Displaying publications 21 - 34 of 34 in total

  1. Nissapatorn V, Kuppusamy I, Rohela M, Anuar AK, Fong MY
    PMID: 15906632
    During a 2-year retrospective study, 195 non-HIV-infected patients with extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPT) were diagnosed at the National Tuberculosis Center, Kuala Lumpur, representing 10% of all patients with tuberculosis. Their mean age was 39 (+/- SD) 14 years old (range 14-81). The largest age group was 25-34 years, while 78.5% were less than 50 years of age. The subjects were mainly female (50.3%), Malay (49.2%), married (61.5%), resided in Kuala Lumpur (51.0%), and were unemployed (50.3%). Regarding risk factors, they were smokers and/or alcohol users (21.0%), and injecting drug users (IDUs) (5.1%); they also had history of tuberculosis (3.6%) and contact with TB patients (9.2%). Lymphadenopathy was the most common sign (45.6%) shown in the medical records. 42% of x-ray findings (chest, spine, and hip) showed signs consistent with tuberculosis, while histopathology was the most useful diagnostic tool (52.3%) and lymph node was the most frequent specimen used (35.0%) in this study. The three main sites of involvement were lymph nodes (42.6%), miliary and disseminated (19.5%), and pleura (12.8%). The outcome of this study showed 72.8% of these patients had completed treatment for at least 6 months, whilst, only 4.6% of patients were still undergoing treatment, and unfortunately, 22.6% of them showed non-adherence to anti-tubercular therapy at a duration of less than 6 months. However, no MDR-TB or death cases were reported or registered in this study.
  2. Nissapatorn V, Kuppusamy I, Wan-Yusoff WS, Anuar AK
    PMID: 16124444
    In this retrospective study, we investigated 263 foreign patients who were diagnosed as having tuberculosis at the National Tuberculosis Center (NTBC) from January 2001 to December 2002. The age range was 14-72 years, with a mean of 33.3 +/- 9.95 years. The study subjects were predominantly males (60%) and females comprised 40%, where the greater impact of tuberculosis was observed in the young and active ones (up to 34 years of age), than middle-age (up to 54). A significantly higher percentage of these patients were from the Southeast Asian countries (87%) and particularly occurred in single male (47.5%) and married female (71.4%) patients (p<0.05). We also found that tuberculosis was significantly higher in female (50.5%) and male (64%) with smoking laborers (p<0.05). Fever (70%), cough (90.5%) and BCG vaccination status showed a significantly higher percentage in male patients (p<0.05), whereas lymphadenopathy (22%) was found in a significantly higher percentage in females (p<0.05). Overall, pulmonary disease (94.3%) occurred more commonly in males and the pleura (3.2%) was the most common site of disseminated tuberculosis. By contrast, the lymph node (11.4%) and miliary (4.8%) forms were the more common extrapulmonary tuberculosis in females. More males had higher percentage of treatment completed at > or = 6 (38%) and > or = 9 (13.3%) months in pulmonary tuberculosis, whilst, more females showed higher percentage of treatment completed (8.7%) in extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Surprisingly, more women showed non-compliance to the anti-tubercular therapy than their counterpart in this study.
  3. Nissapatorn V, Kuppusamy I, Jamaiah I, Fong MY, Rohela M, Anuar AK
    PMID: 16438212
    This retrospective and descriptive study was a report on the clinical situation of tuberculosis in diabetic patients, with 1,651 patients recruited. The mean age of TBDM patients was significantly higher than that of non-diabetic patients (p<0.05). Moreover, TBDM patients had a higher ratio of male to female than the other group. The significant proportion of TB appeared to increase steadily with age in diabetic patients compared to non-diabetic ones (p<0.05). However, they showed similarities in terms of sex, race, marital status, present address, and occupation. A higher percentage of pulmonary tuberculosis (91.4%) was shown in the TBDM group. We found that both groups had no differences in the radiological findings, with opacity or cavity of the upper lobe involvement being 89% and 91% in TBDM and non-diabetic groups, respectively. TBDM patients were shown to have more treatment success (33.3%), particularly the pulmonary type of tuberculosis in the longer duration ( 9 months). Further findings demonstrated that a lower proportion of the TBDM group defaulted in their treatment (19.8%) and experienced resistance to anti-tubercular therapy (1.4%) compared to non-diabetics.
  4. Ludin CM, Afifi SA, Hasenan N, Maimunah A, Anuar AK
    PMID: 1948280
    Stool samples from 836 cases with diarrhea and acute gastroenteritis from the Pediatric ward, Penang General Hospital, were examined for Cryptosporidium oocysts. A dimethyl sulfoxide modified acid fast technique was used for the identification of the parasites. 36 samples or 4.3% were found to be positive for Cryptosporidium. The prevalence of infection was higher (2.39%) in children with diarrhea and vomiting than in children with acute gastroenteritis alone (0.8%). Stool examination and cultures from the Cryptosporidium positive samples revealed no other parasites, rotavirus or enteropathogenic bacteria. This suggests that Cryptosporidium may be an important agent in the causation of diarrhea in young children. A routine laboratory examination for the detection of Cryptosporidium in the search for causal agents of childhood diarrhea in our environment may, therefore, be significant.
  5. Nissapatorn V, Kamarulzaman A, Init I, Tan LH, Rohela M, Norliza A, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2002 Sep;57(3):304-10.
    PMID: 12440270 MyJurnal
    A cross-sectional study was carried out in University of Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur. Blood samples from 100 HIV-infected patients and 203 Healthy Blood Donors (HBD) were collected and anti-Toxoplasma antibodies were detected by using conventional ELISA. The seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis in HIV/AIDS and Healthy Blood Donors were found to be 21% and 28.1% respectively. There was no significant association between the seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis and various possible risk factors i.e. contact with cat, consumption of undercooked meat and history of blood transfusion in both groups. No significant differences between Toxoplasma seroprevalence in HIV/AIDS and Healthy Blood Donors in association with presence of single or multiple risk factors were found. The mean CD4 count among HIV/AIDS patients in this study was 202.23 cell/cumm. There was no significant association between CD4 count and seropositivity for Toxoplasma antibodies in HIV/AIDS patients.
  6. Rahmah N, Ashikin AN, Anuar AK, Ariff RH, Abdullah B, Chan GT, et al.
    Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, 1998 12 16;92(4):404-6.
    PMID: 9850392
    A polymerase chain reaction assay based on the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (PCR-ELISA) has been developed to detect Brugia malayi infection in an area of low endemicity in Malaysia. Blood samples from 239 subjects were tested: 192 amicrofilaraemic individuals, 14 microfilaraemic persons and 3 chronic elephantiasis cases from endemic areas and 30 city-dwellers (non-endemic controls). PCR products were examined by ELISA and Southern hybridization. In the PCR-ELISA, digoxigenin-labelled PCR products were hybridized to a biotin-labelled probe. This was followed by incubation in streptavidin-coated microtitre wells and detection using anti-digoxigenin-peroxidase and ABTS [2,2'-azinobis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid)]. All microfilaraemic samples were positive by PCR-ELISA and Southern hybridization and all samples from non-endemic subjects and chronic elephantiasis patients were negative. The PCR-ELISA detected 12 times as many B. malayi infections as did thick blood film examination. Nineteen of the 194 samples from the endemic area gave positive results by both PCR-ELISA and Southern hybridization, and an additional 5 samples were positive by PCR-ELISA only. The PCR-ELISA was specific and sensitive, detected more infections, and was more reproducible than Southern hybridization.
  7. Uyub AM, Raj SM, Visvanathan R, Nazim M, Aiyar S, Anuar AK, et al.
    Scand. J. Gastroenterol., 1994 Mar;29(3):209-13.
    PMID: 8209178
    The prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection was determined in peptic ulcer patients, in non-ulcer dyspepsia (NUD) patients, and in the general adult population. The H. pylori infection rate ascertained by microbiologic examination of multiple gastric antral biopsy specimens was 50% (17 of 34) in duodenal ulcer (DU), 5% (1 of 22) in gastric ulcer, and 9% (15 of 159) in NUD patients. A seroepidemiologic survey showed a prevalence of only 4.2% among 496 blood donors and 4.8% among 921 subjects who attended health screening clinics. H. pylori infection is relatively uncommon and does not appear to be the predominant factor in the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer disease in the area. The incidence of peptic ulcer perforations in the area in 1991-92 was 1.5 per 100,000 person-years, reflecting a relatively low frequency of peptic ulcers, which might be due to the low prevalence of H. pylori infection in the population.
  8. Rahmah N, Anuar AK, A'shikin AN, Lim BH, Mehdi R, Abdullah B, et al.
    Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 1998 Sep 29;250(3):586-8.
    PMID: 9784388
    Western blot analyses were performed on 444 serum specimens: 40 sera from microfilaraemic individuals, 10 sera from elephantiasis patients, 24 treated individuals, 50 sera from residents of endemic areas without anti-filarial IgG4 antibodies (endemic normals), 20 sera from amicrofilaraemic individuals with high anti-filarial IgG4 antibodies, 200 sera from healthy city-dwellers (non-endemic samples), and 100 sera from soil-transmitted helminth-infected individuals. Phast electrophoresis system was used to electrophorese Brugia malayi soluble adult worm antigen on 10-15% SDS-PAGE gradient gels followed by electrophoretic transfer onto PVDF membranes. Membrane strips were then successively incubated with blocking solution, human sera, and monoclonal anti-human IgG4 antibody-HRP, with adequate washings done in between each incubation step. Luminol chemiluminescence detection was then used to develop the blots. An antigenic band with the MW of approximately 37 kDa was found to be consistently present in the Western blots of all microfilaraemic sera, all amicrofilaraemic sera with high titres of anti-filarial IgG4 antibodies, some treated patients, and some elephantiasis patients. The antigen did not occur in immunoblots of individuals with other helminthic infections, normal endemic individuals, and city dwellers. Therefore the B. malayi antigen of with the MW of approximately 37 kDa demonstrated specific reactions with sera of B. malayi-infected individuals and thus may be useful for diagnostic application.
  9. Rahmah N, Anuar AK, Ariff RH, Zurainee MN, A'shikin AN, Fadzillah A, et al.
    Trop Med Int Health, 1998 Mar;3(3):184-8.
    PMID: 9593356
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the usefulness of antifilarial IgG4 antibody assay in detecting B. malayi infection in a filaria endemic area in Malaysia.

    METHODS: A sandwich ELISA using B. malayi soluble antigen was employed to detect antifilarial IgG4 antibodies in serum samples of 330 individuals who comprised 88 healthy individuals from nonendemic areas, 15 B. malayi microfilaraemic cases, 22 individuals with soil-transmitted helminthiases, 9 elephantiasis cases and 196 residents from a B. malayi-endemic area. An O.D. value of > 0.420 at serum dilution of 1:400 was used as the cut-off point. This cut-off point was obtained by taking the mean optical density (0.252 + 4 S.E.) of 36 negative sera which had O.D. values greater than 0.1 at serum dilution of 1:400.

    RESULTS: All 15 microfilaraemic persons were positive for antifilarial IgG4 antibody. Non-endemic normals, soil-transmitted helminth infected persons and chronic elephantiasis cases were negative for antifilarial IgG4 antibody. Of the 196 individuals from the filaria endemic area, 37 (18.8%) demonstrated presence of antifilarial IgG4 antibodies; and only eight individuals (4.1%) were positive for microfilariae. All eight microfilaraemic individuals were also positive for antifilarial IgG4 antibodies.

    CONCLUSION: Antifilarial IgG4-ELISA could detect 4.6 times more positive cases than the microfilaria detection method. With appropriate cut-off values that eliminate cross-reactivities, this serological tool is very useful for Brugia malayi prevalence surveys and diagnosis.

  10. Nissapatorn V, Lee CK, Cho SM, Rohela M, Anuar AK, Quek KF, et al.
    PMID: 19238664
    Three hundred and one sera of HIV/AIDS patients were tested for anti-Toxoplasma IgG antibody by ELISA technique. The seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis was 41.2% (95% CI: 35.5-46.9) in HIV/AIDS patients. The seroprevalence was significantly higher in the Malay (57.9%) than the Chinese (38.7%), followed by the Indian patients (29.6%) (p<0.05). No possible risk factor, such as contact with cats, consumption of uncooked meat, and history of blood transfusions was found to have any significant association with the presence of anti-Toxoplasma antibody in the study sample (p>0.05). Multivariate analysis was employed to find any association between Toxoplasma seroprevalence and a single subject having single or multiple risk factors. It was found that the association was not statistically significant (p>0.05). Among the HIV/AIDS study samples, 124 (41.2%) samples were found to have positive anti-Toxoplasma antibody, the association between the presence of anti-Toxoplasma antibody and CD4 cell count was determined but no statistically significant association was found (p>0.05). During the study period, only one case of active CNS toxoplasmosis was registered and the diagnostic criteria included: clinical presentations, CT scan finding, serological evidence of anti-Toxoplasma IgG antibody, and respose to anti-Toxoplasma therapy.
  11. Init I, Mak JW, Top S, Zulhainan Z, Prummongkol S, Nissapatorn V, et al.
    PMID: 15115079
    The objective of this study was to characterize the polypeptides associated with cysts of Blastocystis hominis. This form is believed to be infective and plays a role in parasite resistance to anti-B. hominis drugs currently used for treatment of Blastocystis associated diarrhea. Cysts were induced through in vitro culture of the parasite in complete medium supplemented with bacterial extract with trypticase, metronidazole or doxycycline. SDS-PAGE analysis showed almost similar polypeptide patterns of parasite extracts obtained from in vitro cultured parasites before and after exposure with the three supplements. Polypeptide bands at 76, 58.5, 48, 45, 40, 38, 32, 25 and 22 kDa were constantly seen in all antigenic preparations and no specific cyst-associated polypeptide was present. However, on immunoblot analysis, 3 out of 16 blastocystosis human sera identified a cyst-associated polypeptide at 60 kDa in all parasite extracts prepared from cultures with the three supplements. In addition, there were associated morphological changes detected in these parasites stained with acridine orange and observed under fluorescence microscopy. Metronidazole induced cyst forms (reddish cells) as early as 12 hours post-exposure; more cyst production (with stronger immunoblot bands) occurred after 24 hours exposure. However, cysts rupture with release and destruction of B. hominis daughters cells occurred after 48 hours exposure. Doxycycline induced less cyst-like forms at 24 hours (weaker 60 kDa band) and less destruction of the cysts (60 kDa band still present at 72 hours post exposure). Bacterial extract and trypticase also induced cysts at 12 hours with increasing numbers up to 72 hours exposure (corresponding increase in intensity of 60 kDa band from samples harvested at 12 to 72 hours post exposure) without any sign of deleterious effect on the parasite.
  12. Fong MY, Lau YL, Init I, Jamaiah I, Anuar AK, Rahmah N
    PMID: 15115078
    The gene encoding the excretory-secretory antigen TES-120 of dog ascarid worm Toxocara canis was cloned into the bacterium Escherichia coli. The specificity of the recombinant TES-120 antigen produced by the bacterium was investigated. A total of 45 human serum samples from patients infected with differenthelminthes and protozoa, including 8 cases of toxocariasis, were tested against the recombinant antigens in immunoblot assays. The results from the assays revealed that the recombinant TES-120 antigen reacted with sera from toxocariasis patients only. This highly specific recombinant TES-120 antigen can potentially be used for the development of an inexpensive serodiagnostic assay for human toxocariasis.
  13. Rahmah N, Taniawati S, Shenoy RK, Lim BH, Kumaraswami V, Anuar AK, et al.
    Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, 2002 1 31;95(6):601-4.
    PMID: 11816429
    A total of 753 serum samples from 6 institutions in 3 countries (Malaysia, Indonesia and India) were used to evaluate an immunochromatographic rapid dipstick test, Brugia Rapid, for diagnosis of Brugia malayi infection. The samples comprised sera from 207 microfilaria-positive individuals and 546 individuals from filaria non-endemic areas. The latter consisted of 70 individuals with soil-transmitted helminth infections, 68 with other helminth infections, 238 with protozoan infections, 12 with bacterial and viral infections and 158 healthy individuals. The dipstick is prepared with a goat anti-mouse antibody control line and a B. malayi recombinant-antigen test line. First, the dipstick is dipped into a well containing diluted patient serum, thus allowing specific anti-filarial antibody in the serum to react with the recombinant antigen. Then the dipstick is placed into an adjacent well containing reconstituted anti-human IgG4-gold. After 10 min, development of 2 red-purplish lines denotes a positive result and one line indicates a negative reaction. The overall results of the evaluation showed 97% sensitivity, 99% specificity, 97% positive predictive value and 99% negative predictive value. Brugia Rapid is thus a promising diagnostic tool for detection of B. malayi infection, and would be especially useful for the brugian filariasis elimination programme.
  14. Nissapatorn V, Lim YA, Jamaiah I, Agnes LS, Amyliana K, Wen CC, et al.
    PMID: 16438180
    A total of 1,885 blood and stool samples of four main protozoan parasitic infections were retrospectively reviewed from January, 2000 to April, 2004. Eleven of the 1,350 stool samples were shown positive for Cryptosporidium and Giardia infections; one of the 5 cases was clinically diagnosed as gastrointestinal cryptosporidiosis, while 6 cases were giardiasis. In patients with giardiasis, children were among the high-risk groups, making up 66.7% of these patients. The common presenting signs and symptoms were: diarrhea (83.3%), loss of appetite (83.3%), lethargy (83.3%), fever (66.7%), nausea/vomiting (50.0%), abdominal pain (16.7%), dehydration (16.7%) and rigor and chills (16.7%). Metronidazole was the drug of choice and was given to all symptomatic patients (83.3%). For the blood samples, 28 of the 92 peripheral smears for Plasmodium spp infection were diagnosed as malaria. The age range was from 4 to 57, with a median of 32.5 years. The sex ratio (M:F) was 3.6:1, while the age group of 30-44 years was the most commonly affected in both sexes. The majority of patients were foreigners (60.7%) and non-professional (39%). Plasmodium vivax (71%) infection was the most common pathogen found in these patients, along with a history of traveling to an endemic area of malaria (31%). The predominant presenting signs and symptoms were: fever (27%), rigor and chills (24%), nausea/vomiting (15%) and headache (8%). Chloroquine and primaquine was the most common anti-malarial regimen used (78.6%) in these patients. The seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis in different groups was 258/443 (58%): seropositive for IgG 143 (32.3%); IgM 67 (15%); and IgG + IgM 48 (10.8%). The age range was from 1 to 85, with a mean of 34 (+/- SD 16.6) years. The predominant age group was 21 to 40 years (126; 28.4%). The sex ratio (M:F) was 1.2:1. Subjects were predominantly male (142; 32%) and the Malay (117; 26.4%). Of these, 32 cases were clinically diagnosed with ocular toxoplasmosis. The range of age was from 10 to 56 years with a mean of 30.5 (+/- SD 12.05) years. The sex ratio (M:F) was 1:1.7. The majority were in the age group of 21 to 40 years, female (20; 62.5%), and Malay (17; 53%). They were also single (16; 50%), unemployed (12; 37%), and resided outside Kuala Lumpur (21; 65.6%). The more common clinical presentations were blurring of vision (25; 78%), floaters (10; 31%) and pain in the eye (7; 22%). We found that funduscopic examination (100%) and seropositivity for anti-Toxoplasma antibodies (93.7%) were the main reasons for investigation. Choroidoretinitis was the most common clinical diagnosis (69%), while clindamycin was the most frequently used antimicrobial in all cases. Among HIV-infected patients, 10 cases were diagnosed as AIDS-related toxoplasmic encephalitis (TE) (9 were active and 1 had relapse TE). In addition, 1 case was confirmed as congenital toxoplasmosis.
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