Displaying publications 21 - 27 of 27 in total

  1. Mohd Sidik S, Arroll B, Goodyear-Smith F
    Br J Gen Pract, 2011 Jun;61(587):e326-32.
    PMID: 21801511 DOI: 10.3399/bjgp11X577990
    Background: This is the first study investigating Anxiety among women attending a primary care clinic
    in Malaysia.
    Aim: The objective was to determine the factors associated with anxiety among these women.
    Design: This cross-sectional study was conducted in a government-funded primary care clinic in Malaysia. Consecutive female patients attending the clinic during the data-collection period were invited to participate in the study.
    Method: Participants were given self-administered questionnaires, which included the validated Generalised Anxiety Disorder-7 questionnaire (GAD-7) Malay version to detect anxiety.
    Results: Of the 1023 patients who were invited, 895 agreed to participate (response rate 87.5%). The prevalence of anxiety in this study was 7.8%, based on the GAD-7 (score ≥8). Multiple logistic regression analysis found that certain stressful life events and the emotional aspect of domestic violence were significantly associated with anxiety (P<0.05).
    Conclusion: The prevalence of anxiety among women in this study is similar to that found in other countries.
    Factors found to be associated with anxiety, especially issues on domestic violence, need to be addressed andmanaged appropriately.
    Keywords: anxiety; Malaysia; prevalence; primary care; women.
    Questionnaire: Generalized Anxiety Disorder scale; GAD-7 (Malay version); Hark questionnaire
    Matched MeSH terms: Anxiety Disorders/epidemiology*
  2. Mohd Khairi MD, Rafidah KN, Affizal A, Normastura AR, Suzana M, Normani ZM
    Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol, 2011 Apr;75(4):513-7.
    PMID: 21292333 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2011.01.009
    To investigate the anxiety among mothers whom their babies have failed test results in the first stage of Universal Neonatal Hearing Screening Program.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anxiety Disorders/epidemiology
  3. Kader Maideen SF, Mohd Sidik S, Rampal L, Mukhtar F
    BMC Psychiatry, 2015;15:262.
    PMID: 26497745 DOI: 10.1186/s12888-015-0648-x
    Anxiety is the most common mental health disorders in the general population. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of anxiety, its associated factors and the predictors of anxiety among adults in the community of Selangor, Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Anxiety Disorders/epidemiology*
  4. Hassan MR, Shah SA, Ghazi HF, Mohd Mujar NM, Samsuri MF, Baharom N
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2015;16(9):4031-5.
    PMID: 25987081
    BACKGROUND: Breast cancer is one of the most feared diseases among women and it could induce the development of psychological disorders like anxiety and depression. An assessment was here performed of the status and to determine contributory factors.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted among breast cancer patients at University Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Center (UKMMC), Kuala Lumpur. A total of 205 patients who were diagnosed between 2007 until 2010 were interviewed using the questionnaires of Hospital Anxiety and Depression (HADS). The associated factors investigated concerned socio-demographics, socio economic background and the cancer status. Descriptive analysis, chi-squared tests and logistic regression were used for the statistical test analysis.

    RESULTS: The prevalence of anxiety was 31.7% (n=65 ) and of depression was 22.0% (n=45) among the breast cancer patients. Age group (p= 0.032), monthly income (p=0.015) and number of visits per month (p=0.007) were significantly associated with anxiety. For depression, marital status (p=0.012), accompanying person (p=0.041), financial support (p-0.007) and felt burden (p=0.038) were significantly associated. In binary logistic regression, those in the younger age group were low monthly income were 2 times more likely to be associated with anxiety. Having less financial support and being single were 3 and 4 times more likely to be associated with depression.

    CONCLUSIONS: In management of breast cancer patients, more care or support should be given to the young and low socio economic status as they are at high risk of anxiety and depression.

    Matched MeSH terms: Anxiety Disorders/epidemiology
  5. Mohd Sidik S, Arroll B, Goodyear-Smith F
    J Prim Health Care, 2012 Mar;4(1):5-11, A1.
    PMID: 22377544
    Introduction: Anxiety is a common mental health disorder in primary care, with a higher prevalence among women compared to men.
    Aim: This is the first study to validate the Generalised Anxiety Disorder-7 questionnaire (GAD-7) as a case-finding instrument for anxiety in a primary care setting in Malaysia. The objective was to determine the diagnostic accuracy of the Malay version of the GAD-7 in detecting anxiety among women.
    Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in a government-funded primary care clinic in Malaysia. Consecutive women participants attending the clinic during data collection were given self-administered questionnaires including the GAD-7 (Malay version). Participants then were selected using systematic weighted random sampling for Composite International Diagnostic Interviews (CIDI). The GAD-7 was validated against the CIDI reference standard.
    Results: The response rate was 87.5% for the questionnaire completion (895/1023), and 96.8% for diagnostic interviews (151/156). The prevalence of anxiety was 7.8%. The GAD-7 had a sensitivity of 76% (95% CI 61%–87%), a specificity of 94% (88%–97%), positive LR 13.7 (6.2–30.5) and negative LR 0.25 (0.14–0.45).
    Discussion: The Malay version of the GAD-7 was found to be valid and reliable in case-finding for anxiety in this study. Due to its brevity, it is a suitable case-finding instrument for detecting anxiety in primary care settings in Malaysia.
    Keywords: Validation; anxiety; primary care; women; Malaysia
    Questionnaire: Generalised Anxiety Disorder questionnaire; GAD-7; Composite International Diagnostic Interviews; CIDI; Patient Health Questionnaire; PHQ-9; General Health Questionnaire; GHQ-12
    Matched MeSH terms: Anxiety Disorders/epidemiology
  6. Leong Bin Abdullah MFI, Ng YP, Sidi HB
    Asian J Psychiatr, 2018 Oct;37:67-70.
    PMID: 30144779 DOI: 10.1016/j.ajp.2018.08.017
    BACKGROUND: Depression and anxiety are common psychiatric sequelae of traumatic brain injury (TBI). However, there is lack of data on comorbid depression and anxiety, and depression and anxiety in TBI patients were often evaluated using non-validated diagnostic tools. This study aims to determine the rates, their comorbidity, and factors associated with depressive and anxiety disorders in TBI patients.

    METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, 101 TBI patients were interviewed using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders to assess the rates of depressive and anxiety disorders after TBI. The association of socio-demographic and clinical factors with depressive and anxiety disorders were determined using Pearson's Chi-Square test.

    RESULTS: A total of 25% of TBI patients (n = 25/101) were diagnosed with depressive disorders, of which 15% had major depressive disorder (n = 15/101) and 10% had minor depression (n = 10/101). Fourteen percent of TBI patients had anxiety disorders (n = 14/101), of which post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was the commonest anxiety disorder (9%, n = 9/101). Seven percent of TBI patients (n = 7/101) had comorbid depressive and anxiety disorders. The only factor associated with depressive disorder was the duration of TBI (≥ 1 year) while the only factor associated with anxiety disorder was the mechanism of trauma (assault).

    CONCLUSION: Major depressive disorder, minor depression and PTSD are common psychiatric complications of TBI. Clinicians should screen for depressive and anxiety disorders in TBI patients, particularly those with ≥1 year of injury and had sustained TBI from assault.

    Matched MeSH terms: Anxiety Disorders/epidemiology*
  7. Kwek SK, Chew WM, Ong KC, Ng AW, Lee LS, Kaw G, et al.
    J Psychosom Res, 2006 May;60(5):513-9.
    PMID: 16650592
    BACKGROUND: Little is known about the long-term consequence of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). We carried out an assessment on SARS patients after their recovery from their acute illness.

    METHOD: Postal survey comprising Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) questionnaires and anxiety and depression measures was sent to them at 3 months' postdischarge.

    RESULTS: There was a significant impairment in both the HRQoL and mental functioning. Forty-one percent had scores indicative of a posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD); about 30% had likely anxiety and depression.

    CONCLUSION: SARS has significant impact on HRQoL and psychological status at 3 months.

    Matched MeSH terms: Anxiety Disorders/epidemiology*
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