM) has led to debate over use of antibiotic in AOM and duration of therapy. Many studies have proved that watchful waiting should be used more often for acute otitis media. In children over two years, the most appropriate treatment was found to be initial observation followed by 5 days of an antibiotic if the child failed to improve spontaneously. In children less than 2 years or one with severe symptoms antibiotic can be started after 24 hours if there is no improvement with symptomatic treatment. Physician should be more selective in the prescription of antibiotics early in AOM.
This report describes inquiries relating to poisoning cases which were received by the National Poison Centre of Malaysia from the years 1996 to 2000. The study utilized data from the NPC report forms. Only data relating to patient contact with a poison or chemical were included in the analysis. The poison centre received an average of 186 poisoning inquiries per year. Doctors remained the highest group of caller to the poison centre throughout the five-year period. Nearly 50% of all inquiries was regarding pesticide poisoning and this trend remained constant during the five-year period. Overall, the findings showed that poisoning inquiries relating to patient care were lower than in Japan and the United States.
BACKGROUND: The majority of primary care consultations in Malaysia occur in the general practice clinics. To date, there is no comprehensive documentation of the morbidity and practice activities in this setting.
OBJECTIVES: We reported the reasons for encounter, diagnoses and process of care in urban general practice and the influence of payment system on the morbidity and practice activities.
METHODS: 115 clinics in Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang participated in this study. General practitioners in these clinics completed a 2-page questionnaire for each of the 30 consecutive patients. The questionnaire requested for the following information: demographic data, reasons for encounter, important physical findings, diagnoses, investigations ordered, outpatient procedures performed, medical certificate given, medication prescribed and referral made. The morbidity (reasons for encounter and diagnoses) was coded using ICPC-2 and the medication data was coded using MIMS Classification Index.
RESULTS: During 3481 encounters, 5300 RFEs (152 RFEs per 100 encounters) and 3342 diagnoses (96 diagnoses per 100 encounters) were recorded. The majority of the RFEs and diagnoses are in the following ICPC Chapters: Respiratory, General and unspecified, Digestive, Neurological, Musculoskeletal and Skin. The frequencies of selected aspects of the process of care (rate per 100 encounters) were: laboratory investigations 14.7, outpatient procedures 2.4, sick certification 26.9, referral 2.4, and medication prescription 244. Consultation for chronic diseases and acute infections were influenced more by demographic variables (age, employment) rather than payment system. Cash-paying patients were more likely to receive laboratory investigations and injections.
CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated the breadth of clinical care in the general practice. Relatively fewer patients consulted specifically for preventive care and treatment of chronic diseases. The frequencies of outpatient procedures and referrals appeared to be low. Payment system results in important differences in patient mix and influences some types of practice activities.
This study aimed to assess the sensitivity of the Malay version of the Brief Manual Sexual Function Inventory (BMSFI) on patients with and without urinary symptoms in Malaysian population. Validity and reliability were studied in patients with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and patients without LUTS. Reliability and validity was evaluated by using the test-retest method while internal consistency was assessed by Cronbach's alpha. Sensitivity to change was expressed as the effect size in the pre-intervention versus post-intervention score in patients who underwent transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). Internal consistency was excellent. A high degree of internal consistency was observed for each of the 11 items and 5 domains (Cronbach's alpha value = 0.67 and higher and 0.73 and higher respectively). Test-retest correlation coefficient for the 11 items scores was highly significant. Intraclass correlation coefficient was high (ICC = 0.68 and above). The sensitivity and specificity showed a high degree of sensitivity and specificity to the effects of treatment. A high degree of significant level between baseline and post-treatment scores were observed across 3 domains in the treatment corresponds cohort but not in the control group. The Mal-BMSFI is a suitable, reliable, valid and sensitive to clinical change in the Malaysian population.
All children who underwent flexible bronchoscopy in the respiratory unit at Paediatric Institute, Hospital Kuala Lumpur from June 1997 to June 2002 were reviewed. A hundred and ten children underwent the procedure under sedation or general anaesthesia. The median age of these children was eight months. (Q1 3, Q3 30) The commonest indication for performing flexible bronchoscopy was for chronic stridor (50 cases) followed by persistent or recurrent changes such as lung infiltrates, atelectasis and consolidation on the chest radiographs (22). Laryngomalacia was found to be the commonest cause of stridor in 29 children. Two patients were diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis. With regard to safety, three procedures were abandoned due to recurrent desaturation below 85%. One of these patients had severe laryngospasm that required ventilation for 48 hours but recovered fully. Two neonates developed pneumonia requiring antibiotics following bronchoscopy. No patients developed pneumothorax or bleeding following the procedure. Bronchoscopy is a safe procedure when performed by well-trained personnel. Since it is an invasive procedure the benefits must outweigh the risks before it is performed.
A prospective study of all infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repairs both as electives and emergencies in Penang between January 1997 to December 2000 is presented. The objectives of the study were to determine the age, gender, racial distribution of the patients, the incidence, and risk factors and to summarize treatments undertaken and discuss the outcome. Among the races, the Malays were the most common presenting with infrarenal AAA. The mean age of patients operated was 68.5 years. Males were more commonly affected compared to females (12:1). Most infrarenal AAA repairs were performed as emergency operations, 33 cases (61.1%) compared to electives, 21 cases (38.9%). Total survival was 70.3% (elective 85.7%; emergency 57.6%). Mortality rate was 31.5% and the primary reason is the lack of operating time available for urgent operation and for treatment of concurrent disease states. Mycotic aneurysm with its triad of abdominal pain, fever and abdominal mass resulted in a significantly higher mortality (46.6%). Ninety six percent of the infrarenal AAA had transverse diameter greater than 6 cm. Morphologically 90.7% were fusiform AAA rather than saccular aneurysm (9.3%). Pulmonary complications (35.2%) were more common than cardiac complications (11.1%) possibly related to the urgent nature of the operation, smoking or history of pulmonary tuberculosis. Bleeding (14.8%) was the most common cause of mortality in ruptured mycotic infrarenal AAA.
This paper examines the surgical pathology associated with perioperative deaths in a country that is undergoing the transition from a developing to a developed nation status. The data from an ongoing nation-wide perioperative mortality study was prospectively collected for the period July 1996 to December 1997 and analyzed. The surgical pathology related to perioperative deaths in Malaysia is different from other developing and developed countries. While death from trauma and the late presentation of surgical conditions are similar to developing countries, infective gastrointestinal conditions were rarely encountered. Diseases associated with advanced age such as colorectal cancer, peptic ulcer, urological diseases and vascular conditions are beginning to emerge. As the country races towards a developed nation status, increasing life expectancy and changing life-styles are expected to influence the disease pattern. The planning of surgical facilities and manpower development must recognize the changes taking place.
A study conducted between 1998-2001 on the semiconductor industry in Penang and Selangor found that irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea and stress were identified as the three leading health problems by women workers from a checklist of 16 health problems. After adjusting for confounding factors, including age, working duration in current factory, and marital status, in a multiple logistic regression model, wafer polishing workers were found to experience significantly higher odds of experiencing irregular menstruation. Dysmenorrhea was found to be significantly associated with chemical usage and poor ventilation, while stress was found to be related to poor ventilation, noise and low temperatures.
A randomised single blinded clinical trial to compare the cost of cataract surgery between extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) and phacoemulsification (PEA) was conducted at Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM) between March and December 2000. A total of 60 patients were included in this study. The cost of a cataract surgery incurred by hospital, patients and households up to two months after discharge were included. The costs of training, loss of patients' income after discharge and intangible costs were excluded. Results showed that the average cost for one ECCE operation is RM1,664.46 (RM1,233.04-RM2,377.64) and for PEA is RM1,978.00 (RM1,557.87-RM3,334.50). During this short period of follow up, it can be concluded that ECCE is significantly cheaper than PEA by an average difference of RM 313.54 per patient (p < 0.001). Cost of equipment and low frequency of PEA technique done in HUKM were the two main reasons for the high unit cost of PEA as compared to ECCE.
Between 1st January 1999 and 31st December 2000, 152 patients (156 eyes) with open-globe injuries were treated in the Department of Ophthalmology, Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru. The majority were male (88.2%), Malay (63.2%), from the Johor Bahru district (51.3%) and aged between 21 and 30 years (23.7%). Most injuries were workplace-related (41.4%). Lens injury, retinal detachment, endophthalmitis, intraocular foreign bodies and phthisis occurred in 40.4%, 15.4%, 14.7%, 12.2% and 11.5% of eyes respectively. A favourable visual outcome occurred in 55.4% of eyes. Prognostic factors for visual outcome include presenting visual acuity, relative afferent pupillary defect, wound location, lens injury, retinal detachment and endophthalmitis.
The diagnostic value of core needle biopsy is increasingly being preferred because of its better characterization of benign and malignant lesions and lower frequency of insufficient samples. The aim of this study was to determine the diagnostic accuracy and complication rates with 2 different gauges of core biopsy needle in the preoperative diagnosis of palpable breast lumps. A total of 150 consecutive core biopsies were included in this prospective non-randomised study of palpable breast lump from May 2000 to May 2001. The tissue diagnosis made from the core biopsy specimen was compared with the final histopathology reports from the excised specimen. However, if the lump is not excised, a presumptive diagnosis of benign lesion was made only after at least 6 months follow up with no change in the breast lump. The data were analysed for sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, diagnostic accuracy and complications. The results from the 2 different sizes of core needle biopsies were compared accordingly and a statistical analysis was performed using Chi-squared test. Ninety-six core specimens were acquired with 14 G needle while the other 54 with 16 G needle. There was no significant statistical difference between the accuracy of both needle sizes. However, 4 complications occurred with the larger size 14 G needle while none with the 16 G needle, but this was not statistically significant. In conclusion the size 16 G core biopsy needle provided an accurate diagnostic reliability that is comparable to the larger size 14 G needle in the preoperative diagnosis of palpable breast lump.
Keywords: core needle biopsy, needle size, palpable breaast lump, Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Gallstone disease is a common association in patients with haematological splenomegaly. When indicated, simultaneous splenectomy and cholecystectomy should be performed and traditionally this is accomplished by open surgery. We report a 17 year old thalassaemic girl with splenomegaly complicated by gallstone pancreatitis. We treated her with a combination of needlescopic cholecystectomy and laparoscopic splenectomy as well as delivering the huge spleen via a pfannenstiel incision to hide the scar. We believe this technique is an acceptable alternative mainly for rapid delivery of the spleen and to minimize visible scars hence improving cosmesis.
Double pylorus (DP) or duplication of the pylorus is an uncommon condition that is either congenital or acquired. Acquired double pylorus (DP) results from a peptic ulcer eroding through and creating a fistula between the duodenal bulb and the distal stomach. We report a case of an acquired double pylorus in an adult gentleman that resulted from the erosion of a duodenal and prepyloric ulcer.
A patient with ocular syphilis is presented. She experienced deterioration in vision following the commencement of treatment due to a Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction. This is a transient febrile illness that can occur in patients after the first adequate dose of an anti-microbial drug to treat infectious diseases such as syphilis, Lyme disease and relapsing fever. However, a Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction occurring in a patient receiving treatment for ocular syphilis can be serious, resulting in the rapid loss of vision.
A four years review from June 1998 to June 2002 of traumatic facial nerve paralysis from temporal bone fractures that required surgical intervention is presented. The aim of this clinical presentation was to determine the current pattern of cases with traumatic facial paralysis which required surgical intervention at our center. There were six cases, of which four (66%) were longitudinal fractures, one each (17%) had transverse fracture and fracture over the lateral wall of mastoid. Hearing loss (83%) was the commonest associated clinical symptom. All cases underwent decompression via the transmastoid surgical approach. Intraoperative findings revealed oedema of facial nerve involving vertical segment and horizontal segment in three cases each respectively. Two cases had concomitant bony impingement. The facial nerve functions in four cases (66%) and one case recovered to House Brackmann grade 2 and 4, 12 months and 3 months respectively postsurgery. The case with transverse fracture remained as House Brackmann grade 5 after two years.
Considering the serious and fatal nature of esophageal carcinoma and as prevalence in the population on the banks of Caspian sea and northern region (Azerbaijan, Khorassan, Gilan, Mazandaran, Golestan and Kurdistan) along with the importance of its early diagnosis in the initial stage in order to increase the survival period of the patient, we aimed to proceed in regard to these factual observations so that this study should be an incentive and beginning of our future perfect study.
Facial nerve schwannomas are rare benign tumors. The tumor can arise anywhere along the course of the facial nerve. The most common presentation for this tumor is a slowly progressive facial nerve paralysis. Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) and tinnitus are later symptoms. The symptoms and signs depend on the site of tumor along the nerve. We report three cases of facial nerve schwannomas with different clinical presentations. Appropriate management of a facial nerve schwannoma should be based on the site and extent of the tumor and status of the nerve function.
Primary aorto-duodenal fistula is a rare and life-threatening cause of upper gastro-intestinal bleed. In this case report, a patient presented acutely with several episodes of haematochezia and pulseless lower limbs bilaterally. Primary aorto-duodenal fistula with peripheral vascular disease was diagnosed after an urgent CT angiogram was performed. She underwent left axillo-bifemoral bypass, resection of the fistula, Rouxen-Y gastro-jejunostomy, pyloric exclusion and controlled duodenal fistula the following day.