Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 377 in total

  1. You HW
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022 Nov 18;19(22).
    PMID: 36429979 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph192215255
    Adolescence is a crucial stage between childhood and adulthood during which an individual learns new behaviours and practices including dietary patterns. This study aimed to examine the diet and oral health status among adolescents, and employed a structured questionnaire with three sections, namely, demographic, Adolescents' Food Habits Checklist (AFHC) and the Kayser-Jones Brief Oral Health Status Examination (BOHSE). The AFHC was formulated consisting of 23 items to collect information about dietary patterns with respect to food purchase, preparation and consumption habits. Meanwhile, the BOHSE contained nine items to evaluate the oral conditions of adolescents. The relationship between dietary pattern and oral health in adolescents was investigated. A total of 160 adolescents were randomly selected in this study. The data analysis was presented in the form of tables. This study adhered to the STROBE checklist's Guidelines for Systematic Reporting of Examination. According to the findings, food consumption dietary patterns among adolescents had the highest mean score (4.475). This demonstrates that adolescents practiced healthy food consumption. A significant positive correlation was found between food purchase, food preparation, food consumption and dietary patterns. Moreover, females had a slightly higher mean score than males, showing that females have a healthier diet status than males. This study can serve as points of reflection and recommendations on dietary patterns and oral health status.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior*
  2. Tartaglia J, Jancey J, Scott JA, Dhaliwal SS, Begley A
    Health Promot J Austr, 2024 Apr;35(2):263-275.
    PMID: 37160723 DOI: 10.1002/hpja.742
    ISSUE ADDRESSED: Lifelong eating behaviours are established in childhood. Improving parents' food literacy skills is essential, as parents play a fundamental role in establishing their children's healthy eating behaviours and preferences for nutritious food. This paper describes the development and evaluation of an innovative program that combines food literacy with positive parent feeding practices, targeting parents in disadvantaged areas of Western Australia.

    METHODS: The Food Sensations® for Parents five-week program was delivered to participants from community-based parenting organisations during 2020 and 2021. Formative research and a pre-post evaluation design were adopted.

    RESULTS: Pre- and post-evaluation data were collected from 224 participants (96% female). There was a statistically significant improvement in the mean score for 13 food literacy behaviours, 10 positive parenting feeding practices and a mean increase in parents' daily vegetable intake of 1/3 serve. Participants reported significantly greater net improvements in food literacy behaviours than feeding practices, the largest being the Use a nutrition information panel to make food choices (33.1%). Multivariate logistic regression analyses found English as a first language, being older than 35, and from a higher Socio-Economic Index for Areas resulted in a higher likelihood of positive changes in behaviours and practices.

    CONCLUSIONS: The findings indicate that the program is effective in improving the frequency of use of food literacy behaviours, positive parenting feeding practices and increasing vegetable consumption. SO WHAT?: Analysing improvements in food literacy behaviours and feeding practices provides clarity on what change can be expected with a five-week parent program.

    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior*
  3. Osman NS, Md Nor N, Md Sharif MS, Hamid SBA, Rahamat S
    Nutrients, 2021 Oct 18;13(10).
    PMID: 34684649 DOI: 10.3390/nu13103649
    This review aims to identify hospital food service strategies to improve food consumption among hospitalized patients. A systematic search that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria was manually conducted through Web of Science and Scopus by an author, and the ambiguities were clarified by two senior authors. The quality assessment was separately conducted by two authors, and the ambiguities were clarified with all the involved authors. Qualitative synthesis was used to analyze and summarized the findings. A total of 2432 articles were identified by searching the databases, and 36 studies were included. The majority of the studies applied menu modifications and meal composition interventions (n = 12, 33.3%), or included the implementation of the new food service system (n = 8, 22.2%), protected mealtimes, mealtime assistance and environmental intervention (n = 7, 19.4%), and attractive meal presentation (n = 3, 8.3%). Previous studies that used multidisciplinary approaches reported a significant improvement in food intake, nutritional status, patient satisfaction and quality of life (n = 6, 16.7%). In conclusion, it is suggested that healthcare institutions consider applying one or more of the listed intervention strategies to enhance their foodservice operation in the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior*
  4. Sultana S, Muhammad F, Chowdhury AA, Tasnim T, Haque MI, Hasan BakiBillah A, et al.
    BMC Womens Health, 2023 Aug 18;23(1):437.
    PMID: 37596580 DOI: 10.1186/s12905-023-02584-w
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate the association between depressive symptoms among mothers and the eating behaviors of their school-going children in Urban Bangladesh.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This analytical cross-sectional study was conducted in the context of the urban area of Bangladesh. A multistage sampling technique was applied to select 324 children's mothers in Dhaka City. Data were collected from both city corporation settings in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Semi-structured questionnaires were used in this study. We estimated the depressive symptoms among mothers using the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale. We examined the association of mothers of school-going children's socio-demographic variables and eating behaviors of school-going children with their mother's depression by using chi-square and evaluating the impact of these variables on mothers' depression through univariate and multivariate binary logistic regression.

    RESULTS: In our study, 57.7% of the mothers of school-going children had depressive symptoms, and 42.3% had no depressive symptoms. The study explored that consuming fewer vegetables (AOR = 0.237, 95% CI: 0.099-0.569), taking fewer fruits (AOR = 0.177, 95% CI: 0.093-0.337), and interestingly, taking fast food less than 4 days per week (AOR = 3.024, 95% CI: 1.517-6.031) were significantly associated with mothers' depressive symptoms.

    CONCLUSION: Mothers with depressive symptoms of school-going children in Dhaka city are alarmingly high as a grave concern. The eating behaviors of children are associated with their mothers' depressive symptoms. With an aim to build rigorous awareness on depression and child's healthy eating behaviors, it is imperative to arrange health education and awareness related programs.

    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior*
  5. Supramaniam P, Ismail SH, Ali A, Leong EL, Muninathan P, Adnan TH, et al.
    Health Qual Life Outcomes, 2023 Aug 29;21(1):101.
    PMID: 37644485 DOI: 10.1186/s12955-023-02182-2
    BACKGROUND: Eating behavior primarily depends on eating patterns which are largely influenced by interactions between physiology, environment, psychology, culture and socio-economic status. This study was designed to translate and validate the Eating Behavior Pattern Questionnaire (EBPQ) among Malaysian women.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study involving translation and validation of the English version of EBPQ. The original questionnaire, contained 51 items extracted into six domains was translated in Malay using forward and backward translation, pre-tested and validated among conveniently sampled female healthcare personnel. Vegetarians, pregnant ladies and women in confinement were excluded due to special daily dietary plans. Construct validity, reliability and feasibility were analyzed using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA).

    RESULTS: During translation, item modifications were made and subjected to field testing among 394 women. The original questionnaire was used as a reference to identify the positioning of items in constructs. Fifteen items were removed due to poor correlation with items within constructs. Seven factors were extracted using Varimax rotation with Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) value range from 0.725-0.872 and significant Bartlett's test of Sphericity (p behavior was relabeled to lifestyle and behavioral eating, and snacking on sweets was relabeled as snacking pattern. Emotional eating was divided into two sub-factors as snacking behavior and emotional influence. CFA resulted with an acceptable fit with no presence of floor and ceiling effects. Intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) for all the constructs were reported good and excellent. The overall internal consistency was reported as good.

    CONCLUSION: The modified 36-item Malay-EBPQ had moderate internal consistency, reliable and fit with multi-dimensional measures of eating behaviors and dietary patterns among women in the multi-racial population with cultural diversity.

    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior*
  6. Mansor MS, Ramli R
    PLoS One, 2017;12(3):e0172836.
    PMID: 28253284 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0172836
    Tropical rainforests are considered as hotspots for bird diversity, yet little is known about the system that upholds the coexistence of species. Differences in body size that are associated with foraging strategies and spatial distribution are believed to promote the coexistence of closely related species by reducing competition. However, the fact that many babbler species do not differ significantly in their morphology has challenged this view. We studied the foraging ecology of nine sympatric babbler species (i.e., Pellorneum capistratum, P. bicolor, P. malaccense, Malacopteron cinereum, M. magnum, Stachyris nigriceps, S. nigricollis, S. maculata, and Cyanoderma erythropterum) in the Krau Wildlife Reserve in Peninsular Malaysia. We investigated; i) how these babblers forage in the wild and use vegetation to obtain food, and ii) how these trophically similar species differ in spatial distribution and foraging tactics. Results indicated that most babblers foraged predominantly on aerial leaf litter and used gleaning manoeuvre in intermediate-density foliage but exhibited wide ranges of vertical strata usage, thus reducing interspecific competition. The principal component analysis indicated that two components, i.e., foraging height and substrate are important as mechanisms to allow the coexistence of sympatric babblers. The present findings revealed that these bird species have unique foraging niches that are distinct from each other, and this may apply to other insectivorous birds inhabiting tropical forests. This suggests that niche separation does occur among coexisting birds, thus following Gause' law of competitive exclusion, which states two species occupying the same niche will not stably coexist.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior*
  7. Amici F, Widdig A, MacIntosh AJJ, Francés VB, Castellano-Navarro A, Caicoya AL, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2020 Dec 16;10(1):22069.
    PMID: 33328593 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-79246-6
    Primates live in complex social systems with social structures ranging from more to less despotic. In less despotic species, dominance might impose fewer constraints on social choices, tolerance is greater than in despotic species and subordinates may have little need to include novel food items in the diet (i.e. neophilia), as contest food competition is lower and resources more equally distributed across group members. Here, we used macaques as a model to assess whether different dominance styles predict differences in neophilia and social tolerance over food. We provided familiar and novel food to 4 groups of wild macaques (N = 131) with different dominance styles (Macaca fuscata, M. fascicularis, M. sylvanus, M. maura). Our study revealed inter- and intra-specific differences in individuals' access to food, which only partially reflected the dominance styles of the study subjects. Contrary to our prediction, social tolerance over food was higher in more despotic species than in less despotic species. Individuals with a higher dominance rank and being better socially integrated (i.e. higher Eigenvector centrality) were more likely to retrieve food in all species, regardless of their dominance style. Partially in line with our predictions, less integrated individuals more likely overcame neophobia (as compared to more integrated ones), but only in species with more tolerance over food. Our study suggests that individual characteristics (e.g. social integration or personality) other than dominance rank may have a stronger effect on an individual's access to resources.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior*
  8. Lim KC, Then AY, Loh KH
    PeerJ, 2023;11:e15849.
    PMID: 37637173 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.15849
    Small coastal demersal sharks form a major proportion of the sharks landed in Malaysia. However, little is known about their feeding ecology and reproduction. This study sought to elucidate the dietary patterns, role of ontogeny in prey consumption, and reproductive biology of four dominant small demersal shark species in Malaysian waters: the Hasselt's bamboo shark, Chiloscyllium hasseltii; brownbanded bamboo shark, C. punctatum; spadenose shark, Scoliodon laticaudus; and Pacific spadenose shark, S. macrorhynchos. Dietary analyses revealed a high overlap in prey taxa consumed; clear resource partitioning among co-occurring species based on the percentage Prey-specific Index of Relative Importance (%PSIRI), with higher fish %PSIRI for Chiloscyllium hasseltii, higher cephalopod %PSIRI for C. punctatum, and higher crustacean %PSIRI for both Scoliodon species; and an ontogenetic diet shift, seen through changes in prey size. Based on the examination of reproductive organs, the results showed larger sizes at maturity for males compared to females for all four species; no obvious reproductive cycles, based on hepatosomatic and gonadosomatic indices for all species; female bias in the sex ratio of the embryos of Scoliodon species; and increased reproductive output (number of eggs or embryos and size of eggs) with larger female size for C. hasseltii and Scoliodon species. The partitioning of food resources minimizes direct competition for food and supports coexistence within shared coastal habitats. The reproductive strategies of these small coastal sharks appear to be favorable for supporting short-term population productivity; although a reduction in fishing pressure, especially from bottom trawlers, is essential for the long-term sustainable use of these sharks.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior*
  9. Man CS, Hock LK, Ying CY, Cheong KC, Kuay LK, Huey TC, et al.
    J Health Popul Nutr, 2021 07 16;40(1):31.
    PMID: 34271986 DOI: 10.1186/s41043-021-00254-x
    BACKGROUND: Fast-food consumption is an unhealthy dietary behaviour because it increases the risk of diet-related chronic diseases. We aimed to investigate factors associated with fast-food consumption, namely sociodemographic characteristics, body mass index-for-age, meal away from home habit, and intake of various food groups among adolescents in Malaysia.

    METHODS: We analysed data from the National School-Based Nutrition Survey (NSNS). The NSNS was a nationwide, cross-sectional survey. Multiple-stage stratified cluster random sampling method was applied to obtain a representative sample of adolescents' population. This study recruited adolescents aged 10-18 years who were attending schools. Pre-tested self-administered questionnaires in Malay language were used to obtain relevant information. Frequency of fast-food consumption per week was classified into three groups: "consumed fast-food four to seven days", "consumed fast-food one to three days", and "did not consume fast-food". Intake of food groups was assessed by self-administered food frequency questionnaire. Descriptive and complex sample multinomial logistic regression analyses were performed in data analysis.

    RESULTS: A total of 26,383 from 40,012 selected adolescents completed all the relevant questions for this study. Of those surveyed, 13.5% of the respondents consumed fast-food 4 to 7 days, 69.3% of the respondents consumed fast food 1 to 3 days, and 17.2% of them did not consume fast-food in a typical week. Frequency of fast-food consumptions (4 to 7 days and 1 to 3 days per week) was significantly associated with age; sex; ethnicity; locality of schools; frequency of eating out; and not consuming recommended intake of cereals or grains, vegetables, and meat or poultry or eggs.

    CONCLUSION: In conclusion, age; sex; ethnicity; locality of schools; frequency of eating out per week; imbalanced intake of cereals or grains, meat, or poultry or eggs; and inadequate vegetable intake were significantly associated with fast-food consumption among adolescents in Malaysia. The findings of this study will be useful for policy makers in promoting healthy food choices among adolescents in Malaysia.

    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior*
  10. Campos-Arceiz A, Steele MA, Carlo TA, Xiong W
    Integr Zool, 2011 Jun;6(2):71-73.
    PMID: 21645272 DOI: 10.1111/j.1749-4877.2011.00241.x
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  11. Jones AK, Hidayah Shamsuddin N, Chin Heo C
    Sci Justice, 2024 Jul;64(4):339-346.
    PMID: 39025559 DOI: 10.1016/j.scijus.2024.04.006
    Lucilia cuprina (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) has been collected in human forensic case work. This species is endemic in Malaysia but is not one of the most common species and is often found in outdoor cases. However, it is hypothesized that the presence of L. cuprina larvae may provide useful information in forensic case studies in Malaysia where this species has previously been ignored. This review will discuss the current background knowledge on L. cuprina, particularly when it comes to other forensic cases in Malaysia. General biology as well as key information for forensic work such as geographical distribution and developmental data will be reviewed. Finally, we discuss the potential for L. cuprina to provide beneficial and unique forensic insight into indoor cases with refuse.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  12. Jones ESW, Lee HY, Khan N, Charchar FJ, Williams B, Chia YC, et al.
    J Hypertens, 2022 Nov 01;40(11):2130-2132.
    PMID: 36205011 DOI: 10.1097/HJH.0000000000003262
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior
  13. Kavitha R, Nazni WA, Tan TC, Lee HL, Azirun MS
    J Forensic Leg Med, 2013 Jul;20(5):480-2.
    PMID: 23756518 DOI: 10.1016/j.jflm.2013.03.007
    Forensic entomological specimens collected from human decedents during crime scene investigations in Malaysia in the past 6 years (2005-2010) are reviewed. A total of 80 cases were recorded and 93 specimens were collected. From these specimens, 10 species of cyclorrphagic flies were identified, consisting of Chrysomya rufifacies (Macquart) -38 specimens (40.86%), Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) -36 specimens (38.70%), Chrysomya villeneuvi (Patton) -2 specimens (2.15%), Chrysomya nigripes (Aubertin) -2 specimens (2.15%), Chrysomya pinguis (Walker) -1 specimen (1.08%), Hermetia illucens (Linnaeus) -1 specimen (1.08%), Hemipyrellia liguriens (Wiedemann) -5 specimens (5.37%), Synthesiomyia nudiseta (Wulp) -1 specimen (1.08%), Megaselia scalaris (Loew)-1 specimen (1.08%) and Sarcophaga ruficornis (Fabricius) -4 specimens (4.30%). In two specimens (2.15%), the maggots were not identifiable. Ch. megacephala and Ch. rufifacies were the commonest species found in human decedents from three different ecological habitats. S. nudiseta is an uncommon species found only on human cadavers from indoors. A total of 75 cases (93.75%) had a single fly infestation and 5 cases (6.25%) had double fly infestation. In conclusion, although large numbers of fly species were found on human decedents, the predominant species are still those of Chrysomya.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior*
  14. Puan CL, Goldizen AW, Zakaria M, Hafidzi MN, Baxter GS
    Integr Zool, 2011 Jun;6(2):130-139.
    PMID: 21645277 DOI: 10.1111/j.1749-4877.2010.00231.x
    The relationships between vertebrate pests and crop damage are often complex and difficult to study. In palm oil plantations rodents remain the major pests, causing substantial monetary losses. The present study examined the numerical and functional responses of rodents to changes in the availability of oil palm fruit and the damage associated with that response. For the study, 200 traps were set in pairs on a 10 × 10 trapping grid for 3 consecutive nights in each of 6 study plots at 8-week intervals in a 2569 ha oil palm plantation at Labu, Negeri Sembilan state in Peninsular Malaysia over 14 months. A total of 1292 individual rats were captured over 25 200 trap-nights. Animals were identified, aged, sexed, weighed and measured. An index of the relative abundance of rats was calculated based on trapping success. Damage to infructescences was assessed at each trap point. Regardless of the age of palms, there were positive and significant relationships between the relative abundance of rats and numbers of infructescences. The levels of damage to infructescences were significantly correlated with the relative abundance of rats. A steep increase in damage was observed with an increase in mature infructescences, indicating a feeding preference of rats for mature infructescences. For both males and females of all rat species, there were weak and non-significant correlations between body condition and infructescence numbers. These results indicated that there was a numerical and a functional response by rats to the availability of palm fruit and a resulting increase in depredation of oil palm fruits. The ways in which this information might aid in future pest control are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior*
  15. Thevan K, Ahmad AH, Rawi CS, Singh B
    J Forensic Sci, 2010 Nov;55(6):1656-8.
    PMID: 20579228 DOI: 10.1111/j.1556-4029.2010.01485.x
    In estimating the postmortem interval (PMI) using maggots obtained during autopsy, the forensic entomologist makes decisions regarding the effects of low-temperature storage of the body on the insects. In this case report, a corpse was found in an abandoned house in the residential area of Bukit Mertajam, Penang, Malaysia. The maggots were found to be alive inside the mouth of the deceased although the corpse had been in the morgue cooler for 12 days. The maggots were reared and identified as Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius). The emerged adult flies were kept as a stock colony, and the duration of development under the indoor fluctuating temperature regime was studied. The total duration of developmental process of this species was 9.5 ± 0.5 days, and the PMI estimated was 3.2 ± 0.6 days. This case report demonstrates the survival of Ch. megacephala maggots for 12 days and their growth inside the morgue cooler.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior*
  16. Kanamori T, Kuze N, Bernard H, Malim TP, Kohshima S
    Am J Primatol, 2010 Sep;72(9):820-40.
    PMID: 20653008 DOI: 10.1002/ajp.20848
    We observed the diet and activity of Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus morio) in the primary lowland dipterocarp forests of Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia, during 2005-2007, including two mast fruitings. We collected 1,785 hr of focal data on 26 orangutans. We identified 1,466 samples of their food plants and conducted a fallen fruit census to monitor fruit availability in the study area. Their activity budget was 47.2% feeding, 34.4% resting, and 16.9% traveling. Fruits accounted for the largest part (60.9%) of feeding time, especially during mast fruiting periods (64.0-100%), although the percentages of leaves (22.2%) and bark (12.3%) were higher than those reported for P. abelii and P. pygmaeus wurmbii. Although 119 genera and 160 plant species were consumed by focal animals, only 9 genera accounted for more than 3% of feeding time (total: 67.8% for 9 genera). In particular, the focal orangutans fed intensively on Ficus and Spatholobus during most of the study period, especially in periods of fruit shortage. The percentage of fruit feeding changed markedly from 11.7 to 100% across different months of the year, and was positively correlated with the amount of fallen fruit. When fruit feeding and availability decreased, orangutans fed primarily on leaves of Spatholobus and Ficus, and the bark of Spatholobus and dipterocarp. The percentage of time devoted to feeding during mast fruitings, when the orangutans foraged almost exclusively on fruits, was lower than during seasons when the orangutan diet included leaves and bark as well as fruits. Resting increased as feeding decreased in the late stage of each fruiting season, suggesting that the orangutans adopted an energy-minimizing strategy to survive the periods of fruit shortage by using energy stored during the fruit season.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior/physiology*
  17. Thevan K, Disney RH, Ahmad AH
    Forensic Sci Int, 2010 Feb 25;195(1-3):e5-7.
    PMID: 19944547 DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2009.10.020
    In Penang, Malaysia, the Oriental and Afrotropical Megaselia curtineura (Brues) and the Oriental and Japanese Megaselia spiracularis Schmitz are reported from human corpses, these being the first reports of these species in such forensic cases.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior*
  18. Matsuda I, Tuuga A, Higashi S
    Am J Primatol, 2009 Jun;71(6):478-92.
    PMID: 19288553 DOI: 10.1002/ajp.20677
    A group of proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) consisting of an alpha-male, six adult females, and several immatures was observed from May 2005-2006. We collected over 1,968 hr of focal data on the adult male and 1,539 hr of focal data on the six females in a forest along the Menanggul River, Sabah, Malaysia. Availability and seasonal changes in plant species consumed by the focal monkeys were determined by vegetation surveys carried out across an area of 2.15 ha along 200-500 m trails in riverine forest. A total of 188 plant species were consumed by the focal monkeys. The activity budget of members of our study group was 76.5% resting, 19.5% feeding, and 3.5% moving. Young leaves (65.9%) and fruits (25.9%) accounted for the majority of feeding time. Over 90% of fruit feeding involved the consumption of unripe fruits and in the majority of case both the fruit flesh and seeds were eaten. Although fruit eating was rare in some months, during other times of the year time fruit feeding exceeded the time devoted to young leaves. We found that monthly fruit availability was positively related to monthly fruit eating and feeding activity, and seasonal fluctuations in dietary diversity were significantly affected by fruit eating. These results suggest that fruit availability and fruit-eating behaviors are key factors that influence the activity budget of proboscis monkeys. Earlier assumptions that colobine monkeys are obligate folivores do not apply well to proboscis monkeys and certain other colobines. Our findings may help contribute to a better understanding of the dietary adaptations and feeding ecology of Asian colobines.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior*
  19. Pritam HM, Jayaprakash PT
    J Forensic Sci, 2009 Sep;54(5):1135-40.
    PMID: 19570050 DOI: 10.1111/j.1556-4029.2009.01095.x
    The likelihood of dipteran maggots colonizing a corpse due to nocturnal oviposition can be used to challenge the postmortem interval (PMI) estimated assuming diurnal oviposition. Earlier experiments tested nocturnal oviposition behavior by exposing fresh baits once during a single night. In this pilot study, oviposition behavior was studied using beef baits, which, simulating the decay of the body seen in case situations, decomposed inside cages designed to open and close at scheduled intervals during consecutive night or twilight periods. Freshly hatched maggots from diurnally oviposited eggs emerged in control baits on the third day, while a limited number of maggots attributable to nocturnal or twilight oviposition were observed in experimental baits only on the fifth or sixth day, indicating a categorical delay. These results suggest that such delayed and limited nocturnal oviposition is not forensically significant since the larger maggots deriving from diurnal oviposition would be the ones considered when estimating PMI.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior/physiology*
  20. Kurokawa H, Nakashizuka T
    Ecology, 2008 Sep;89(9):2645-56.
    PMID: 18831185
    There is accumulating evidence that similar suites of plant traits may affect leaf palatability and leaf litter decomposability. However, the possible association between leaf herbivory and litter decomposition rates across species in species-diverse natural ecosystems such as tropical rain forests remains unexplored, despite its importance in estimating the herbivory effects on carbon and nutrient cycling of ecosystems. We found no strong association between leaf herbivory and litter decomposition rates across 40 tree species in a Malaysian tropical rain forest, even though the leaf and litter traits were tightly correlated. This is because the leaf and litter traits related to herbivory and decomposition rates in the field were inconsistent. Leaf toughness accounted for only a small part of the variation in the herbivory rate, whereas a number of litter traits (the leaf mass per area, lignin to nitrogen ratio, and condensed tannin concentration) accurately predicted the decomposition rate across species. These results suggest that herbivory rate across species may not be strongly related to single leaf traits, probably because plant-herbivore interactions in tropical rain forests are highly diverse; on the other hand, plant-decomposer interactions are less specific and can be governed by litter chemicals. We also investigated two factors, phylogeny and tree functional types, that could affect the relationship between herbivory and decomposition across species. Phylogenetic relatedness among the species did not affect the relationship between herbivory and decomposition. In contrast, when the plants were segregated according to their leaf emergence pattern, we found a significant positive relationship between herbivory and decomposition rates for continuous-leafing species. In these species, the condensed tannin to N ratios in leaves and litter were related to herbivory and decomposition rates, respectively. However, we did not observe a similar trend for synchronous-leafing species. These results suggest that the relationship between herbivory and decomposition may be more greatly affected by functional types than by phylogenetic relatedness among species. In conclusion, our results suggest that well-defended leaves are not necessarily less decomposable litter in a tropical rain forest community, implying that herbivory may not generate positive feedback for carbon and nutrient cycling in this type of ecosystem.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding Behavior/physiology*
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