Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 48 in total

  1. Tan CM
    Med Teach, 1990;12(1):83-90.
    PMID: 2233187
    Following revision of the curriculum the effectiveness of a traditional cookbook experiment, used in conjunction with an 'interpretation seminar', was evaluated. Curriculum revision had been predominantly concerned with an avoidance of overloading and provision of self-study periods. The preceding lectures were integrated with the experiment. The learning resulting from the practical experience was assessed using pre- and post-tests. The practical exercise was ineffective and did not facilitate conceptual understanding. Due to the central role of passive teaching methods the students adopted a surface approach to all learning, were teacher dependent and did not make effective use of their private study. Furthermore, owing to a broad-based entry into medical school many students lacked the basic skills essential to the achievement of meaningful learning. Clearly, for effective learning the curriculum and pedagogy must be geared to the background and educational needs of the students.
  2. Chur-Hansen A
    Med Teach, 2004 Jun;26(4):343-8.
    PMID: 15203848
    International students' medical training often includes an elective placement in their home country to prepare them for practice on graduation. Seven Malaysian students in their final year of medicine were interviewed pre- and post-graduation and asked to reflect on whether they felt adequately prepared for working in Malaysia. These seven international students, who studied medicine in Australia, all returned to Malaysia for six weeks for their elective, and the interviews canvassed their perceptions of this experience, along with their thoughts on how well their training in Australia had prepared them for working in their country of origin. The interview data were qualitatively analysed, and case studies were constructed. Main themes were identified and tabulated. Students voiced similar concerns about how ready they were for working at home. These included a lack of practical skills relative to their Malaysian-trained counterparts, language difficulties, medical communication skill incompatibilities across cultures, expectations to perform complex or unfamiliar tasks with minimal supervision and substantial burdens of responsibility with long working hours. These students did not feel greatly prepared for their return home to practise medicine. The elective placement was not well utilized by the majority of students in this study.
  3. Peters H, Zdravkovic M, João Costa M, Celenza A, Ghias K, Klamen D, et al.
    Med Teach, 2019 06;41(6):632-637.
    PMID: 29683024 DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2018.1459530
    Student engagement refers to a broad range of activities where students participate in management, education, research, and community activities within their institutions. It is a mutually beneficial collaborative approach between students and their institutions. This article provides practical advice for the implementation or further development of student engagement at medical, dental, and veterinary schools. The tips provided are based on the experiences of a group of universities recently recognized for best practice in student engagement, and are supported by evidence from the literature. The tips cover overarching themes which include the creation of an institutional culture and formal framework for student engagement, and maximize communication routes between students with peers and faculty. Tips are for specific areas of active student engagement, covering curriculum design and development, peer teaching, governance processes, research activities, peer support programs, and interaction with the local community.
  4. Morgan MP, Thomas W, Rashid-Doubell F
    Med Teach, 2020 01;42(1):36-38.
    PMID: 31411913 DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2019.1649380
    The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) was among the first medical institutions to establish a global education community which now provides high-quality transnational health professions education aligned across three locations: Europe, the Middle East and South-East Asia. The successful implementation of a shared modularized curriculum in this context can be complex and challenging. Here we describe our insights, gained from a decade of working together as shared module Academic Leads to deliver a system-based medical module to an international student cohort. The themes covered are some of the areas where we consider our joint deliberations have led to improved outcomes for the delivery and assessment of the module, which may be helpful to academic staff embarking on similar module sharing experiences.
  5. Malik AS, Malik RH
    Med Teach, 2021 Apr 09.
    PMID: 33836640 DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1910642
    INTRODUCTION: COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the educators to creatively develop teaching and assessment methods that can work effectively and efficiently while maintaining the social distancing and avoiding the gatherings of the classrooms and examination halls. Online approach has emerged as an effective alternate for classroom teaching.

    AIM: To equip faculty with tools to conduct TBL session online, synchronously, effectively and efficiently.

    METHODS: We examined the published literature in the area of online teaching and combined it with our own experience of conducting TBL sessions online.

    RESULTS: We created 12 tips to assist faculty to facilitate an effective and engaging TBL session online.

    CONCLUSIONS: Applying these 12 tips while facilitating a TBL-online session will ensure the full engagement of students in the process of active learning.

  6. Syed Aznal SS, Nadarajah VDV, Kwa SK, Seow LL, Chong DW, Molugulu N, et al.
    Med Teach, 2021 Jul;43(sup1):S33-S38.
    PMID: 31854254 DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2019.1697434
    BACKGROUND: There is a continuing concern about how graduate work readiness (WR) reflects on the success of universities meeting the requirements of employment. This study is to establish a valid and reliable instrument measuring WR in health professions (HP) graduates of medicine, pharmacy and dentistry.

    METHODS: The study from March 2016 to April 2017 was conducted to validate the 'Work Readiness Scale' (WRS; Deakin University) using Principal Component Analysis and Cronbach - α for internal consistency. It was modified to a four-item even-point scale and distributed as an online survey to 335 final year students of the three programs.

    RESULTS: A reduction from 64 to 53 items provided good internal consistency in all factors: WC 0.85, OA 0.88, SI 0.88 and PC 0.71. The PC domain had the greatest item reduction from 22 to 6, whilst the SI domain increased in items from 8 to 19. These changes may be associated with difference in understanding or interpretation of the items in the SI domain.

    CONCLUSION: The modified WRS can be used to evaluate job readiness in HP graduates. However, it needs further refinement and validation in specific educational and employment contexts.

  7. Wong PS, Chen YS, Saw PS
    Med Teach, 2021 Jul;43(sup1):S39-S45.
    PMID: 31603016 DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2019.1672864
    BACKGROUND: Interprofessional education (IPE) is an instructional approach for equipping health professions students with essential competencies needed to provide collaborative patient-centred care. The implementation and sustainability of IPE are challenging for many institutions. This qualitative study identified barriers and facilitators in the processes of IPE implementation.

    METHODS: We conducted mixed focus groups (FGs) with faculty members from medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nutrition and dietetics, nursing, chiropractic, Chinese medicine, and other health sciences programmes; who were involved in the planning of IPE at institutional or programme level, or who participated in IPE activity. Transcripts were analysed using grounded theory.

    RESULTS: We identified 25 barriers and facilitators, clustered under five major categories of commitment, faculty engagement, IPE design, support, and delivery.

    CONCLUSIONS: Successful implementation of IPE may hinge on actions in 5 stages; commitment, faculty engagement, IPE design, support, and delivery. The processes will require consistent leadership to break down professional silos and enhance collaborative effort in IPE implementation.

  8. D Mani S, Chen NLP, Menon V, Babar MG
    Med Teach, 2021 Jul;43(sup1):S18-S24.
    PMID: 31545659 DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2019.1666206
    INTRODUCTION: Medical schools have reported on the integration of humanities, through literature, which offer diverse content and approaches that can be used to enhance patient care. The integration of humanities in dental education is a recent development. At the International Medical University (IMU) Malaysia, a literature module which focused on perspective taking activities was offered to the Bachelor of Dentistry program. We aimed to study if the module impacted dental students' understanding of patient care.

    METHODS: Third-year undergraduate dental students were facilitated to discuss stories, engage in perspective taking activities and keep a portfolio for assessment in the Stories and Perspectives selective. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data in their portfolios.

    RESULTS: The dental students identified key learning points that would better prepare them for patient-centered care. Three themes emerged: (1) facilitate empathy in students, (2) stimulate self-awareness in students, and (3) motivate students to be perceptive communicators. Students were able to appreciate the complexities of care giving as it involved taking into account the thoughts and feelings of the other while recognizing their own mental state. They further valued the choice of appropriate words and actions in mediating this process.

    CONCLUSION: The potential for incorporating humanities based approaches to teach patient care to dental students is favorable. Reading stories and extending this to perspective taking activities to induce creative ways to shift between experiences of self and other is a positive approach in preparing health professionals for care giving encounters.

  9. Mamat NH, Nadarajah VD, Er HM, Ramamurthy S, Pook PCK
    Med Teach, 2021 Jul;43(sup1):S25-S32.
    PMID: 31491355 DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2019.1654089
    BACKGROUND: Student evaluation of the learning environment is important to enhance learning experiences. Programs such as Pharmacy use feedback from the evaluation to identify teaching-learning issues and use it to improve the quality of the learning experiences. The article aims to explore the general observations from the evaluation; to identify how the feedback is used to improve the learning environment and to identify lessons for educators in managing and using the feedback.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional data analysis of Pharmacy students' learning environment from 2011-2015 based on data from module, faculty, IMU-REEM and Student Barometer Survey was applied. Feedback obtained from the data was triangulated to establish commonalities/differences of the issues.

    RESULTS: Based on the analysis, issues affecting Pharmacy student learning experiences were identified. The identified issues included teaching by subject matter experts, pedagogical delivery and physical learning environment. Seven lessons were presented for educators to assess the practicality of the feedback.

    CONCLUSIONS: The feedback serves as a means to improve the Pharmacy program. Nonetheless, the challenges lie between the ideal and realistic expectations of students in optimizing the learning experiences. Lessons acquired from the evaluation of the learning environment are essential for educators in managing and using the information.

  10. Ramamurthy S, Er HM, Devi Nadarajah V, Radhakrishnan AK
    Med Teach, 2021 Jul;43(sup1):S6-S11.
    PMID: 31408404 DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2019.1646894
    BACKGROUND: Lifelong learning (LL) is an important outcome of medical training. The objective of this study is to measure the orientation of medical students toward LL and to determine the types of self-directed learning (SDL) activities that contribute toward LL skills.

    METHODS: The Jefferson Scale of Physician Lifelong Learning for medical student (JeffSPLL-MS) questionnaire was used. Factor analysis was performed, Cronbach's alpha and effect size were calculated. The types of learning activities that contribute to LL skills were identified.

    RESULTS: Three-factor structure emerged from the factor analysis and were identified as learning beliefs and motivation, skills in seeking information and attention to learning opportunities. A significant increase (p 

  11. Chandratilake M, Nadarajah VD, Mohd Sani RMB
    Med Teach, 2021 Jul;43(sup1):S53-S58.
    PMID: 32248710 DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2020.1741530
    Cultural beliefs and practices impact heavily on health outcomes of patients. Doctors' ability to deal with such issues in clinical practice, i.e. cultural competence, is widely studied in the west. It has yet to be given due importance in non-western contexts. This study aimed to develop a valid and reliable measure of cultural competence in the Malaysian cultural context and to assess cultural competence among Malaysian medical students. Thirty-five cultural issues faced by Malaysian doctors were identified with a series of interviews to develop a preliminary tool. The responses of students to these cultural issues were evaluated against the extent of inquiry and advocacy based on a theoretical framework of cultural competence. The responses were subjected to statistical analysis to determine the internal structure of the tool and to reduce the number of items in the tool. The final tool (IMU Measure of Cultural Competence - IMoCC) comprised of 22 issues, which deemed to be reliable in the second round of testing. In both tools, student cohorts demonstrated an acceptable level of cultural competence with room for improvement. However, they appeared to learn how to deal with cultural issues primarily through informal means and not in the formal curriculum.
  12. Chia CF, Nadarajah VD, Lim V, Kutzsche S
    Med Teach, 2021 Jul;43(sup1):S46-S52.
    PMID: 32552199 DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2020.1776239
    BACKGROUND: Faculty development programmes should incorporate the transfer of knowledge, skills, and confidence from the training to educational practice. However, there is a risk that transfer may fail due to inadequate integration of knowledge, skills, and confidence. The study evaluated transfer levels, guided by learned principles from a faculty development programme.

    METHOD: The submitted self-reports on a pedagogical intervention of 92 out of 190 health professions educators who participated in a mandatory teaching and learning training programme, were analysed by a mixed-method approach guided by a structured conceptual framework.

    RESULTS: Overall 93.4% reported the successful transfer of learning. Participants incorporated sustainable changed practice (level A, 57.6%), showed reflection on the impact of changed practice (level B, 21.7%), and performed effect analysis (level C, 14.1%). The rest planned application of learning (level D, 4.4%) and identified gaps in current practice or developed an idea for educational intervention but did not implement (level E, 2.2%).

    CONCLUSION: The majority of participants transferred their learning. Faculty development programmes must ensure successful transfer of knowledge, skills, and confidence from the training to educational practice to ensure sustainable development of teaching and learning practices.

  13. Nadarajah VD, Lim VKE, Baba AA
    Med Teach, 2021 Jul;43(sup1):S1-S4.
    PMID: 34190005 DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1942443
    There have been recent discourses of what scholarship means for health professions education (HPE) and how it may need a rethink during the pandemic. One key take home message from these discourses is the role of institutions in nurturing and investing in scholarship. Given the current challenges faced by both higher education and healthcare, there is a risk that activities and resources for scholarship in HPE may be neglected. How do institutions make a case for continuous investment in HPE scholarship? Despite being a relatively new and small private university with no public funding, IMU has made fairly significant progress in delivering a unique model of HPE programmes with HPE scholarly output. This commentary discusses the importance of investing in scholarship for HPE with the International Medical University (IMU) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia as a case study. Examples of institutional initiatives that support and enhance scholarship are presented based on the recent AMEE guide (142) on redefining scholarship.
  14. Ramani S, McKimm J, Findyartini A, Nadarajah VD, Hays R, Chisolm MS, et al.
    Med Teach, 2021 Aug;43(8):966-971.
    PMID: 33108740 DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2020.1839034
    Scholarship in Health Professions Education is not just original research, it also includes study of educational processes, and application of new knowledge to practice. The pathways to successful scholarship are not always clear to novice educators. In this article, we describe strategies to establish a Community of Scholars (CoS), where more experienced and senior members guide junior members in scholarship to advance the field. Drawing on Lave and Wenger's concepts of Communities of Practice (CoP), we describe twelve practical tips, which include generation of a shared vision, formation of a global community of scholars, engagement in scholarly initiatives, and development of a professional identity, categorised under three major steps: establish, grow, and sustain the community. The tips embrace inclusivity for diverse cultural contexts which further provide opportunities for Health Professions Educators, interested in forming communities of practice, to work on scholarly outputs and add value to the professional arena.
  15. Er HM, Nadarajah VD, Chen YS, Misra S, Perera J, Ravindranath S, et al.
    Med Teach, 2021 Jul;43(sup1):S12-S17.
    PMID: 31522577 DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2019.1659942
    Outcome-based education (OBE) has brought along a significant development in health professions education in the past decade. The shift from a process-driven to product-driven model of education is valuable for ensuring graduate quality and facilitating global movement of healthcare workers. Such a model can align the expectations of key stakeholders in an era of rapid knowledge expansion and technological advancement. Nevertheless, the experienced benefits of OBE depend on the effectiveness of its implementation. This article therefore provides practical tips and strategies for implementing OBE in order to maximize its potential.
  16. Guraya SY, Khoshhal KI, Yusoff MSB, Khan MA
    Med Teach, 2018 09;40(sup1):S83-S89.
    PMID: 29730951 DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2018.1465532
    OBJECTIVES: Research has shown a fall of research productivity of faculty after their promotion to professor rank. This study explores the factors that lead to this decline in research productivity of professors in medical discipline.

    METHODS: A 20-item questionnaire was distributed online to medical professors of a Saudi, Malaysian and a Pakistani medical school. The participants were instructed to select their responses on a 5-point Likert's scale and the collected data was analyzed for quantitative and qualitative results.

    RESULTS: Of 161, 110 responded; response rate of 68.3%. About 35% professors spent 1-4 hours and 2% spent 19-25 hours per week for research. As many as 7% did not publish a single article and 29% had published 10 or more articles after attaining professor rank. During the last two years, 44% professors had published 5 or more research articles. Majority pointed out a lack of research support and funds, administrative burden and difficulty in data collection as the main obstacles to their research.

    CONCLUSIONS: This research has identified time constraints and insufficient support for research as key barriers to medical professors' research productivity. Financial and technical support and lesser administrative work load are some suggested remedies to foster the professors' research output.

  17. Brouwer E, Driessen E, Mamat NH, Nadarajah VD, Somodi K, Frambach J
    Med Teach, 2020 02;42(2):221-227.
    PMID: 31630598 DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2019.1676885
    Introduction: Medical schools increasingly offer curricula that specifically aim to prepare students for an international medical career. This is challenging as well as controversial: curriculum designers must balance specific local healthcare requirements with global health competencies doctors need in our globalised world. By investigating how international medical programme designers experience this balancing act, this study aims to contribute insights to the debate on local versus global medical education.Methods: We conducted a multi-centre instrumental case study across three universities with international medical programmes in three countries. The study involved 26 semi-structured interviews with key curriculum designers recruited through purposive sampling. Additionally, we performed a curriculum document analysis. Data were thematically analysed within a multidisciplinary team.Results: Participants described two profiles of international medical programme graduates: 'a global physician', equipped with specific competencies for international practice, and 'a universal professional', an overall high-level graduate fit for future practice anywhere. These perspectives presented different curriculum design challenges.Conclusions: International medical programmes teach us how we can rethink graduate profiles in a globalising world. Yet, educational standardisation poses risks and securing equity in global health education is challenging, as is preparing students to be adaptable to the requirements of a rapidly changing future local healthcare context.
  18. Ramani S, McKimm J, Forrest K, Hays R, Bishop J, Thampy H, et al.
    Med Teach, 2021 Nov 29.
    PMID: 34843415 DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1993162
    This AMEE guide provides a robust framework and practical strategies for health professions educators to enhance their writing skills and engage in successful scholarship within a collaborative writing team. Whether scholarly output involves peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, blogs and online posts, online educational resources, collaborative writing requires more than the usual core writing skills, it requires teamwork, leadership and followership, negotiation, and conflict resolution, mentoring and more. Whilst educators can attend workshops or courses to enhance their writing skills, there may be fewer opportunities to join a community of scholars and engage in successful collaborative writing. There is very little guidance on how to find, join, position oneself and contribute to a writing group. Once individuals join a group, further questions arise as to how to contribute, when and whom to ask for help, whether their contribution is significant, and how to move from the periphery to the centre of the group. The most important question of all is how to translate disparate ideas into a shared key message and articulate it clearly. In this guide, we describe the value of working within a collaborative writing group; reflect on principles that anchor the concept of writing as a team and guide team behaviours; suggest explicit strategies to overcome challenges and promote successful writing that contributes to and advances the field; and review challenges to starting, maintaining, and completing writing tasks. We approach writing through three lenses: that of the individual writer, the writing team, and the scholarly product, the ultimate goal being meaningful contributions to the field of Health Professions Education.
  19. Funston G, Piper RJ, Connell C, Foden P, Young AM, O'Neill P
    Med Teach, 2016 Oct;38(10):1041-1048.
    PMID: 27008336 DOI: 10.3109/0142159X.2016.1150981
    BACKGROUND: Engaging and inspiring the next generation of physician-scientists at an early stage is recognised as key to ensure the future of medical research. However, little is known about medical student perceptions of research.
    OBJECTIVES: We attempted to ascertain perceptions of research and research-orientated careers from medical students studying in different countries.
    METHODS: An online questionnaire was developed, piloted, and promoted to medical students in various countries.
    RESULTS: 1625 responses were collected from 38 countries. Analysis was restricted to data collected from countries with >100 responses (n = 890). Less than half the respondents felt their medical school provided adequate research training. Key perceived barriers to research participation as a student included lack of time and difficulty finding mentors or projects. A significant gender disparity existed in research ambitions of students with females desiring less research involvement. The importance of barriers and satisfaction with research training differed significantly between countries.
    CONCLUSIONS: Students perceive a number of key barriers to research involvement and pursuit of research-orientated careers. Programmes designed to engage students with research should focus on overcoming identified barriers. Greater effort is needed to engage female students who report more significant barriers and less desire to follow research-orientated careers.
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