Hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA in the serum of 31 patients with histologically confirmed primary hepatocellular carcinoma (PHC) from Malaysia and Indonesia was quantitated by densitometric scanning of autoradiograms obtained by Southern blot DNA hybridization, after electrophoresis using a 32P DNA cloned into plasmid pBR325 as a probe. This quantitation after electrophoresis is more informative than the usual spot hybridization technique. Five of the 31 sera were positive for HBV DNA. Levels ranged between 1.36 pq and 143.18 pq per ml of serum, and the levels of HBsAg, anti-HBs, anti-HBc, HBeAg and anti-HBe in the serum were serologically determined. All five sera positive for HBV DNA were also positive for HBsAg. Three of the five positive for HBV DNA were positive for HBeAg and negative for anti-HBe. Two of the sera positive for HBV DNA were negative for HBeAg but positive for anti-HBe. All sera negative for HBV DNA were also negative for HBeAg. Many sera which were negative for HBV DNA and HBeAg were positive for HBsAg. Of the 31 sera from PHC patients, 23 had at least one HBV marker positive (74.2%).
Clinical studies were carried out on mild Indian sickle cell anaemia in Malaysia, and genetic and fertility studies were carried out on 101 families with and without sickle-cell haemoglobin (Hb S). The Indian sickle cell anaemia patients reached adulthood, and pregnancies and deliveries were uneventful without blood transfusion. There was no foetal wastage and the number of children produced was not significantly different from that in families without Hb S. 28 Indian patients hospitalized with Plasmodium falciparum malaria infection were also examined for their beta S genotype. P. falciparum malaria infection occurred much more frequently in individuals without Hb S than in Hb S carriers.
The jungle habitat of the Temuan aborigines harbors a variety of infectious diseases, the most notable being malaria. Our study of 15 genetic systems in the Temuan revealed substantial polymorphism and within-population genetic diversity. The polymorphisms for Hb beta, G6PD, and El are of interest in regard to genetic adaptation to malaria. Among the polymorphisms investigated we conclude that G6PD deficiency and elliptocytosis are likely to have malaria-resistant effects as evidenced by their low association with malarial parasitemia or their higher frequency in adults than in children. These findings suggest that the malarial habitat of the Temuans is livable in the long range sense for them because of the cluster of malaria-resistant alleles in their gene pool (G6PD)-, El, and possibly, but not tested here because of its low frequency, Hb beta E). The same condition probably holds for the Semai, the nearest aborigine neighbors of the Temuan (although the Semai have not been tested for malarial parasitemia and for these polymorphisms simultaneously), since the Semai have substantial Hb betaE, G6PD-, and El. The Temuan have a cultural identity system of rituals, beliefs, and certain aspects of language which effectively isolates them genetically from Malays and other nonaborigines. This system hinders the dilution of the malaria-resistant alleles of the Temuan gene pool with the malaria-susceptible alleles of the nonaborigine gene pools.
The Indian rubber estate workers in Negri Sembilan, Malaysia, who originated from Orissa in India were found to have a high frequency of Hb S (Joishy SK, Hassan K: Clin Res 28:280, 1980). Unlike the usually severe clinical picture of sickle cell anemia seen in African and American blacks, the clinical picture of the disease in this population was mild and many have reached old age. We studied the leukocyte DNA of 12 patients with sickle cell anemia, ranging in age from 4 to 61 years and 30 sickle cell trait carriers, ranging in age from 7 to 63 years, for the presence of alpha-globin gene deletions by gene mapping according to Southern (Southern EM: J Mol Biol 98:503, 1975), using alpha- and zeta-globin gene probes obtained by nick translation of the alpha- and zeta-globin genes cloned into plasmid. All 12 sickle cell anemia patients were found to have alpha-thalassemia2 (alpha-thal2), either in the homozygous or heterozygous condition. Of the Hb S trait carriers, six did not have alpha-thal2 or alpha-thal1 and 24 had alpha-thal2 (15 heterozygous, 9 homozygous). Seven of these Hb S trait carriers with alpha-thal2 had an additional gene abnormality. Five of them had a fast-moving Eco RI fragment 5.6 kb long that hybridized with zeta-specific probe but not with alpha-specific probe. An unusual DNA pattern of a different type was further found in the other two. Bgl II restriction analysis showed that the alpha-thal2 was mostly of the rightward deletion alpha-thal1 genotype. None of the sickle cell anemia patients and Hb S trait carriers had deletion type alpha-thal1. The sickle cell anemia patients had very high levels of Hb F and low levels of Hb A2. The Hb S trait carriers with alpha-thal2 had relatively low levels of Hb S.
A high frequency of nonhemolytic hereditary ovalocytosis in Malayan aborigines is thought to result from reduced susceptibility of affected individuals to malaria. Indeed, Kidson et al. recently showed that ovalocytes from Melanesians in Papua New Guinea are resistant to infection in culture by the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum. In order to determine if protection against parasitic invasion in these ovalocytes might be the result of some altered membrane material property in these unusual cells, we measured their membrane and cellular deformability characteristics using an ektacytometer . Ovalocytic red cells were found to be much less deformable in comparison to normal discoid red cells. Similar measurements on isolated membrane preparations revealed a marked reduction in ovalocytic membrane deformability. To produce equal deformation of ovalocytic and normal membranes, ovalocytes required an 8-10-fold increase in applied shear stress, indicating that their membrane was capable of deforming under sufficient stress. To test the possibility that this increased membrane rigidity might confer resistance to parasitic invasion, we performed an in vitro invasion assay using Plasmodium falciparum merozoites and Malayan ovalocytes of varying deformability from seven different donors. The level of infection of the ovalocytes ranged from 1% to 35% of that in control cells, and the extent of inhibition appeared to be closely related to the reduction in membrane deformability. Moreover, we were able to induce similar resistance to parasitic invasion in nonovalocytic normal red cells by increasing their membrane rigidity with graded exposure to a protein crosslinking agent. Our findings suggest that resistance to parasite invasion of Malayan ovalocytes is the result of a genetic mutation that causes increased membrane rigidity.
Hereditary ovalocytosis/elliptocytosis occurs in polymorphic frequencies among several Malaysian populations and also in Melanesia. Although the condition has been described as an autosomal dominant, Melanesian family studies suggest that it is inherited recessively. Based on 75 Orang Asli families, it is shown that the Malaysian form of elliptocytosis is most likely inherited as an autosomal dominant. It appears, therefore, that either the inference of recessive inheritance in Melanesians is incorrect or that the ovalocytosis/elliptocytosis phenotypes are due to distinct genetic entities in the two regions.
DNA from healthy Malaysian newborns was studied on gene maps after digestion with different restriction endonucleases. Of 65 newborns, two were found to be carriers of two different variants of triplicated alpha-globin loci. In variant no. 1, found in an Malay, the three alpha-globin genes are in an elongated DNA fragment on digestion with Eco RI and Bam HI. The third alpha-globin gene was found in a additional 3.7-kb fragment on digestion with Hpa I, Bgl II and Hind III. In variant no. 2, a new type of triplicated alpha-globin loci, found in a Chinese, the three alpha-globin genes reside in an elongated DNA fragment longer than that of variant no. 1 on digestion with Eco RI and Bam HI. The third alpha-globin gene was found in an additional 4.2-kb fragment on digestion with Hpa I and Hind III. Digestion of this variant DNA with Bg1 II produced an abnormal 16.7-kb fragment in addition to the normal 7.0-kb Bgl-II fragment. The locations of the restriction sites in the two types of triplicated alpha-globin loci are compatible with a mechanism of unequal crossing over following two different modes of misalignment.
The combination of Hb E,alpha-thalassaemia and Hb CoSp was found in a 20-year-old female Malay who presented with a moderately severe haemolytic anaemia. The findings in the patient and her family from which this diagnosis was arrived at are discussed. Although this is the first report of this condition in this country it is pointed out that one may see more such cases in the future if one is aware of this condition since Hb E, alpha-thalassaemia and Hb CoSp all occur at significant frequencies in this country.
The trait condition for hemoglobin Tak, was found in a 4-day old newborn Malay who suffered from severe neonatal jaundice. The beta chain of the abnormal hemoglobin was elongated by 11 residues at the C-terminus and had the same structure as reported for Hb Tak. The mother was heterozygous for this abnormal hemoglobin, the father was normal. The mother and child, 4 years later, did not show clinical or hematological symptoms except definitely increased resistance of their erythrocytes to hypotonic saline solutions and slight anisopoikilocytosis. The abnormal gene in the two reported Thai families and in our Malay family may have the same origin.
In a study of Malaysians of different racial groups, 1,510 sera (908 from Malays, 371 from Chinese and 231 from Indians) were identified for their protease inhibitor (Pi) types. The gene frequencies for the alleles PiM, PiS and PiX in Malays were, respectively, 0.979, 0.015, and 0.007. In Chinese, the frequencies were 0.981, 0.019 and 0.000, and in Indians they were 0.976, 0.24, and 0.000. It is interesting that the usually rare PiX type is found in appreciable frequency in the Malays. Two different types with unusual behavior and obscure origin were also found.
Restriction enzyme analysis of the alpha and zeta globin genes was carried out in four cases of Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis, in three patients with Hb H disease without Hb CoSp, in three patients with Hb H disease with Hb CoSp, in 47 individuals with alpha thalassemia trait, and in 47 normal individuals. All four cases of Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis resulted from deletions of alpha 1 and alpha 2 globin genes which did not extend to the psi zeta 1 and zeta 2 globin genes. The same type of deletion was observed in alpha thal1 carriers, but two newborns (one Malay and one of Chinese extraction) had a nondeletion type of alpha thal1 which was confirmed by quantitative alpha globin gene analysis. In addition, two other newborns diagnosed as alpha thal1 trait carriers (one Malay, one Chinese) were shown to have a deletion of both alpha globin genes by quantitative alpha globin gene analysis, but further testing with zeta globin gene probe failed to reveal an abnormal fragment length characteristic of an alpha globin gene deletion. We believe that this last condition is due to a large deletion which includes all alpha globin genes and all zeta globin genes on the same chromosome. On another front, Bgl II restriction analysis of all four Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis cases and the alpha thal1 trait carriers showed a 10.5-kb Bgl II restriction fragment, in the hydrops fetalis as a single band, while in the carriers this 10.5-kb fragment was accompanied by the usual normal 12.5-kb and 11.3-kb fragments. We report that this 10.5-kb fragment, previously thought to be specific for the Southeast Asian alpha thal1 gene deletion, is also common in normal individuals. Nevertheless, digestion with other enzymes can clearly differentiate the alpha thal1 and normal genotypes. We distinguish the findings in the alpha thalassemias from the extensive DNA polymorphism in the region of the alpha and zeta globin genes.
The white blood cell DNA of 36 cord blood samples with Hb Bart's in the red blood cells was studied for alpha-globin gene deletions by hybridization of DNA fragments digested by the restriction endonucleases Eco RI, Hpa I, Bam HI, and Bgl II. All 16 DNA samples from cord blood with Hb Bart's below 3% and no other abnormal hemoglobin had one alpha-globin gene deletion (alpha thal2), except one which had two alpha-globin gene deletions (alpha thal1). Most of the alpha thal2 were of the rightward deletion alpha thal2 genotype. Two new types of alpha thal2 variation was found, probably due to a polymorphism somewhere in an area outside the alpha-globin gene. All 14 cases with Hb Bart's between 3.5% and 8.5% and no other abnormal hemoglobin had two alpha-globin gene deletions (alpha thal1), except one that did not have any alpha-globin gene deletion and one that had one alpha-globin gene deletion. Three DNA samples of cord blood with Hb Bart's accompanied by Hb CoSp did not have any alpha-globin gene deletion. Sixty-five DNA samples from cord blood without Hb Bart's or other abnormal hemoglobin had no alpha-globin gene deletions, except one that had one alpha-globin gene deletion (alpha thal2). Two of the 65 DNA samples were found to have triplicated alpha-globin gene loci.
Kadazans, the largest indigenous group in Sabah, northern Borneo, were surveyed for glyoxalase I, phosphoglucomutase I, red cell acid phosphatase, esterase D, adenosine deaminase, soluble glutamate pyruvate transaminase, soluble glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, uridine monophosphate kinase, adenylate kinase, peptidase B and D, superoxide dismutase, C5, group specific component, haptoglobin and transferrin. Kadazans were found to be polymorphic for GLO I, PGM I, RCAP, esterase D, ADA, s-Gpt, 6PGD, UMPK, Gc, C5, haptoglobin and peptidase B. Rare variants were found for transferrin and peptidase D. No variant was found for s-Got, SOD and AK.
Malaysians of Malay, Chinese, and Indian ancestries were electrophoretically phenotyped for Amy1 and saliva esterase region 1 (Set-1) from saliva, Amy2 from plasma, soluble and mitochondrial GOT and PGM3 from leukocyte and placenta. Kadazans and Bajaus, the indigenous people of Sabah, East Malaysia were surveyed for Amy2. Three types of variants were observed for Amy1, one type for Amy2. Only Indians were found to be polymorphic for Amy1. Two GOTs 2-1 and three GOTm 2-1 variants were found among 281 Chinese while three GOTm 2-1 variants were found among 311 Malays. Malaysian Malays, Chinese, and Indians were found to be polymorphic for Set-1 and PGM3. The gene frequencies in Malays are Set-1F=0.601 +/- 0.021, Set-1S = 0.399 +/- 0.021; PGM13 = 0.788 +/- 0.020, PGM23 = 0.212 +/- 0.020; in Chinese Set-1F = 0.497 +/- 0.028, Set-1S = 0.503 +/- 0.028; PGM13 = 0.745 +/- 0.24, PGM23 = 0.255 +/- 0.024; in Indians, Set-1F = 0.449 +/- 0.031, Set-1S = 0.551 +/- 0.031; PGM13 = 0.755 +/- 0.029, PGM23 = 0.245 +/- 0.029.
A study was carried out of 332 babies suffering from severe neonatal jaundice who were admitted to the General Hospital, Kuala Lumpar, Malaysia. Of the 332 neonates, 51 were premature and 281 were full-term babies, 178 (110 Chinese, 58 Malay, 9 Indian and 1 European-Pakistani) had bilirubin levels of 20 mg% or higher, requiring exchange blood transfusion. Of the Chinese neonates, 23 (20.9%) had G6PD deficiency, 9 (8.2%) had Hb Bart's and 2 (1.8%) had an abnormal haemoglobin, one Hb Q and one fetal variant. Among the Malay infants, 10 (17.2%) had G6PD deficiency, 7 (12.1%) had Hb Bart's and 10 (17.2%) had abnormal haemoglobins (four had Hb E trait, one had Hb K and Bart's in addition to Hb E, three had Hb CoSp with Hb Bart's, one had Hb Q and one Hb Tak). One of the nine Indian neonates had G6PD deficiency and one had Hb S trait. The one European-Pakistani baby was a carrier of Hb D Punjab. In addition to G6PD deficiency, abnormal haemoglobins seem to have contributed to the high incidence of severe neonatal jaundice in Malaysia. The mean activities of GP, GR and GR after stimulation with FAD were higher, while the mean activity of PK and mean level of reduced glutathione were lower than in normal cord bloods. The percent increase of GR after FAD stimulation was significantly lower; fewer in this group had increases above 20% than in normal cord blood. The possible significance of the findings is discussed.