Methods: From June 15, 2017 to May 14, 2018, we collected nasopharyngeal swabs from 600 patients of all ages older than 1 month hospitalized with pneumonia at Sibu and Kapit Hospitals. Specimens were examined at our collaborating institutions with a panel of molecular assays for viral pathogens including influenza A (IAV), IBV, ICV, and IDV, human adenovirus (AdV), human enterovirus (EV), human coronavirus (CoV), respiratory syncytial virus subtype A (RSV-A) or RSV-B, and parainfluenza virus (PIV) types 1-4.
Results: Of 599 samples examined, 288 (48%) had molecular evidence of 1 or more respiratory viruses. Overall, the most prevalent virus detected was RSV-A (14.2%) followed by AdV (10.4%) and IAV (10.4%), then RSV-B (6.2%), EV (4.2%), IBV (2.2%), PIV-3 (1.7%), CoV (1.0%), PIV-1 (1.0%), PIV-4 (0.7%), and PIV-2 (0.2%). No specimens were confirmed positive for ICV or IDV.
Conclusions: The high prevalence of viruses detected in this study suggest that respiratory viruses may be responsible for considerable morbidity in equatorial regions such as Sarawak. Access to viral diagnostics are very necessary for medical staff to determine appropriate pneumonia treatments.
Methods: Specimens were studied for evidence of adenovirus (AdV), enterovirus (EV) and coronavirus (CoV) with panspecies gel-based nested PCR/RT-PCR assays. Gene sequences of specimens positive by panspecies assays were sequenced and studied with the NCBI Basic Local Alignment Search Tool software.
Results: There was considerable discordance between real-time and conventional molecular methods. The real-time AdV assay found a positivity of 10.4%; however, the AdV panspecies assay detected a positivity of 12.4% and the conventional AdV-Hexon assay detected a positivity of 19.6%. The CoV and EV panspecies assays similarly detected more positive specimens than the real-time assays, with a positivity of 7.8% by the CoV panspecies assay versus 4.2% by rRT-PCR, and 8.0% by the EV panspecies assay versus 1.0% by rRT-PCR. We were not able to ascertain virus viability in this setting. While most discordance was likely due to assay sensitivity for previously described human viruses, two novel, possible zoonotic AdV were detected.
Conclusions: The observed differences in the two modes of amplification suggest that where a problem with sensitivity is suspected, real-time assay results might be supplemented with panspecies conventional PCR/RT-PCR assays.
OBJECTIVE: To establish the antiviral activity, clinical outcomes, safety, and tolerability of rilematovir (low or high dose) in children aged ≥ 28 days and ≤ 3 years with RSV disease.
METHODS: CROCuS was a multicenter, international, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, adaptive phase II study, wherein children aged ≥ 28 days and ≤ 3 years with confirmed RSV infection who were either hospitalized (Cohort 1) or treated as outpatients (Cohort 2) were randomized (1:1:1) to receive rilematovir (low or high dose) or placebo. Study treatment was administered daily as an oral suspension from days 1 to 7, with dosing based on weight and age groups. The primary objective was to establish antiviral activity of rilematovir by evaluating the area under the plasma concentration-time curve of RSV viral load in nasal secretions from baseline through day 5. Severity and duration of RSV signs and symptoms and the safety and tolerability of rilematovir were also assessed through day 28 (± 3).
RESULTS: In total, 246 patients were randomized, treated, and included in the safety analysis population (Cohort 1: 147; Cohort 2: 99). Of these, 231 were included in the intent-to-treat-infected analysis population (Cohort 1: 138; Cohort 2: 93). In both cohorts, demographics were generally similar across treatment groups. In both cohorts combined, the difference (95% confidence interval) in the mean area under the plasma concentration-time curve of RSV RNA viral load through day 5 was - 1.25 (- 2.672, 0.164) and - 1.23 (- 2.679, 0.227) log10 copies∙days/mL for the rilematovir low-dose group and the rilematovir high-dose group, respectively, when compared with placebo. The estimated Kaplan-Meier median (95% confidence interval) time to resolution of key RSV symptoms in the rilematovir low-dose, rilematovir high-dose, and placebo groups of Cohort 1 was 6.01 (4.24, 7.25), 5.82 (4.03, 8.18), and 7.05 (5.34, 8.97) days, respectively; in Cohort 2, estimates were 6.45 (4.81, 9.70), 6.26 (5.41, 7.84), and 5.85 (3.90, 8.27) days, respectively. A similar incidence of adverse events was reported in patients treated with rilematovir and placebo in Cohort 1 (rilematovir: 61.9%; placebo: 58.0%) and Cohort 2 (rilematovir: 50.8%; placebo: 47.1%), with most reported as grade 1 or 2 and none leading to study discontinuation. The study was terminated prematurely, as the sponsor made a non-safety-related strategic decision to discontinue rilematovir development prior to full recruitment of Cohort 2.
CONCLUSIONS: Data from the combined cohort suggest that rilematovir has a small but favorable antiviral effect of indeterminate clinical relevance compared with placebo, as well as a favorable safety profile. Safe and effective therapeutic options for RSV in infants and young children remain an unmet need.
CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: EudraCT Number: 2016-003642-93; Identifier: NCT03656510. First posted date: 4 September, 2018.
OBJECTIVES: To determine if the pathogens adenovirus (ADV), coronavirus (CoV), encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV), enterovirus (EV), influenza A-D (IAV, IBV, ICV, and IDV), porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2), and porcine rotaviruses A and C (RVA and RVC), are aerosolized at the animal-interface, and if humans working in these environments are carrying these viruses in their nasal airways.
STUDY: This cross-sectional study took place in Sarawak, Malaysia among 11 pig farms, 2 abattoirs, and 3 animal markets in June and July of 2017. Pig feces, pig oral secretions, bioaerosols, and worker nasal wash samples were collected and analyzed via rPCR and rRT-PCR for respiratory and diarrheal viruses.
RESULTS: In all, 55 pig fecal, 49 pig oral or water, 45 bioaerosol, and 78 worker nasal wash samples were collected across 16 sites. PCV2 was detected in 21 pig fecal, 43 pig oral or water, 3 bioaerosol, and 4 worker nasal wash samples. In addition, one or more bioaerosol or pig samples were positive for EV, IAV, and RVC, and one or more worker samples were positive for ADV, CoV, IBV, and IDV.
CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that nucleic acids from a number of targeted viruses were present in pig oral secretions and pig fecal samples, and that several viruses were detected in bioaerosol samples or in the nasal passages of humans with occupational exposure to pigs. These results demonstrate the need for future research in strengthening viral surveillance at the human-animal interface, specifically through expanded bioaerosol sampling efforts and a seroepidemiological study of individuals with exposure to pigs in this region for PCV2 infection.