Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 54 in total

  1. Albahri OS, Zaidan AA, Zaidan BB, Hashim M, Albahri AS, Alsalem MA
    J Med Syst, 2018 Jul 25;42(9):164.
    PMID: 30043085 DOI: 10.1007/s10916-018-1006-6
    Promoting patient care is a priority for all healthcare providers with the overall purpose of realising a high degree of patient satisfaction. A medical centre server is a remote computer that enables hospitals and physicians to analyse data in real time and offer appropriate services to patients. The server can also manage, organise and support professionals in telemedicine. Therefore, a remote medical centre server plays a crucial role in sustainably delivering quality healthcare services in telemedicine. This article presents a comprehensive review of the provision of healthcare services in telemedicine applications, especially in the medical centre server. Moreover, it highlights the open issues and challenges related to providing healthcare services in the medical centre server within telemedicine. Methodological aspects to control and manage the process of healthcare service provision and three distinct and successive phases are presented. The first phase presents the identification process to propose a decision matrix (DM) on the basis of a crossover of 'multi-healthcare services' and 'hospital list' within intelligent data and service management centre (Tier 4). The second phase discusses the development of a DM for hospital selection on the basis of integrated VIKOR-Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) methods. Finally, the last phase examines the validation process for the proposed framework.
  2. Albahri AS, Zaidan AA, Albahri OS, Zaidan BB, Alsalem MA
    J Med Syst, 2018 Jun 23;42(8):137.
    PMID: 29936593 DOI: 10.1007/s10916-018-0983-9
    The burden on healthcare services in the world has increased substantially in the past decades. The quality and quantity of care have to increase to meet surging demands, especially among patients with chronic heart diseases. The expansion of information and communication technologies has led to new models for the delivery healthcare services in telemedicine. Therefore, mHealth plays an imperative role in the sustainable delivery of healthcare services in telemedicine. This paper presents a comprehensive review of healthcare service provision. It highlights the open issues and challenges related to the use of the real-time fault-tolerant mHealth system in telemedicine. The methodological aspects of mHealth are examined, and three distinct and successive phases are presented. The first discusses the identification process for establishing a decision matrix based on a crossover of 'time of arrival of patient at the hospital/multi-services' and 'hospitals' within mHealth. The second phase discusses the development of a decision matrix for hospital selection based on the MAHP method. The third phase discusses the validation of the proposed system.
  3. Mohsin AH, Zaidan AA, Zaidan BB, Albahri AS, Albahri OS, Alsalem MA, et al.
    J Med Syst, 2018 Oct 16;42(12):238.
    PMID: 30327939 DOI: 10.1007/s10916-018-1104-5
    The development of wireless body area sensor networks is imperative for modern telemedicine. However, attackers and cybercriminals are gradually becoming aware in attacking telemedicine systems, and the black market value of protected health information has the highest price nowadays. Security remains a formidable challenge to be resolved. Intelligent home environments make up one of the major application areas of pervasive computing. Security and privacy are the two most important issues in the remote monitoring and control of intelligent home environments for clients and servers in telemedicine architecture. The personal authentication approach that uses the finger vein pattern is a newly investigated biometric technique. This type of biometric has many advantages over other types (explained in detail later on) and is suitable for different human categories and ages. This study aims to establish a secure verification method for real-time monitoring systems to be used for the authentication of patients and other members who are working in telemedicine systems. The process begins with the sensor based on Tiers 1 and 2 (client side) in the telemedicine architecture and ends with patient verification in Tier 3 (server side) via finger vein biometric technology to ensure patient security on both sides. Multilayer taxonomy is conducted in this research to attain the study's goal. In the first layer, real-time remote monitoring studies based on the sensor technology used in telemedicine applications are reviewed and analysed to provide researchers a clear vision of security and privacy based on sensors in telemedicine. An extensive search is conducted to identify articles that deal with security and privacy issues, related applications are reviewed comprehensively and a coherent taxonomy of these articles is established. ScienceDirect, IEEE Xplore and Web of Science databases are checked for articles on mHealth in telemedicine based on sensors. A total of 3064 papers are collected from 2007 to 2017. The retrieved articles are filtered according to the security and privacy of telemedicine applications based on sensors. Nineteen articles are selected and classified into two categories. The first category, which accounts for 57.89% (n = 11/19), includes surveys on telemedicine articles and their applications. The second category, accounting for 42.1% (n = 8/19), includes articles on the three-tiered architecture of telemedicine. The collected studies reveal the essential need to construct another taxonomy layer and review studies on finger vein biometric verification systems. This map-matching for both taxonomies is developed for this study to go deeply into the sensor field and determine novel risks and benefits for patient security and privacy on client and server sides in telemedicine applications. In the second layer of our taxonomy, the literature on finger vein biometric verification systems is analysed and reviewed. In this layer, we obtain a final set of 65 articles classified into four categories. In the first category, 80% (n = 52/65) of the articles focus on development and design. In the second category, 12.30% (n = 8/65) includes evaluation and comparative articles. These articles are not intensively included in our literature analysis. In the third category, 4.61% (n = 3/65) includes articles about analytical studies. In the fourth category, 3.07% (n = 2/65) comprises reviews and surveys. This study aims to provide researchers with an up-to-date overview of studies that have been conducted on (user/patient) authentication to enhance the security level in telemedicine or any information system. In the current study, taxonomy is presented by explaining previous studies. Moreover, this review highlights the motivations, challenges and recommendations related to finger vein biometric verification systems and determines the gaps in this research direction (protection of finger vein templates in real time), which represent a new research direction in this area.
  4. Mohammed KI, Zaidan AA, Zaidan BB, Albahri OS, Albahri AS, Alsalem MA, et al.
    Comput Methods Programs Biomed, 2020 Mar;185:105151.
    PMID: 31710981 DOI: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2019.105151
    CONTEXT: Telemedicine has been increasingly used in healthcare to provide services to patients remotely. However, prioritising patients with multiple chronic diseases (MCDs) in telemedicine environment is challenging because it includes decision-making (DM) with regard to the emergency degree of each chronic disease for every patient.

    OBJECTIVE: This paper proposes a novel technique for reorganisation of opinion order to interval levels (TROOIL) to prioritise the patients with MCDs in real-time remote health-monitoring system.

    METHODS: The proposed TROOIL technique comprises six steps for prioritisation of patients with MCDs: (1) conversion of actual data into intervals; (2) rule generation; (3) rule ordering; (4) expert rule validation; (5) data reorganisation; and (6) criteria weighting and ranking alternatives within each rule. The secondary dataset of 500 patients from the most relevant study in a remote prioritisation area was adopted. The dataset contains three diseases, namely, chronic heart disease, high blood pressure (BP) and low BP.

    RESULTS: The proposed TROOIL is an effective technique for prioritising patients with MCDs. In the objective validation, remarkable differences were recognised among the groups' scores, indicating identical ranking results. In the evaluation of issues within all scenarios, the proposed framework has an advantage of 22.95% over the benchmark framework.

    DISCUSSION: Patients with the most severe MCD were treated first on the basis of their highest priority levels. The treatment for patients with less severe cases was delayed more than that for other patients.

    CONCLUSIONS: The proposed TROOIL technique can deal with multiple DM problems in prioritisation of patients with MCDs.

  5. Mohsin AH, Zaidan AA, Zaidan BB, Albahri OS, Albahri AS, Alsalem MA, et al.
    J Med Syst, 2019 May 22;43(7):192.
    PMID: 31115768 DOI: 10.1007/s10916-019-1264-y
    In medical systems for patient's authentication, keeping biometric data secure is a general problem. Many studies have presented various ways of protecting biometric data especially finger vein biometric data. Thus, It is needs to find better ways of securing this data by applying the three principles of information security aforementioned, and creating a robust verification system with high levels of reliability, privacy and security. Moreover, it is very difficult to replace biometric information and any leakage of biometrics information leads to earnest risks for example replay attacks using the robbed biometric data. In this paper presented criticism and analysis to all attempts as revealed in the literature review and discussion the proposes a novel verification secure framework based confidentiality, integrity and availability (CIA) standard in triplex blockchain-particle swarm optimization (PSO)-advanced encryption standard (AES) techniques for medical systems patient's authentication. Three stages are performed on discussion. Firstly, proposes a new hybrid model pattern in order to increase the randomization based on radio frequency identification (RFID) and finger vein biometrics. To achieve this, proposed a new merge algorithm to combine the RFID features and finger vein features in one hybrid and random pattern. Secondly, how the propose verification secure framework are followed the CIA standard for telemedicine authentication by combination of AES encryption technique, blockchain and PSO in steganography technique based on proposed pattern model. Finally, discussed the validation and evaluation of the proposed verification secure framework.
  6. Mohammed KI, Zaidan AA, Zaidan BB, Albahri OS, Alsalem MA, Albahri AS, et al.
    J Med Syst, 2019 Jun 11;43(7):223.
    PMID: 31187288 DOI: 10.1007/s10916-019-1362-x
    Remotely monitoring a patient's condition is a serious issue and must be addressed. Remote health monitoring systems (RHMS) in telemedicine refers to resources, strategies, methods and installations that enable doctors or other medical professionals to work remotely to consult, diagnose and treat patients. The goal of RHMS is to provide timely medical services at remote areas through telecommunication technologies. Through major advancements in technology, particularly in wireless networking, cloud computing and data storage, RHMS is becoming a feasible aspect of modern medicine. RHMS for the prioritisation of patients with multiple chronic diseases (MCDs) plays an important role in sustainably providing high-quality healthcare services. Further investigations are required to highlight the limitations of the prioritisation of patients with MCDs over a telemedicine environment. This study introduces a comprehensive and inclusive review on the prioritisation of patients with MCDs in telemedicine applications. Furthermore, it presents the challenges and open issues regarding patient prioritisation in telemedicine. The findings of this study are as follows: (1) The limitations and problems of existing patients' prioritisation with MCDs are presented and emphasised. (2) Based on the analysis of the academic literature, an accurate solution for remote prioritisation in a large scale of patients with MCDs was not presented. (3) There is an essential need to produce a new multiple-criteria decision-making theory to address the current problems in the prioritisation of patients with MCDs.
  7. Mohsin AH, Zaidan AA, Zaidan BB, Mohammed KI, Albahri OS, Albahri AS, et al.
    Multimed Tools Appl, 2021;80(9):14137-14161.
    PMID: 33519293 DOI: 10.1007/s11042-020-10284-y
    Secure updating and sharing for large amounts of healthcare information (such as medical data on coronavirus disease 2019 [COVID-19]) in efficient and secure transmission are important but challenging in communication channels amongst hospitals. In particular, in addressing the above challenges, two issues are faced, namely, those related to confidentiality and integrity of their health data and to network failure that may cause concerns about data availability. To the authors' knowledge, no study provides secure updating and sharing solution for large amounts of healthcare information in communication channels amongst hospitals. Therefore, this study proposes and discusses a novel steganography-based blockchain method in the spatial domain as a solution. The novelty of the proposed method is the removal and addition of new particles in the particle swarm optimisation (PSO) algorithm. In addition, hash function can hide secret medical COVID-19 data in hospital databases whilst providing confidentiality with high embedding capacity and high image quality. Moreover, stego images with hash data and blockchain technology are used in updating and sharing medical COVID-19 data between hospitals in the network to improve the level of confidentiality and protect the integrity of medical COVID-19 data in grey-scale images, achieve data availability if any connection failure occurs in a single point of the network and eliminate the central point (third party) in the network during transmission. The proposed method is discussed in three stages. Firstly, the pre-hiding stage estimates the embedding capacity of each host image. Secondly, the secret COVID-19 data hiding stage uses PSO algorithm and hash function. Thirdly, the transmission stage transfers the stego images based on blockchain technology and updates all nodes (hospitals) in the network. As proof of concept for the case study, the authors adopted the latest COVID-19 research published in the Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine journal, which presents a rescue framework within hospitals for the storage and transfusion of the best convalescent plasma to the most critical patients with COVID-19 on the basis of biological requirements. The validation and evaluation of the proposed method are discussed.
  8. Al-Hussein WA, Por LY, Kiah MLM, Zaidan BB
    PMID: 35162493 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19031470
    The process of collecting driving data and using a computational model to generate a safety score for the driver is known as driver behavior profiling. Existing driver profiles attempt to categorize drivers as either safe or aggressive, which some experts say is not practical. This is due to the "safe/aggressive" categorization being a state that describes a driver's conduct at a specific point in time rather than a continuous state or a human trait. Furthermore, due to the disparity in traffic laws and regulations between countries, what is considered aggressive behavior in one place may differ from what is considered aggressive behavior in another. As a result, adopting existing profiles is not ideal. The authors provide a unique approach to driver behavior profiling based on timeframe data segmentation. The profiling procedure consists of two main parts: row labeling and segment labeling. Row labeling assigns a safety score to each second of driving data based on criteria developed with the help of Malaysian traffic safety experts. Then, rows are accumulated to form timeframe segments. In segment labeling, generated timeframe segments are assigned a safety score using a set of criteria. The score assigned to the generated timeframe segment reflects the driver's behavior during that time period. Following that, the study adopts three deep-learning-based algorithms, namely, Deep Neural Network (DNN), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), to classify recorded driving data according to the established profiling procedure, and selects the most suitable one for a proposed recognition system. Various techniques were used to prevent the classification algorithms from overfitting. Using gathered naturalistic data, the validity of the modulated algorithms was assessed on various timeframe segments ranging from 1 to 10 s. Results showed that the CNN, which achieved an accuracy of 96.1%, outperformed the other two classification algorithms and was therefore recommended for the recognition system. In addition, recommendations were outlined on how the recognition system would assist in improving traffic safety.
  9. Al-Hussein WA, Kiah MLM, Por LY, Zaidan BB
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2021 Nov 09;18(22).
    PMID: 34831495 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph182211740
    Road accidents are increasing every year in Malaysia, and it is always challenging to collect reliable pre-crash data in the transportation community. Existing studies relied on simulators, police crash reports, questionnaires, and surveys to study Malaysia's drivers' behavior. Researchers previously criticized such methods for being biased and unreliable. To fill in the literature gap, this study presents the first naturalistic driving study in Malaysia. Thirty drivers were recruited to drive an instrumented vehicle for 750 km while collecting continuous driving data. The data acquisition system consists of various sensors such as OBDII, lidar, ultrasonic sensors, IMU, and GPS. Irrelevant data were filtered, and experts helped identify safety criteria regarding multiple driving metrics such as maximum acceptable speed limits, safe accelerations, safe decelerations, acceptable distances to vehicles ahead, and safe steering behavior. These thresholds were used to investigate the influence of social and cultural factors on driving in Malaysia. The findings show statistically significant differences between drivers based on gender, age, and cultural background. There are also significant differences in the results for those who drove on weekends rather than weekdays. The study presents several recommendations to various public and governmental sectors to help prevent future accidents and improve traffic safety.
  10. Kalid N, Zaidan AA, Zaidan BB, Salman OH, Hashim M, Albahri OS, et al.
    J Med Syst, 2018 Mar 02;42(4):69.
    PMID: 29500683 DOI: 10.1007/s10916-018-0916-7
    This paper presents a new approach to prioritize "Large-scale Data" of patients with chronic heart diseases by using body sensors and communication technology during disasters and peak seasons. An evaluation matrix is used for emergency evaluation and large-scale data scoring of patients with chronic heart diseases in telemedicine environment. However, one major problem in the emergency evaluation of these patients is establishing a reasonable threshold for patients with the most and least critical conditions. This threshold can be used to detect the highest and lowest priority levels when all the scores of patients are identical during disasters and peak seasons. A practical study was performed on 500 patients with chronic heart diseases and different symptoms, and their emergency levels were evaluated based on four main measurements: electrocardiogram, oxygen saturation sensor, blood pressure monitoring, and non-sensory measurement tool, namely, text frame. Data alignment was conducted for the raw data and decision-making matrix by converting each extracted feature into an integer. This integer represents their state in the triage level based on medical guidelines to determine the features from different sources in a platform. The patients were then scored based on a decision matrix by using multi-criteria decision-making techniques, namely, integrated multi-layer for analytic hierarchy process (MLAHP) and technique for order performance by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS). For subjective validation, cardiologists were consulted to confirm the ranking results. For objective validation, mean ± standard deviation was computed to check the accuracy of the systematic ranking. This study provides scenarios and checklist benchmarking to evaluate the proposed and existing prioritization methods. Experimental results revealed the following. (1) The integration of TOPSIS and MLAHP effectively and systematically solved the patient settings on triage and prioritization problems. (2) In subjective validation, the first five patients assigned to the doctors were the most urgent cases that required the highest priority, whereas the last five patients were the least urgent cases and were given the lowest priority. In objective validation, scores significantly differed between the groups, indicating that the ranking results were identical. (3) For the first, second, and third scenarios, the proposed method exhibited an advantage over the benchmark method with percentages of 40%, 60%, and 100%, respectively. In conclusion, patients with the most and least urgent cases received the highest and lowest priority levels, respectively.
  11. Kalid N, Zaidan AA, Zaidan BB, Salman OH, Hashim M, Muzammil H
    J Med Syst, 2017 Dec 29;42(2):30.
    PMID: 29288419 DOI: 10.1007/s10916-017-0883-4
    The growing worldwide population has increased the need for technologies, computerised software algorithms and smart devices that can monitor and assist patients anytime and anywhere and thus enable them to lead independent lives. The real-time remote monitoring of patients is an important issue in telemedicine. In the provision of healthcare services, patient prioritisation poses a significant challenge because of the complex decision-making process it involves when patients are considered 'big data'. To our knowledge, no study has highlighted the link between 'big data' characteristics and real-time remote healthcare monitoring in the patient prioritisation process, as well as the inherent challenges involved. Thus, we present comprehensive insights into the elements of big data characteristics according to the six 'Vs': volume, velocity, variety, veracity, value and variability. Each of these elements is presented and connected to a related part in the study of the connection between patient prioritisation and real-time remote healthcare monitoring systems. Then, we determine the weak points and recommend solutions as potential future work. This study makes the following contributions. (1) The link between big data characteristics and real-time remote healthcare monitoring in the patient prioritisation process is described. (2) The open issues and challenges for big data used in the patient prioritisation process are emphasised. (3) As a recommended solution, decision making using multiple criteria, such as vital signs and chief complaints, is utilised to prioritise the big data of patients with chronic diseases on the basis of the most urgent cases.
  12. Alsalem MA, Zaidan AA, Zaidan BB, Hashim M, Madhloom HT, Azeez ND, et al.
    Comput Methods Programs Biomed, 2018 May;158:93-112.
    PMID: 29544792 DOI: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2018.02.005
    CONTEXT: Acute leukaemia diagnosis is a field requiring automated solutions, tools and methods and the ability to facilitate early detection and even prediction. Many studies have focused on the automatic detection and classification of acute leukaemia and their subtypes to promote enable highly accurate diagnosis.

    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to review and analyse literature related to the detection and classification of acute leukaemia. The factors that were considered to improve understanding on the field's various contextual aspects in published studies and characteristics were motivation, open challenges that confronted researchers and recommendations presented to researchers to enhance this vital research area.

    METHODS: We systematically searched all articles about the classification and detection of acute leukaemia, as well as their evaluation and benchmarking, in three main databases: ScienceDirect, Web of Science and IEEE Xplore from 2007 to 2017. These indices were considered to be sufficiently extensive to encompass our field of literature.

    RESULTS: Based on our inclusion and exclusion criteria, 89 articles were selected. Most studies (58/89) focused on the methods or algorithms of acute leukaemia classification, a number of papers (22/89) covered the developed systems for the detection or diagnosis of acute leukaemia and few papers (5/89) presented evaluation and comparative studies. The smallest portion (4/89) of articles comprised reviews and surveys.

    DISCUSSION: Acute leukaemia diagnosis, which is a field requiring automated solutions, tools and methods, entails the ability to facilitate early detection or even prediction. Many studies have been performed on the automatic detection and classification of acute leukaemia and their subtypes to promote accurate diagnosis.

    CONCLUSIONS: Research areas on medical-image classification vary, but they are all equally vital. We expect this systematic review to help emphasise current research opportunities and thus extend and create additional research fields.

  13. Albahri OS, Albahri AS, Mohammed KI, Zaidan AA, Zaidan BB, Hashim M, et al.
    J Med Syst, 2018 Mar 22;42(5):80.
    PMID: 29564649 DOI: 10.1007/s10916-018-0943-4
    The new and ground-breaking real-time remote monitoring in triage and priority-based sensor technology used in telemedicine have significantly bounded and dispersed communication components. To examine these technologies and provide researchers with a clear vision of this area, we must first be aware of the utilised approaches and existing limitations in this line of research. To this end, an extensive search was conducted to find articles dealing with (a) telemedicine, (b) triage, (c) priority and (d) sensor; (e) comprehensively review related applications and establish the coherent taxonomy of these articles. ScienceDirect, IEEE Xplore and Web of Science databases were checked for articles on triage and priority-based sensor technology in telemedicine. The retrieved articles were filtered according to the type of telemedicine technology explored. A total of 150 articles were selected and classified into two categories. The first category includes reviews and surveys of triage and priority-based sensor technology in telemedicine. The second category includes articles on the three-tiered architecture of telemedicine. Tier 1 represents the users. Sensors acquire the vital signs of the users and send them to Tier 2, which is the personal gateway that uses local area network protocols or wireless body area network. Medical data are sent from Tier 2 to Tier 3, which is the healthcare provider in medical institutes. Then, the motivation for using triage and priority-based sensor technology in telemedicine, the issues related to the obstruction of its application and the development and utilisation of telemedicine are examined on the basis of the findings presented in the literature.
  14. Alamoodi AH, Albahri OS, Zaidan AA, Alsattar HA, Zaidan BB, Albahri AS
    Neural Comput Appl, 2023;35(8):6185-6196.
    PMID: 36415285 DOI: 10.1007/s00521-022-07998-5
    This research proposes a novel mobile health-based hospital selection framework for remote patients with multi-chronic diseases based on wearable body medical sensors that use the Internet of Things. The proposed framework uses two powerful multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods, namely fuzzy-weighted zero-inconsistency and fuzzy decision by opinion score method for criteria weighting and hospital ranking. The development of both methods is based on a Q-rung orthopair fuzzy environment to address the uncertainty issues associated with the case study in this research. The other MCDM issues of multiple criteria, various levels of significance and data variation are also addressed. The proposed framework comprises two main phases, namely identification and development. The first phase discusses the telemedicine architecture selected, patient dataset used and decision matrix integrated. The development phase discusses criteria weighting by q-ROFWZIC and hospital ranking by q-ROFDOSM and their sub-associated processes. Weighting results by q-ROFWZIC indicate that the time of arrival criterion is the most significant across all experimental scenarios with (0.1837, 0.183, 0.230, 0.276, 0.335) for (q = 1, 3, 5, 7, 10), respectively. Ranking results indicate that Hospital (H-4) is the best-ranked hospital in all experimental scenarios. Both methods were evaluated based on systematic ranking and sensitivity analysis, thereby confirming the validity of the proposed framework.
  15. Alsalem MA, Zaidan AA, Zaidan BB, Hashim M, Albahri OS, Albahri AS, et al.
    J Med Syst, 2018 Sep 19;42(11):204.
    PMID: 30232632 DOI: 10.1007/s10916-018-1064-9
    This study aims to systematically review prior research on the evaluation and benchmarking of automated acute leukaemia classification tasks. The review depends on three reliable search engines: ScienceDirect, Web of Science and IEEE Xplore. A research taxonomy developed for the review considers a wide perspective for automated detection and classification of acute leukaemia research and reflects the usage trends in the evaluation criteria in this field. The developed taxonomy consists of three main research directions in this domain. The taxonomy involves two phases. The first phase includes all three research directions. The second one demonstrates all the criteria used for evaluating acute leukaemia classification. The final set of studies includes 83 investigations, most of which focused on enhancing the accuracy and performance of detection and classification through proposed methods or systems. Few efforts were made to undertake the evaluation issues. According to the final set of articles, three groups of articles represented the main research directions in this domain: 56 articles highlighted the proposed methods, 22 articles involved proposals for system development and 5 papers centred on evaluation and comparison. The other taxonomy side included 16 main and sub-evaluation and benchmarking criteria. This review highlights three serious issues in the evaluation and benchmarking of multiclass classification of acute leukaemia, namely, conflicting criteria, evaluation criteria and criteria importance. It also determines the weakness of benchmarking tools. To solve these issues, multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) analysis techniques were proposed as effective recommended solutions in the methodological aspect. This methodological aspect involves a proposed decision support system based on MCDM for evaluation and benchmarking to select suitable multiclass classification models for acute leukaemia. The said support system is examined and has three sequential phases. Phase One presents the identification procedure and process for establishing a decision matrix based on a crossover of evaluation criteria and acute leukaemia multiclass classification models. Phase Two describes the decision matrix development for the selection of acute leukaemia classification models based on the integrated Best and worst method (BWM) and VIKOR. Phase Three entails the validation of the proposed system.
  16. Mohsin AH, Zaidan AA, Zaidan BB, Ariffin SAB, Albahri OS, Albahri AS, et al.
    J Med Syst, 2018 Oct 29;42(12):245.
    PMID: 30374820 DOI: 10.1007/s10916-018-1103-6
    In real-time medical systems, the role of biometric technology is significant in authentication systems because it is used in verifying the identity of people through their biometric features. The biometric technology provides crucial properties for biometric features that can support the process of personal identification. The storage of biometric template within a central database makes it vulnerable to attack which can also occur during data transmission. Therefore, an alternative mechanism of protection becomes important to develop. On this basis, this study focuses on providing a detailed analysis of the extant literature (2013-2018) to identify the taxonomy and research distribution. Furthermore, this study also seeks to ascertain the challenges and motivations associated with biometric steganography in real-time medical systems to provide recommendations that can enhance the efficient use of real-time medical systems in biometric steganography and its applications. A review of articles on human biometric steganography in real-time medical systems obtained from three main databases (IEEE Xplore, ScienceDirect and Web of Science) is conducted according to an appropriate review protocol. Then, 41 related articles are selected by using exclusion and inclusion criteria. Majority of the studies reviewed had been conducted in the field of data-hiding (particularly steganography) technologies. In this review, various steganographic methods that have been applied in different human biometrics are investigated. Thereafter, these methods are categorised according to taxonomy, and the results are presented on the basis of human steganography biometric real-time medical systems, testing and evaluation methods, significance of use and applications and techniques. Finally, recommendations on how the challenges associated with data hiding can be addressed are provided to enhance the efficiency of using biometric information processed in any authentication real-time medical system. These recommendations are expected to be immensely helpful to developers, company users and researchers.
  17. Alsalem MA, Zaidan AA, Zaidan BB, Albahri OS, Alamoodi AH, Albahri AS, et al.
    J Med Syst, 2019 Jun 01;43(7):212.
    PMID: 31154550 DOI: 10.1007/s10916-019-1338-x
    This paper aims to assist the administration departments of medical organisations in making the right decision on selecting a suitable multiclass classification model for acute leukaemia. In this paper, we proposed a framework that will aid these departments in evaluating, benchmarking and ranking available multiclass classification models for the selection of the best one. Medical organisations have continuously faced evaluation and benchmarking challenges in such endeavour, especially when no single model is superior. Moreover, the improper selection of multiclass classification for acute leukaemia model may be costly for medical organisations. For example, when a patient dies, one such organisation will be legally or financially sued for incidents in which the model fails to fulfil its desired outcome. With regard to evaluation and benchmarking, multiclass classification models are challenging processes due to multiple evaluation and conflicting criteria. This study structured a decision matrix (DM) based on the crossover of 2 groups of multi-evaluation criteria and 22 multiclass classification models. The matrix was then evaluated with datasets comprising 72 samples of acute leukaemia, which include 5327 gens. Subsequently, multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) techniques are used in the benchmarking and ranking of multiclass classification models. The MCDM used techniques that include the integrated BWM and VIKOR. BWM has been applied for the weight calculations of evaluation criteria, whereas VIKOR has been used to benchmark and rank classification models. VIKOR has also been employed in two decision-making contexts: individual and group decision making and internal and external group aggregation. Results showed the following: (1) the integration of BWM and VIKOR is effective at solving the benchmarking/selection problems of multiclass classification models. (2) The ranks of classification models obtained from internal and external VIKOR group decision making were almost the same, and the best multiclass classification model based on the two was 'Bayes. Naive Byes Updateable' and the worst one was 'Trees.LMT'. (3) Among the scores of groups in the objective validation, significant differences were identified, which indicated that the ranking results of internal and external VIKOR group decision making were valid.
  18. Mohammed TJ, Albahri AS, Zaidan AA, Albahri OS, Al-Obaidi JR, Zaidan BB, et al.
    Appl Intell (Dordr), 2021;51(5):2956-2987.
    PMID: 34764579 DOI: 10.1007/s10489-020-02169-2
    As coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) spreads across the world, the transfusion of efficient convalescent plasma (CP) to the most critical patients can be the primary approach to preventing the virus spread and treating the disease, and this strategy is considered as an intelligent computing concern. In providing an automated intelligent computing solution to select the appropriate CP for the most critical patients with COVID-19, two challenges aspects are bound to be faced: (1) distributed hospital management aspects (including scalability and management issues for prioritising COVID-19 patients and donors simultaneously), and (2) technical aspects (including the lack of COVID-19 dataset availability of patients and donors and an accurate matching process amongst them considering all blood types). Based on previous reports, no study has provided a solution for CP-transfusion-rescue intelligent framework during this pandemic that has addressed said challenges and issues. This study aimed to propose a novel CP-transfusion intelligent framework for rescuing COVID-19 patients across centralised/decentralised telemedicine hospitals based on the matching component process to provide an efficient CP from eligible donors to the most critical patients using multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) methods. A dataset, including COVID-19 patients/donors that have met the important criteria in the virology field, must be augmented to improve the developed framework. Four consecutive phases conclude the methodology. In the first phase, a new COVID-19 dataset is generated on the basis of medical-reference ranges by specialised experts in the virology field. The simulation data are classified into 80 patients and 80 donors on the basis of the five biomarker criteria with four blood types (i.e., A, B, AB, and O) and produced for COVID-19 case study. In the second phase, the identification scenario of patient/donor distributions across four centralised/decentralised telemedicine hospitals is identified 'as a proof of concept'. In the third phase, three stages are conducted to develop a CP-transfusion-rescue framework. In the first stage, two decision matrices are adopted and developed on the basis of the five 'serological/protein biomarker' criteria for the prioritisation of patient/donor lists. In the second stage, MCDM techniques are analysed to adopt individual and group decision making based on integrated AHP-TOPSIS as suitable methods. In the third stage, the intelligent matching components amongst patients/donors are developed on the basis of four distinct rules. In the final phase, the guideline of the objective validation steps is reported. The intelligent framework implies the benefits and strength weights of biomarker criteria to the priority configuration results and can obtain efficient CPs for the most critical patients. The execution of matching components possesses the scalability and balancing presentation within centralised/decentralised hospitals. The objective validation results indicate that the ranking is valid.
  19. Alsalem MA, Albahri OS, Zaidan AA, Al-Obaidi JR, Alnoor A, Alamoodi AH, et al.
    Appl Intell (Dordr), 2022;52(9):9676-9700.
    PMID: 35035091 DOI: 10.1007/s10489-021-02813-5
    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have shown promising ability to treat critical cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) by regenerating lung cells and reducing immune system overreaction. However, two main challenges need to be addressed first before MSCs can be efficiently transfused to the most critical cases of COVID-19. First is the selection of suitable MSC sources that can meet the standards of stem cell criteria. Second is differentiating COVID-19 patients into different emergency levels automatically and prioritising them in each emergency level. This study presents an efficient real-time MSC transfusion framework based on multicriteria decision-making(MCDM) methods. In the methodology, the testing phase represents the ability to adhere to plastic surfaces, the upregulation and downregulation of specific surface protein markers and finally the ability to differentiate into different kinds of cells. In the development phase, firstly, two scenarios of an augmented dataset based on the medical perspective are generated to produce 80 patients with different emergency levels. Secondly, an automated triage algorithm based on a formal medical guideline is proposed for real-time monitoring of COVID-19 patients with different emergency levels (i.e. mild, moderate, severe and critical) considering the improvement and deterioration procedures from one level to another. Thirdly, a unique decision matrix for each triage level (except mild) is constructed on the basis of the intersection between the evaluation criteria of each emergency level and list of COVID-19 patients. Thereafter, MCDM methods (i.e. analytic hierarchy process [AHP] and vlsekriterijumska optimizcija i kaompromisno resenje [VIKOR]) are integrated to assign subjective weights for the evaluation criteria within each triage level and then prioritise the COVID-19 patients on the basis of individual and group decision-making(GDM) contexts. Results show that: (1) in both scenarios, the proposed algorithm effectively classified the patients into four emergency levels, including mild, moderate, severe and critical, taking into consideration the improvement and deterioration cases. (2) On the basis of experts' perspectives, clear differences in most individual prioritisations for patients with different emergency levels in both scenarios were found. (3) In both scenarios, COVID-19 patients were prioritised identically between the internal and external group VIKOR. During the evaluation, the statistical objective method indicated that the patient prioritisations underwent systematic ranking. Moreover, comparison analysis with previous work proved the efficiency of the proposed framework. Thus, the real-time MSC transfusion for COVID-19 patients can follow the order achieved in the group VIKOR results.
  20. Talal M, Zaidan AA, Zaidan BB, Albahri AS, Alamoodi AH, Albahri OS, et al.
    J Med Syst, 2019 Jan 15;43(3):42.
    PMID: 30648217 DOI: 10.1007/s10916-019-1158-z
    The Internet of Things (IoT) has been identified in various applications across different domains, such as in the healthcare sector. IoT has also been recognised for its revolution in reshaping modern healthcare with aspiring wide range prospects, including economical, technological and social. This study aims to establish IoT-based smart home security solutions for real-time health monitoring technologies in telemedicine architecture. A multilayer taxonomy is driven and conducted in this study. In the first layer, a comprehensive analysis on telemedicine, which focuses on the client and server sides, shows that other studies associated with IoT-based smart home applications have several limitations that remain unaddressed. Particularly, remote patient monitoring in healthcare applications presents various facilities and benefits by adopting IoT-based smart home technologies without compromising the security requirements and potentially large number of risks. An extensive search is conducted to identify articles that handle these issues, related applications are comprehensively reviewed and a coherent taxonomy for these articles is established. A total number of (n = 3064) are gathered between 2007 and 2017 for most reliable databases, such as ScienceDirect, Web of Science and Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineer Xplore databases. Then, the articles based on IoT studies that are associated with telemedicine applications are filtered. Nine articles are selected and classified into two categories. The first category, which accounts for 22.22% (n = 2/9), includes surveys on telemedicine articles and their applications. The second category, which accounts for 77.78% (n = 7/9), includes articles on the client and server sides of telemedicine architecture. The collected studies reveal the essential requirement in constructing another taxonomy layer and review IoT-based smart home security studies. Therefore, IoT-based smart home security features are introduced and analysed in the second layer. The security of smart home design based on IoT applications is an aspect that represents a crucial matter for general occupants of smart homes, in which studies are required to provide a better solution with patient security, privacy protection and security of users' entities from being stolen or compromised. Innovative technologies have dispersed limitations related to this matter. The existing gaps and trends in this area should be investigated to provide valuable visions for technical environments and researchers. Thus, 67 articles are obtained in the second layer of our taxonomy and are classified into six categories. In the first category, 25.37% (n = 17/67) of the articles focus on architecture design. In the second category, 17.91% (n = 12/67) includes security analysis articles that investigate the research status in the security area of IoT-based smart home applications. In the third category, 10.44% (n = 7/67) includes articles about security schemes. In the fourth category, 17.91% (n = 12/67) comprises security examination. In the fifth category, 13.43% (n = 9/67) analyses security protocols. In the final category, 14.92% (n = 10/67) analyses the security framework. Then, the identified basic characteristics of this emerging field are presented and provided in the following aspects. Open challenges experienced on the development of IoT-based smart home security are addressed to be adopted fully in telemedicine applications. Then, the requirements are provided to increase researcher's interest in this study area. On this basis, a number of recommendations for different parties are described to provide insights on the next steps that should be considered to enhance the security of smart homes based on IoT. A map matching for both taxonomies is developed in this study to determine the novel risks and benefits of IoT-based smart home security for real-time remote health monitoring within client and server sides in telemedicine applications.
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