Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 80 in total

  1. ElBardisi H, Arafa M, Rengan AK, Durairajanayagam D, AlSaid SS, Khalafalla K, et al.
    Andrologia, 2017 May;49(4).
    PMID: 27401026 DOI: 10.1111/and.12637
    Objective of this retrospective study was to assess the presence and clinical grade of varicocele among Qatari and non-Qatari men evaluated for infertility. Diagnosis of varicocele was performed clinically and confirmed via colour Doppler ultrasonography. A total of 455 infertile male patients (mean age 36.3 ± 7.6 years) were divided into either Qatari (n = 91, mean age 37.3 ± 9.1 years) or non-Qatari (n = 364, mean age 36.0 ± 7.1 years) groups. Among all patients, 43.1% (n = 196) were confirmed to have varicocele, of which 40 were Qatari and 156 non-Qatari. Among all patients, 171 (37.6%) presented with left-sided varicocele and 25 (5.5%) with bilateral varicocele. Of the 196 patients with varicocele, grade I was given to 40 (20.4%), grade II to 68 (34.7%) and grade III to 88 (44.9%). Grade II and III varicocele were seen significantly more frequently than grade I among all patients and non-Qatari patients (p 
  2. Darbandi M, Darbandi S, Agarwal A, Baskaran S, Sengupta P, Dutta S, et al.
    Andrologia, 2019 Feb;51(1):e13159.
    PMID: 30298637 DOI: 10.1111/and.13159
    Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 (keap1)-nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) pathway is one of the master regulators of cellular defence against oxidative stress. Epigenetic alterations like hypermethylation of keap1 gene impair keap1-Nrf2 system in several oxidative stress-associated diseases. The objective of this study was to evaluate the epigenetic status of keap1 in sperm DNA of normozoospermic subjects, having different levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in seminal plasma. Semen samples were obtained from 151 apparently healthy male partners of couples who attended the Avicenna infertility clinic. Samples were categorised into four groups according to their ROS levels: group A (n = 39, ROS 
  3. Samanta L, Agarwal A, Swain N, Sharma R, Gopalan B, Esteves SC, et al.
    J Urol, 2018 08;200(2):414-422.
    PMID: 29530785 DOI: 10.1016/j.juro.2018.03.009
    PURPOSE: Varicocele may disrupt testicular microcirculation and induce hypoxia-ischemia related degenerative changes in testicular cells and spermatozoa. Superoxide production at low oxygen concentration exacerbates oxidative stress in men with varicocele. Therefore, the current study was designed to study the role of mitochondrial redox regulation and its possible involvement in sperm dysfunction in varicocele associated infertility.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: We identified differentially expressed mitochondrial proteins in 50 infertile men with varicocele and in 10 fertile controls by secondary liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectroscopy data driven in silico analysis. Identified proteins were validated by Western blot and immunofluorescence. Seminal oxidation-reduction potential was measured.

    RESULTS: We identified 22 differentially expressed proteins related to mitochondrial structure (LETM1, EFHC, MIC60, PGAM5, ISOC2 and import TOM22) and function (NDFSU1, UQCRC2 and COX5B, and the core enzymes of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism). Cluster analysis and 3-dimensional principal component analysis revealed a significant difference between the groups. All proteins studied were under expressed in infertile men with varicocele. Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectroscopy data were corroborated by Western blot and immunofluorescence. Impaired mitochondrial function was associated with decreased expression of the proteins (ATPase1A4, HSPA2, SPA17 and APOA1) responsible for proper sperm function, concomitant with elevated seminal oxidation-reduction potential in the semen of infertile patients with varicocele.

    CONCLUSIONS: Impaired mitochondrial structure and function in varicocele may lead to oxidative stress, reduced ATP synthesis and sperm dysfunction. Mitochondrial differentially expressed proteins should be explored for the development of biomarkers as a predictor of infertility in patients with varicocele. Antioxidant therapy targeting sperm mitochondria may help improve the fertility status of these patients.

  4. Cannarella R, Shah R, Boitrelle F, Saleh R, Durairajanayagam D, Harraz AM, et al.
    World J Mens Health, 2023 Apr;41(2):342-353.
    PMID: 36593714 DOI: 10.5534/wjmh.220128
    PURPOSE: Systematic reviews and meta-analyses (SRMAs) are used to generate evidence-based guidelines. Although the number of SRMAs published in the literature has increased dramatically in the last decade, the training and the experience of the researchers performing the SRMAs are usually not explained in the SRMAs' methodology, and this may be a source of bias. Although some studies pointed out the need for quality control of SRMAs and training in proper statistical methods, to the best of our knowledge, no study has reported the importance of training the researchers that conduct the SRMAs. The aim of this study is to describe a training program designed to impart the essential knowledge and skills required for the conduct of an SRMA and to assess the need for, and outcome of, such a training.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Researchers were trained for use of Scopus, study eligibility, assessment of the quality of evidence (QoE) through the Cambridge Quality Checklist for observational studies, as well as the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool, the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) guidelines, and the Jadad score for randomized controlled trials (RCTs), Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome (PICO) questions and data extraction. A total of 35 of them were approved to join a planned SRMA. At the end of the SRMA, they were administered 43 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on demographics, motivation for participation in the SRMA, self-perceived change in knowledge before and after conducting the SRMA, and self-assessment of performance. The senior researchers then revised the spreadsheet of the SRMA and, based on the mistakes found, organized a training focused on the correct assessment of the study design, where 43 researchers (9 joined midway) and 11 trainees with no experience in conducting SRMA attended. They all were tested through a 5 MCQ assessment that was administered before and after the training. Those scoring poorly were re-trained and re-tested, and only those scoring satisfactorily were admitted to further SRMAs.

    RESULTS: Approximately 54.3% of the participants were medical doctors (MD), 31.4% were urologists and 48.6% had previous experience with SRMAs. Joining an international collaborative study was the main motivation, chosen by 19.7% of researchers. The results of the self-perceived change in knowledge showed a significant improvement in the use of Scopus, checklists for QoE, PICO questions, data required to perform a meta-analysis, and critical reading of scientific articles. Also, the majority of the researchers ranked the quality of their work as high. The pre-test results of the 5 MCQ showed a low score, which was not different from that achieved by a group of fresh trainees (median, 2; IQR 1-3 vs. median, 1; IQR, 1-2; p=0.3). Post-training there was significant improvement in both groups (researchers: median, 4; IQR, 3-5 vs. median, 2; IQR, 1-3; p<0.001; trainees: median, 4; IQR, 3-4 vs. median, 1; IQR, 1-2; p=0.02). Out of the 44 researchers, 12 (27.3%) scored poorly (≤3). After re-training, all of them scored satisfactorily (>3) and were admitted to subsequent SRMAs.

    CONCLUSIONS: At the end of our model, 100% of researchers participating in this study were validated to be included in a meta-analysis. This validation required the involvement of the MT, two meetings, a self-evaluation survey, and one or two sets of objective tests with explanations and corrections. Our results indicate that even well-trained clinicians are naïve when it comes to the methodology of SRMA. All the researchers performing an SRMA need comprehensive training that must cover each aspect of the SRMA methodology. This paper provides a replicable training program that could be used by other investigators to train the researchers to perform high-quality SRMAs.

  5. Garrido N, Boitrelle F, Saleh R, Durairajanayagam D, Colpi G, Agarwal A
    Panminerva Med, 2023 Jun;65(2):166-178.
    PMID: 37335245 DOI: 10.23736/S0031-0808.23.04871-1
    Epigenetics refers to how gene expression and function are modulated without modifying the DNA sequence but through subtle molecular changes or interactions with it. As spermatogenesis progresses, male germ cells suffer plenty of epigenetic modifications, resulting in the definitive epigenome of spermatozoa conditioning its functionality, and this process can be altered by several internal and external factors. The paternal epigenome is crucial for sperm function, fertilization, embryo development, and offspring's health, and altered epigenetic states are associated with male infertility with or without altered semen parameters, embryo quality impairment, and worse ART outcomes together with the future offspring's health risks mainly through intergenerational transmission of epigenetic marks. Identifying epigenetic biomarkers may improve male factor diagnosis and the development of targeted therapies, not only to improve fertility but also to allow an early detection of risk and disease prevention in the progeny. While still there is much research to be done, hopefully in the near future, improvements in high-throughput technologies applied to epigenomes will permit our understanding of the underlying epigenetic mechanisms and the development of diagnostics and therapies leading to improved reproductive outcomes. In this review, we discuss the mechanisms of epigenetics in sperm and how epigenetics behave during spermatogenesis. Additionally, we elaborate on the relationship of sperm epigenetics with sperm parameters and male infertility, and highlight the impact of sperm epigenetic alterations on sperm parameters, embryo quality, ART outcomes, miscarriage rates and offspring's health. Furthermore, we provide insights into the future research of epigenetic alterations in male infertility.
  6. El Ansari W, Arafa M, Shah R, Harraz A, Shokeir A, Zohdy W, et al.
    World J Mens Health, 2024 Apr;42(2):394-407.
    PMID: 37635339 DOI: 10.5534/wjmh.230084
    PURPOSE: This is the first study to design and assess a research capacity building (RCB) specifically tailored for clinical and non-clinical andrology practitioners worldwide. We appraised: 1) the barriers and enablers to research among these practitioners; 2) attendees' satisfaction with the webinar; and 3) research knowledge acquisition as a result of the webinar (before/after quiz).

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A online RCB webinar was designed, comprising two presentations in research design and systematic review/meta-analysis (SR/MA). An online survey using validated published questionnaires assessed the three above-stated objectives. Paired t-test compared the means of the pre- and post-webinar scores. Subgroup analysis was performed on the participants' professional background, sex, and number of years in practice.

    RESULTS: A total of 237 participants attended the webinar, of which 184 completed the survey and are included in the current analysis. Male participants were about double the females and 60.9% were from Asian countries. The most common research enablers were to publish scientific papers (14.8%) and to develop research (14.7%) or new skills (12.7%). The most common barriers were the lack of training in research (12.4%), training in research software (11.8%), and time for research (11.8%). Satisfaction with the webinar was considerably high (86.3%-88.4%) for the different features of the webinar. Compared to the pre-webinar knowledge level, there were significant improvements in participants' research knowledge acquisition after the webinar in terms of the total score for the quiz (13.7±4.31 vs. 21.5±4.7), as well as the scores for the study design (7.12±2.37 vs. 11.5±2.69) and SR/MA sessions (6.63±2.63 vs. 9.93±2.49) (p<0.001 for each).

    CONCLUSIONS: Clinical and non-clinical andrology webinar attendees recognized the importance of research and exhibited a range of research skills, knowledge and experience. There were significant improvements in the participants' knowledge and understanding of the components of scientific research. We propose an RCB model that can be implemented and further modeled by organizations with similar academic research goals.

  7. Darbandi M, Darbandi S, Agarwal A, Sengupta P, Durairajanayagam D, Henkel R, et al.
    Reprod Biol Endocrinol, 2018 Sep 11;16(1):87.
    PMID: 30205828 DOI: 10.1186/s12958-018-0406-2
    Reports of the increasing incidence of male infertility paired with decreasing semen quality have triggered studies on the effects of lifestyle and environmental factors on the male reproductive potential. There are numerous exogenous and endogenous factors that are able to induce excessive production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) beyond that of cellular antioxidant capacity, thus causing oxidative stress. In turn, oxidative stress negatively affects male reproductive functions and may induce infertility either directly or indirectly by affecting the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis and/or disrupting its crosstalk with other hormonal axes. This review discusses the important exogenous and endogenous factors leading to the generation of ROS in different parts of the male reproductive tract. It also highlights the negative impact of oxidative stress on the regulation and cross-talk between the reproductive hormones. It further describes the mechanism of ROS-induced derangement of male reproductive hormonal profiles that could ultimately lead to male infertility. An understanding of the disruptive effects of ROS on male reproductive hormones would encourage further investigations directed towards the prevention of ROS-mediated hormonal imbalances, which in turn could help in the management of male infertility.
  8. Sallam H, Boitrelle F, Palini S, Durairajanayagam D, Parmegiani L, Jindal S, et al.
    Panminerva Med, 2023 Jun;65(2):159-165.
    PMID: 37194245 DOI: 10.23736/S0031-0808.23.04869-3
    Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) was initially introduced to overcome problems due of severe male factor infertility not being solved with conventional in-vitro fertilization (cIVF). However, recent years have witnessed an increasing use of ICSI by most assisted reproductive technique laboratories for non-male factor indications. Examples of the latter include previous fertilization failure after cIVF, few or poor-quality oocytes, immature oocytes, advanced maternal age, preimplantation genetics test (PGT), cryopreserved oocytes, and unexplained infertility. The replacement of cIVF with ICSI in several non-male factor infertility cases is probably because some reproductive specialists consider that ICSI is associated with better reproductive outcomes. Unfortunately, data on reproductive outcomes in favor of ICSI over cIVF are limited or absent. Therefore, the factors that can help define the use of one technique over the other should be identified. These should include the likelihood of fertilization failure, potential risks of the procedure, and its costs. In this review, we aim to highlight the current guidelines, advantages, and limitations of the use of cIVF/ICSI for infertility treatment. Additionally, we provide a comprehensive review of the use of ICSI in indications other than severe male factor infertility.
  9. Singh N, Chaurasia A, Singh AK, Agarwal A, Abd Rahman ANAB, Tiwari R
    Natl J Maxillofac Surg, 2024;15(2):278-282.
    PMID: 39234144 DOI: 10.4103/njms.njms_153_22
    OBJECTIVES: To determine age- and sex-related changes in mastoid air cells volume in orthodontic malocclusions (class 1, class 2, class 3) in cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), morphometric analysis, and age prediction on the basis of mastoid air cells.

    METHODS: In total, 150 3D CBCT scans of study subjects having class 1, class 2, and class 3 malocclusions have been analyzed retrospectively for the estimation of volume of mastoid air cells by Dolphin imaging software V11.9, and measurement data of volumes have been recorded and analyzed using SPSS software 24.v.

    RESULTS: The volume of mastoid air cells was highest in age group of 14-28 years which was statistically not significant (P value >.05). The volume of mastoid air cells in the right side of cranium is greater than mastoid air cells in the left side. The mastoid air cell volume was higher in males than females. The volume of mastoid air cells (right side) was highest in class II malocclusion (2404.53 ± 1737.50 mm3) followed by class III and was least in class I malocclusion (1842.09 ± 1263.78 mm3). However, the volume of mastoid air cells in the left side was highest in class III malocclusion (2368.03 ± 1853.00 mm3) followed by class II and was least in class I (1920.52 ± 1285.34 mm3).

    CONCLUSIONS: The volume of mastoid air cells varies in different class of orthodontic malocclusions. The mastoid air cells volume is higher in males than females. On the basis of mastoid air cells volume, we are able to predict the age, sex, and class of orthodontic malocclusion.

  10. Swain N, Samanta L, Agarwal A, Kumar S, Dixit A, Gopalan B, et al.
    Antioxid Redox Signal, 2020 03 10;32(8):504-521.
    PMID: 31691576 DOI: 10.1089/ars.2019.7828
    To understand the molecular pathways involved in oxidative stress (OS)-mediated sperm dysfunction against a hypoxic and hyperthermic microenvironment backdrop of varicocele through a proteomic approach.
    Protein selection (261) based on their role in redox homeostasis and/or oxidative/hyperthermic/hypoxic stress response from the sperm proteome data set of unilateral varicocele (UV) in comparison with fertile control displayed 85 to be differentially expressed. Upregulation of cellular oxidant detoxification and glutathione and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) metabolism accompanied with downregulation of protein folding, energy metabolism, and heat stress responses were observed in the UV group. Ingenuity pathway analysis (IPA) predicted suppression of oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) (validated by Western blotting [WB]) along with augmentation in OS and mitochondrial dysfunction in UV. The top affected networks indicated by IPA involved heat shock proteins (HSPs: HSPA2 and HSP90B1). Their expression profile was corroborated by immunocytochemistry and WB. Hypoxia-inducible factor 1A as an upstream regulator of HSPs was predicted by MetaCore. Occurrence of reductive stress in UV spermatozoa was corroborated by thiol redox status.
    This is the first evidence of a novel pathway showing aberrant redox homeostasis against chronic hypoxic insult in varicocele leading to sperm dysfunction.
    Upregulation of antioxidant system and dysfunctional OXPHOS would have shifted the redox balance of biological redox couples (GSH/GSSG, NAD+/NADH, and NADP+/NADPH) to a more reducing state leading to reductive stress. Chronic reductive stress-induced OS may be involved in sperm dysfunction in infertile men with UV, where the role of HSPs cannot be ignored. Intervention with antioxidant therapy warrants proper prior investigation.
  11. Baskaran S, Agarwal A, Panner Selvam MK, Henkel R, Durairajanayagam D, Leisegang K, et al.
    Andrologia, 2019 Nov;51(10):e13405.
    PMID: 31489696 DOI: 10.1111/and.13405
    Plagiarism is a common form of academic misconduct that extensively jeopardises the quality of scientific publication. The purpose of this study is to determine the extent of plagiarism in the most influential andrology articles. A total of 77 highly cited andrology articles were analysed for their similarity index using iThenticate and Turnitin. The articles were categorised based on the year (before and on/after 2000) and type of publication (review and research articles), and the similarity indices were compared. Furthermore, the analysed articles were categorised based on the level of similarity using an arbitrary similarity index range (low: ≤10, moderate: 11-20, high: 21-50 and very high: >50) and average incidence rate (%) was determined. Our analysis revealed a higher percentage of the similarity indices for reviews than research articles. We noticed a higher similarity index for articles published on/after 2000 than those published before. The majority of the influential articles in the field of andrology showed a low similarity index, while some articles exhibited moderate to high levels of similarity. These findings support the need for the development of similarity index guidelines as a major pre-requisite for establishing a more transparent and efficient system to address plagiarism in scientific publications.
  12. Elbardisi H, Agarwal A, Majzoub A, Al Said S, Alnawasra H, Khalafalla K, et al.
    Transl Androl Urol, 2017 Apr;6(2):264-270.
    PMID: 28540234 DOI: 10.21037/tau.2017.03.56
    BACKGROUND: We examined the impact of the number of veins ligated during varicocelectomy on post-surgical improvement of pain in a group of men presenting with clinical varicocele and pain as an indication for surgery.

    METHODS: This is a retrospective study of patients presenting with clinical left varicocele to the male infertility unit at a teaching hospital in Qatar. Files of all patients who underwent sub-inguinal microsurgical varicocelectomy were retrieved and categorized into three groups indicating the number of spermatic veins ligated during varicocelectomy. The presence of pain was assessed during pre- and post-operation (at 3 and 6 months). Statistical analysis was performed using Kruskal-Wallis test (K) and Chi-square test (C).

    RESULTS: Out of 675 records, 207 (30.7%) patients did left varicocelectomy for pain. Their mean age was 35.3±9.2 years. Pain was assessed in 106/207 (51.2%) patients post operatively, of whom 89 (84%) reported complete resolution of symptoms. This improvement was maintained irrespective of the number of veins ligated during surgery (<5 veins: 90.0%, 5-10 veins: 81.5%, and >10 veins: 85.7%).

    CONCLUSIONS: Microsurgical subinguinal varicocelectomy is a valid treatment method for patients with a symptomatic clinical varicocele. While a significant post-surgical (at 6 months) reduction of pain was detected, the number of veins ligated intraoperatively was not predictive of post-operative improvement of pain in this study population.

  13. Darbandi S, Darbandi M, Khorram Khorshid HR, Sadeghi MR, Agarwal A, Sengupta P, et al.
    Reprod Biol Endocrinol, 2017 Oct 02;15(1):77.
    PMID: 28969648 DOI: 10.1186/s12958-017-0292-z
    BACKGROUND: Ooplasmic transfer (OT) technique or cytoplasmic transfer is an emerging technique with relative success, having a significant status in assisted reproduction. This technique had effectively paved the way to about 30 healthy births worldwide. Though OT has long been invented, proper evaluation of the efficacy and risks associated with this critical technique has not been explored properly until today. This review thereby put emphasis upon the applications, efficacy and adverse effects of OT techniques in human.

    MAIN BODY: Available reports published between January 1982 and August 2017 has been reviewed and the impact of OT on assisted reproduction was evaluated. The results consisted of an update on the efficacy and concerns of OT, the debate on mitochondrial heteroplasmy, apoptosis, and risk of genetic and epigenetic alteration.

    SHORT CONCLUSION: The application of OT technique in humans demands more clarity and further development of this technique may successfully prove its utility as an effective treatment for oocyte incompetence.

  14. Garrido N, Gül M, Jindal S, Vogiatzi P, Saleh R, Durairajanayagam D, et al.
    Panminerva Med, 2023 Jun;65(2):148-158.
    PMID: 37194246 DOI: 10.23736/S0031-0808.23.04870-X
    The body of evidence supports the negative impact of increased sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF) on natural fertility as well as assisted reproduction conditions. High SDF has been correlated with low pregnancy and delivery rates following intrauterine insemination. Also, high SDF is accused of reducing the rates of fertilization, implantation, pregnancy, and live birth following in-vitro fertilization (IVF). Despite no impact of high SDF on fertilization or pregnancy rates following intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), it has been correlated with poor embryo quality and a higher risk of miscarriage. Several methods have been introduced to help select sperm with the best DNA quality to be used in assisted reproductive technology procedures. These include magnetic-activated cell sorting, intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection, physiologic ICSI, and microfluidic sperm sorters, among others. This article aimed to discuss the impact of high SDF in infertile men on the reproductive outcome of couples undergoing IVF/ICSI. Additionally, this review highlights the principles, advantages, and limitations of different techniques that are currently used for the selection of sperm with intact DNA to be utilized for ICSI.
  15. Evgeni E, Sabbaghian M, Saleh R, Gül M, Vogiatzi P, Durairajanayagam D, et al.
    Panminerva Med, 2023 Jun;65(2):135-147.
    PMID: 37103485 DOI: 10.23736/S0031-0808.23.04836-X
    Male infertility is attributed to multiple factors including high levels of sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF). Conventional semen analysis continues to be the gold standard for diagnosis of male factor infertility around the world. However, the limitations of basic semen analysis have prompted the search for complementary assessments of sperm function and integrity. Sperm DNA fragmentation assays (direct or indirect) are emerging as important diagnostic tools in male infertility workups, and have been advocated for use in infertile couples for a variety of reasons. While a controlled degree of DNA nicking is required for appropriate DNA compaction, excessive fragmentation of sperm DNA is linked to impaired male fertility potential, decreased fertilization, poor embryo quality, recurrent pregnancy loss, and failure of assisted reproductive technology procedures. However, there is an ongoing debate regarding whether or not to employ SDF as a routine test for male infertility. This review compiles up-to-date information regarding the pathophysiology of SDF, the currently available SDF tests, and the role of SDF tests in natural and assisted conception conditions.
  16. Agarwal A, Subramaniam G, Khattak O, Begum G, Taha A, Bayomy NA, et al.
    PeerJ, 2023;11:e16184.
    PMID: 37927799 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.16184
    BACKGROUND: The incidence and aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic brought about a drastic change in health professional education around the world. Traditional classrooms made way for online classrooms in order to ensure that learning continued in a safe and secure environment. However, how well health professional students perceived and accepted these changes have not been fully gauged yet. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the perception of health professional students about their new educational climate.

    METHODS: A modified and validated Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM) questionnaire was used to collect data regarding student perception of their educational environment.

    RESULTS: The mean DREEM scores for three time periods were in the accepted positive range of 101 to 150 indicating that most of the students perceived the changes positively. The results indicated that most students preferred blended learning over online learning or face-to-face learning alone. Areas where students were unsatisfied with their learning environment that need improvement were identified by poor item-wise scores.

    CONCLUSION: Strategic remedial measures for these concerns need to be developed to improve the quality of education received by the students. However, the results of our study indicated that most of the students were able to adapt positively to the new education environment due to the change in the circumstances during COVID.

  17. Darbandi M, Darbandi S, Agarwal A, Baskaran S, Dutta S, Sengupta P, et al.
    J Assist Reprod Genet, 2019 Feb;36(2):241-253.
    PMID: 30382470 DOI: 10.1007/s10815-018-1350-y
    PURPOSE: This study was conducted in order to investigate the effects of reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels on the seminal plasma (SP) metabolite milieu and sperm dysfunction.

    METHODS: Semen specimens of 151 normozoospermic men were analyzed for ROS by chemiluminescence and classified according to seminal ROS levels [in relative light units (RLU)/s/106 sperm]: group 1 (n = 39): low (ROS 

  18. Darbandi S, Darbandi M, Agarwal A, Khorshid HRK, Sadeghi MR, Esteves SC, et al.
    Int J Reprod Biomed, 2020 Jun;18(6):425-438.
    PMID: 32754678 DOI: 10.18502/ijrm.v13i6.7284
    Background: The three-parent assisted reproductive technique may increase oocyte competence.

    Objective: In this case-control study, the suitability of germinal vesicle transfer (GVT), synchronous ooplasmic transfer (sOT), asynchronous ooplasmic transfer using cryopreserved MII oocyte (caOT), and asynchronous ooplasmic transfer using waste MII oocyte (waOT) for maturation of the human-aged non-surrounded nucleolus germinal vesicle-stage (NSN-GV) oocyte were investigated.

    Materials and Methods: NSN-GV oocytes were subjected to four methods: group A (GVT), B (sOT), C (caOT) D (waOT), and E (Control). The fusion rates, MI, MII, ICSI observations and cleavage at 2-cell, 4-cell, and 8-cell stages were compared in the groups.

    Results: In GVT, none of the oocytes fused. In sOT, all oocytes fused, 20 achieved the MI, 14 progressed to MII, 8 fertilized, 6 cleaved and 5, 4, and 3 achieved the 2-cells, 4-cells and 8-cells, respectively. In caOT, all oocytes fused and achieved the MI, 8 progressed to MII and fertilized, 6 cleaved and 6, 5, and 5 achieved the 2-cells, 4-cells, and 8-cells respectively. In waOT, all oocytes fused, 5 and 3 progressed to MI and MII, respectively, but only one fertilized, cleaved and reached a 4-cells stage. In group E, 6 and 2 oocytes progressed to MI and MII, respectively, and only one fertilized but arrested at the zygote stage. caOT had the highest survival rate when compared to sOT (p = 0.04), waOT (p = 0.002), and control (p = 0.001).

    Conclusion: The caOT method was beneficial over sOT, waOT, and GVT in supplementing the developmental capacity of human-aged NSN-GV oocytes.

  19. Agarwal A, Panner Selvam MK, Baskaran S, Finelli R, Leisegang K, Barbăroșie C, et al.
    Andrologia, 2021 Feb;53(1):e13842.
    PMID: 33236365 DOI: 10.1111/and.13842
    Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) are considered as one of the primary management options to address severe male factor infertility. The purpose of this study was to identify the research trends in the field of male infertility and ART over the past 20 years (2000-2019) by analysing scientometric data (the number of publications per year, authors, author affiliations, journals, countries, type of documents, subject area and number of citations) retrieved using the Scopus database. We used VOS viewer software to generate a network map on international collaborations as well as a heat map of the top scientists in this field. Our results revealed a total of 2,148 publications during this period with Cleveland Clinic Foundation contributing the most (n = 69). The current scientometric analysis showed that the research trend on ART has been stable over the past two decades. Further in-depth analysis revealed that density gradient centrifugation (46%) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (59.2%) are the most reported techniques for sperm separation and ART, respectively. Additionally, azoospermia was the most studied clinical scenario (60.6%), with majority of articles reporting pregnancy rate (47.25%) as the primary reproductive outcome for ART. This study provides insight into the current focus of research in the area of male infertility and ART as well as the areas that require further research in future.
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