Displaying publications 461 - 480 of 928 in total

  1. Solomon T, Ni H, Beasley DW, Ekkelenkamp M, Cardosa MJ, Barrett AD
    J Virol, 2003 Mar;77(5):3091-8.
    PMID: 12584335
    Since it emerged in Japan in the 1870s, Japanese encephalitis has spread across Asia and has become the most important cause of epidemic encephalitis worldwide. Four genotypes of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) are presently recognized (representatives of genotypes I to III have been fully sequenced), but its origin is not known. We have determined the complete nucleotide and amino acid sequence of a genotype IV Indonesian isolate (JKT6468) which represents the oldest lineage, compared it with other fully sequenced genomes, and examined the geographical distribution of all known isolates. JKT6468 was the least similar, with nucleotide divergence ranging from 17.4 to 19.6% and amino acid divergence ranging from 4.7 to 6.5%. It included an unusual series of amino acids at the carboxy terminus of the core protein unlike that seen in other JEV strains. Three signature amino acids in the envelope protein (including E327 Leu-->Thr/Ser on the exposed lateral surface of the putative receptor binding domain) distinguished genotype IV strains from more recent genotypes. Analysis of all 290 JEV isolates for which sequence data are available showed that the Indonesia-Malaysia region has all genotypes of JEV circulating, whereas only more recent genotypes circulate in other areas (P < 0.0001). These results suggest that JEV originated from its ancestral virus in the Indonesia-Malaysia region and evolved there into the different genotypes which then spread across Asia. Our data, together with recent evidence on the origins of other emerging viruses, including dengue virus and Nipah virus, imply that tropical southeast Asia may be an important zone for emerging pathogens.
    Matched MeSH terms: Molecular Sequence Data
  2. He C, Ding N, Li J, Li Y
    Wei Sheng Wu Xue Bao, 2002 Aug;42(4):436-41.
    PMID: 12557549
    A Chicken anemia virus has been isolated from a chicken flock in Harbin of China. The genome of the ivrus was cloned through polymerase chain reaction(PCR) and sequence of the genome was analyzed. The cycle genome is made of 2298 base pairs including three overlapping open reading frames(vp1, vp2, vp3) and a regulative region. Comparing sequence of the genome through BLAST in GenBank, this sequence exhibits 96.9% identity with other genome of CA Vs and least. Multiple alignment of this genome of this virus, 26p4, strain isolated in Germany, strain isolated in Malaysia and Cux-1 found that this sequence exhibits 98.2% (42/2298), 98.2% (42/2298), 96.9% (72/2298) and 97.5% (60/2319) identify with them, respectively. A new CAV strain was isolated and it has better identify with CAV isolated in Europe countries than is Asia country Malaysia. Multiple alignment of VP1, VP2, VP3 of 26p4, strain isolated in Germany, strain isolated in Malaysia, Cux-1 and strain isolated in Harbin of China found the VP2 the most conservative.
    Matched MeSH terms: Molecular Sequence Data
  3. Hamzah A, Abdulrashid N
    J. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Biophys., 2002 Oct;6(5):365-9.
    PMID: 12385974
    The xylanase gene from Bacillus pumilus PJ19 amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was cloned into pCRII vector and transformed into Escherichia coli strain INValphaF'. Starting from an ATG as an initiator codon, an open reading frame coding for 202 amino acids was obtained. The recombinant xylanase sequence showed a 96% homology with the xylanase sequence from B. pumilus IPO strain and had an estimated molecular weight of 22,474. Xylanase activity expressed by E. coli INValphaF' harboring the cloned gene was located primarily in the cytoplasmic fraction.
    Matched MeSH terms: Molecular Sequence Data
  4. Harcourt BH, Tamin A, Ksiazek TG, Rollin PE, Anderson LJ, Bellini WJ, et al.
    Virology, 2000 Jun 5;271(2):334-49.
    PMID: 10860887
    Recently, a new paramyxovirus, now known as Nipah virus (NV), emerged in Malaysia and Singapore, causing fatal encephalitis in humans and a respiratory syndrome in pigs. Initial studies had indicated that NV is antigenically and genetically related to Hendra virus (HV). We generated the sequences of the N, P/C/V, M, F, and G genes of NV and compared these sequences with those of HV and other members of the family Paramyxoviridae. The intergenic regions of NV were identical to those of HV, and the gene start and stop sequences of NV were nearly identical to those of HV. The open reading frames (ORFs) for the V and C proteins within the P gene were found in NV, but the ORF encoding a potential short basic protein found in the P gene of HV was not conserved in NV. The N, P, C, V, M, F, and G ORFs in NV have nucleotide homologies ranging from 88% to 70% and predicted amino acid homologies ranging from 92% to 67% in comparison with HV. The predicted fusion cleavage sequence of the F protein of NV had a single amino acid substitution (K to R) in comparison with HV. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that although HV and NV are closely related, they are clearly distinct from any of the established genera within the Paramyxoviridae and should be considered a new genus.
    Matched MeSH terms: Molecular Sequence Data
  5. Abubakar S, Chee HY, Shafee N, Chua KB, Lam SK
    Scand. J. Infect. Dis., 1999;31(4):331-5.
    PMID: 10528868
    Enterovirus 5'UTR sequences were detected by RT-PCR in 22 out of 47 suspected hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) patients during an outbreak of the disease with incidences of fatal brainstem encephalomyelitis in Malaysia in 1997. Genetic and phylogenetic analyses of the isolates 5'UTR sequences suggest the presence of predominantly enteroviruses with high sequence similarities to Echovirus 1 and Coxsackievirus A9 in the Malaysian peninsula. No fatal cases, however, were associated with these isolates. The remaining isolates, including all (4/4) isolates of the fatal cases from the Malaysian peninsula and Sarawak shared very high sequence identity with enterovirus 71MS (EV71). These findings suggest that several enteroviruses were circulating in Malaysia during the outbreak period, with only EV71 causing fatal infections.
    Matched MeSH terms: Molecular Sequence Data
  6. Sudthongkong C, Miyata M, Miyazaki T
    Arch Virol, 2002 Nov;147(11):2089-109.
    PMID: 12417946
    Tropical iridovirus infection causes severe epizootic resulting in mass mortalities and large economic losses in freshwater ornamental fishes cultured in Southeast Asian countries, in wild fish seedlings captured in South China Sea, and in marine fishes farmed in Japan, Singapore, and Thailand. All of tropical iridovirus-infected fishes histopathologically showed the systemic formation of inclusion body-bearing cells and necrosis of virus-infected splenocytes and hematopoietic cells. We designed primer sets for the ATPase gene and the major capsid protein (MCP) gene and sequenced the PCR products derived from 5 iridovirus isolates from sea bass in South China Sea, red sea bream in Japan, brown-spotted grouper with a grouper sleepy disease in Thailand, dwarf gourami from Malaysia and African lampeye from Sumatra Island, Indonesia. The ATPase gene and the MCP gene of these 5 viral isolates were highly homologous (> 95.8%, > 94.9% identity, respectively) and the deduced amino acid sequences of the ATPase and the MCP were also highly identical (> 98.1%, > 97.2% identity, respectively). Based on the high homology, these 5 isolates of tropical iridovirus from various fishes in geographically different regions were determined to have a single origin and to be native to Southeast Asian regions. However, these sequences were far different from those of members of the genera Ranavirus, Lymphocystivirus and Iridovirus in the Family Iridoviridae. We propose a new genus "Tropivirus" for tropical iridovirus in the Family Iridoviridae.
    Matched MeSH terms: Molecular Sequence Data
  7. Harcourt BH, Tamin A, Halpin K, Ksiazek TG, Rollin PE, Bellini WJ, et al.
    Virology, 2001 Aug 15;287(1):192-201.
    PMID: 11504554
    In 1998, Nipah virus (NV) emerged in peninsular Malaysia, causing fatal encephalitis in humans and a respiratory disease in swine. NV is most closely related to Hendra virus (HV), a paramyxovirus that was identified in Australia in 1994, and it has been proposed that HV and NV represent a new genus within the family Paramyxoviridae. This report describes the analysis of the sequences of the polymerase gene (L) and genomic termini of NV as well as a comparison of the full-length, genomic sequences of HV and NV. The L gene of NV is predicted to be 2244 amino acids in size and contains the six domains found within the L proteins of all nonsegmented, negative-stranded (NNS) RNA viruses. However, the GDNQ motif found in most NNS RNA viruses was replaced by GDNE in both NV and HV. The 3' and 5' termini of the NV genome are nearly identical to the genomic termini of HV and share sequence homology with the genomic termini of other members of the subfamily Paramyxovirinae. At 18,246 nucleotides, the genome of NV is 12 nucleotides longer than the genome of HV and they have the largest genomes within the family Paramyxoviridae. The comparison of the structures of the genomes of HV and NV is now complete and this information will help to establish the taxonomic position of these novel viruses within the family Paramyxoviridae.
    Matched MeSH terms: Molecular Sequence Data
  8. Salemi S, Besson A, Eblé A, Gallati S, Pfäffle RW, Mullis PE
    Growth Horm. IGF Res., 2003 Oct;13(5):264-8.
    PMID: 12932747
    OBJECTIVE: Growth is an inherent property of life. About 10% of the congenital forms of growth retardation and short stature are genetically caused. Beside the gene involved in direct GH-production, there are different candidate genes important for appropriate pituitary development causing combined pituitary hormone deficiency (CPHD). However, severe growth retardation and failure to thrive remain the leading reason for medical assessment in these patients.

    PATIENTS AND METHODS: We report two siblings of a healthy but consanguineous Malaysian family presenting with severe short stature caused by CPHD with a variable phenotype. Importantly, at the beginning the girl presented with isolated GHD, whereas the boy was hypothyroid. As the most common gene alterations responsible for CPHD are within either the PROP-1- or the POU1F1- (PIT-1)-gene these two genes were further studied.

    RESULTS: Subsequent sequencing of the six exons of the POU1F1-gene allowed the identification of a new N-terminal mutation (Q4ter) in these two children. A substitution of C to T induced a change from a glutamine (CAA) to a stop codon (TAA) in exon 1 of the PIT-1 protein. Both affected children were homozygous for the mutation, whereas the mother and father were heterozygous.

    CONCLUSION: We describe two children with autosomal recessive inherited CPHD caused by a new N-terminal located mutation within the PUO1F1-gene. The clinical history of these two children underline the phenotypic variability and support the fact that children with any isolated and/or combined PHD need to be closely followed as at an any time other hormonal deficiencies may occur. In addition, molecular analysis of the possible genes involved might be most helpful for the future follow-up.

    Matched MeSH terms: Molecular Sequence Data
  9. Kono Y, Yusnita Y, Mohd Ali AR, Maizan M, Sharifah SH, Fauzia O, et al.
    Arch Virol, 2002 Aug;147(8):1623-30.
    PMID: 12181680
    A virus, named Oya virus, was isolated in Vero cell cultures from the lungs of a pig suspected of Nipah virus infection. The virus was revealed as a spherical enveloped RNA virus with a diameter of 79 nm. For identification of Oya virus, RT-PCR was performed. A common primer set for S-RNA of the Simbu serogroup of the genus Bunyavirus was able to amplify a cDNA from Oya virus RNA. The sequence data of the product revealed that the partial gene of Oya virus S-RNA segment had 65-70% homology with published cDNA sequences of Simbu serogroup viruses. The phylogenetic analysis of the data showed that the Oya virus is grouped in Simbu serogroup, but is genetically distinct from the serogroup viruses that have been analyzed molecularly. Serological surveys revealed that the virus distributed widely and densely in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Molecular Sequence Data
  10. Zahler M, Rinder H, Zweygarth E, Fukata T, Maede Y, Schein E, et al.
    Parasitology, 2000 Apr;120 ( Pt 4):365-9.
    PMID: 10811277
    18S rDNA sequences from 4 isolates of Babesia gibsoni originating from Japan, Malaysia and Sri Lanka were compared with a previously published, 0.5 kb portion of the 18S rDNA from a B. gibsoni isolate from California, USA, and with the corresponding 18S rDNA sequences of other Babesia spp. Distance, parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses showed almost identical genotypes among the small canine Babesia from Asia, but an unexpectedly distant genetic relationship to that from the USA. While the American isolate segregated together with B. equi, the Asian isolates showed a close relationship to B. divergens and B. odocoilei. These results indicate that small Babesia of dogs originating from North America and Asia belong to different, genetically distantly related species.
    Matched MeSH terms: Molecular Sequence Data
  11. Freiberg B, Rahman MM, Marquardt O
    Virus Genes, 1999;19(3):167-82.
    PMID: 10595408
    This report extends the knowledge on the epizootical situation of foot-and-mouth disease in Asia. RNA from six samples of type A and five of type O virus, isolated between 1987 and 1997 in Bangladesh, Iran, Malaysia and Turkey, was subjected to reverse transcription-dependent polymerase chain reactions that amplify large parts of the capsid protein VP1 encoding genome region. The amplification products were sequenced, and the sequences aligned to each other and to published sequences. This showed the type O isolates of 1987-1997 from Bangladesh to be of same genotype and closely related to isolates of 1988 and later from Saudi Arabia, 1990 from India, 1996 from Greece and Bulgaria, and 1997 from Iran. Among the analyzed type A isolates, those of 1992 and 1996 from Turkey were of same genotype and related to previously described isolates of 1987 from Iran and of 1992 from Saudi Arabia. The isolate of 1997 from Malaysia was found to be related to isolates from Thailand of 1993 and 1996. The isolates of 1987 from Bangladesh and 1997 from Iran, however, represent different so far not described genotypes. Monoclonal antibodies, raised against the vaccine production strains A22 Iraq, Asial Shamir, O1 Kaufbeuren and O1 Manisa, and the recent type A field isolates Saudi Arabia/92 and Albania/96, were used in an ELISA to compare the reaction patterns of many of the field isolates. The monoclonal antibodies were further characterized for virus-neutralizing activity and binding to trypsinized homologous virus. The failure of neutralizing antibodies in binding to trypsinized homologous as well as to heterologous virus suggested the epitopes to reside at the major antigenic component of the virus, which is the capsid protein VP1. Two non-neutralizing antibodies that bind to trypsin-sensitive epitopes cross-reacted, however, with heterologous virus. This indicates the existence of a trypsin-sensitive antigenic site outside of VP1. In summary, the results obtained by ELISA confirm the observed sequence differences, but indicate further sequence differences at minor antigenic sites that do not reside on VP1.
    Matched MeSH terms: Molecular Sequence Data
  12. Eshaghi M, Ali AM, Jamal F, Yusoff K
    J. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Biophys., 2002 Feb;6(1):23-8.
    PMID: 12186779
    Streptococcus pyogenes ST4547 is an opacity factor negative strain, which has been recently reported as a new emm type from Malaysia. Nucleotide sequencing of the mga regulon of this strain showed the existence of two emm-like genes. The emm gene located upstream of the scpA gene comprises 1305 nucleotides encoding the putative precursor M protein of 435 amino acids in length with an M(r) of 49 kDa. or a predicted mature protein of 394 amino acids with an M(r) of 44.8 kDa. Another gene mrpST4547 was located upstream of the emm gene and downstream of the mga gene. The sequence of this mrp gene comprises 1167 nucleotides encoding a predicted protein of 388 amino acids in length with an M(r) of 42.2 kDa. or a predicted mature protein of 347 amino acids with an M(r) of 37.9 kDa. The mga regulon of strain ST4547 has a mosaic structure comprising segments, which originated from different OF positive and OF negative strains. The sequences flanking the hyper-variable and C repeats of the emmST4547 gene showed high similarity to corresponding regions in the mga regulon of OF positive strains notably M15, M4, M22 and M50. In contrast, the sequence within the hyper-variable and C repeat regions of the emmST4547 gene revealed high similarity to equivalent regions in the OF negative strains. These data indicates that horizontal transfer of emm-like gene could have occurred between OF positive and OF negative strains resulting in architectural divergence in the mga regulon.
    Matched MeSH terms: Molecular Sequence Data
  13. Chua BH, McMinn PC, Lam SK, Chua KB
    J Gen Virol, 2001 Nov;82(Pt 11):2629-39.
    PMID: 11602774
    The complete nucleotide sequences are reported of two strains of echovirus 7, the prototype Wallace strain (Eo7-Wallace) and a recent Malaysian strain isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid of a child with fatal encephalomyelitis (Eo7-UMMC strain). The molecular findings corroborate the serological placement of the UMMC strain as echovirus 7. Both Eo7-Wallace and Eo7-UMMC belong to the species human enterovirus B and are most closely related to echovirus 11. Eo7-UMMC has undergone significant genetic drift from the prototype strain in the 47 years that separate the isolation of the two viruses. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that Eo7-UMMC did not arise from recombination with another enterovirus serotype. The molecular basis for the severely neurovirulent phenotype of Eo7-UMMC remains unknown. However, it is shown that mutations in the nucleotide sequence of the 5' untranslated region (UTR) of Eo7-UMMC result in changes to the putative structure of the 5' UTR. It is possible that these changes contribute to the neurovirulence of Eo7-UMMC.
    Matched MeSH terms: Molecular Sequence Data
  14. Sharma JN, Uma K, Noor AR, Rahman AR
    Gen. Pharmacol., 1996 Jan;27(1):55-63.
    PMID: 8742494
    1. The kallikrein-kinin system has a significant role in regulating arterial blood pressure. 2. Reduced formation of the kinin compontents may cause hypertensive diseases. This is because of the fact that this system is responsible for vasodilatation, reduction in total peripheral resistance, natriuresis, diuresis, increasing renal blood flow and releasing various vasodilator agents. 3. Reduced kinin-kallikrein generation in hypertensive subjects may also be associated with genetic and environmental defects. 4. The kallikrein-kinin system when administered to hypertensive patients can lower their raised blood pressure to normotensive levels. 5. The mode of action of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors principally may be dependent on the kinin system protection.
    Matched MeSH terms: Molecular Sequence Data
  15. Tsuchie H, Oda K, Vythilingam I, Thayan R, Vijayamalar B, Sinniah M, et al.
    Jpn. J. Med. Sci. Biol., 1994 Apr;47(2):101-7.
    PMID: 7853748
    Two hundred and forty nucleotides from the pre-M gene region of 10 Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus strains isolated in Malaysia in 1992 were sequenced and compared with the other JE virus strains from different geographic areas in Asia. Our JE virus strains belong to the largest genotypic group that includes strains isolated in temperate regions such as Japan, China, and Taiwan. Our Malaysian JE virus strains differed in 32 nucleotides (13.3%) from WTP/70/22 strain isolated from Malaysia in 1970, which belonged to another distinct genotypic group.
    Matched MeSH terms: Molecular Sequence Data
  16. Chow VT, Seah CL, Chan YC
    Intervirology, 1994;37(5):252-8.
    PMID: 7698880
    By a combination of PCR and direct-cycle sequencing using consensus primers, we analyzed approximately 400-bp fragments within the NS3 genes of twenty-one dengue virus type 3 strains isolated from five neighboring Southeast Asian countries at different time intervals from 1956 to 1992. The majority of base disparities were silent mutations, with few predicted amino acid substitutions, thus emphasizing the strict conservation of the NS3 gene. Phylogenetic trees constructed on the basis of these nucleotide differences revealed distinct but related clusters of strains from the Philippines, Indonesia, and strains from Singapore and Malaysia of the 1970s and early 1980s, while the Thai cluster was relatively more distant. This genetic relationship was compatible with that proposed by other workers who have studied other dengue 3 virus genes such as E, M and prM. However, we observed that the more recent, epidemic-associated dengue 3 strains from Singapore and Malaysia of the late 1980s and early 1990s were more closely related to the Thai cluster, implying their evolution from the latter, and emphasizing the importance of viral spread via increasing travel within the Southeast Asian area and elsewhere. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the NS3 genes of dengue viruses can serve to advance the understanding of the epidemiology and evolution of these viruses.
    Matched MeSH terms: Molecular Sequence Data
  17. Fong MY, Koh CL, Lam SK
    Res. Virol., 1998 Nov-Dec;149(6):457-64.
    PMID: 9923022
    The limited sequencing approach was used to study the molecular epidemiology of 24 Malaysian dengue 2 viruses which were isolated between 1968 and 1993. The sequences of a 240-nucleotide-long region across the envelope/non-structural 1 protein (E/NS1) gene junction of the isolates were determined and analysed. Alignment and comparison of the nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of the isolates revealed that nucleotide changes occurred mostly at the third position of a particular codon and were of the transition (AG, CU) type. Five nucleotide changes resulted in amino acid substitutions. Pairwise comparisons of the nucleotide sequences gave divergence values ranging from 0 to 9.2%. At the amino acid level, the divergence ranged between 0 and 3.8%. Based on the 6% divergence as the cut-off point for genotypic classification, the isolates were grouped into two genotypes, I and II. Comparison of the nucleotide sequences of the Malaysian dengue isolates with those of the dengue viruses of other regions of the world revealed that members of genotypes I and II were closely related to viruses from the Indian Ocean and Western Pacific regions, respectively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Molecular Sequence Data
  18. Terauchi R
    Jpn. J. Genet., 1994 Oct;69(5):567-76.
    PMID: 7999373
    Di-nucleotide microsatellites were isolated from a genomic library of a tropical tree species, Dryobalanops lanceolata, in Sarawak, for the purpose of using them as hypervariable genetic markers to study the pollen-mediated gene flow. Among 1600 recombinant clones, in total 20 clones gave positive signals when hybridized with oligonucleotides with the three different repeat motifs, GT, CA and CT. Estimations of abundance of (GT)n/(CA)n and (GA)n/(CT)n dinucleotide repeats in D. lanceolata genome revealed to be one in every 84 kb and 80 kb, respectively. Among six sequenced microsatellite loci, one was selected to synthesize PCR primers to amplify the microsatellite. PCR product size of the locus was variable among different individuals, which is attributed to the different number of di-nucleotide repeats. The same microsatellite genotype was detected in the trunk and canopy of a single large tree, indicating the utility of trunk tissue as the source of DNA for the population genetic study of tropical tree species, the canopy of which is usually difficult to approach.
    Matched MeSH terms: Molecular Sequence Data
  19. Lau CH, Drinkwater RD, Yusoff K, Tan SG, Hetzel DJ, Barker JS
    Anim. Genet., 1998 Aug;29(4):253-64.
    PMID: 9745663
    Swamp and river buffalo mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was sequenced for 303 bp of the cytochrome b gene for 54 animals from 14 populations, and for 158 bp of the D-loop region for 80 animals from 11 populations. Only one cytochrome b haplotype was found in river buffalo. Of the four haplotypes identified in swamp buffalo, one found in all populations is apparently ancestral both to the other swamp haplotypes and to the river haplotype. The phylogenetic relationships among the 33 D-loop haplotypes, with a cluster of 11 found in swamp buffalo only, also support the evolution of domesticated swamp and river buffalo from an ancestral swamp-like animal, most likely represented today by the wild Asian buffalo (Bubalus arnee). The time of divergence of the swamp and river types, estimated from the D-loop data, is 28,000 to 87,000 years ago. We hypothesise that the species originated in mainland south-east Asia, and that it spread north to China and west to the Indian subcontinent, where the rive type evolved and was domesticated. Following domestication in China, the domesticated swamp buffalo spread through two separate routes, through Taiwan and the Philippines to the eastern islands of Borneo and Sulawesi, and south through mainland south-east Asia and then to the western islands of Indonesia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Molecular Sequence Data
  20. Zhao B, Lee EJ, Yeoh PN, Gong NH
    Pharmacogenetics, 1998 Aug;8(4):299-304.
    PMID: 9731716
    The xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes N-acetyltransferases (NATs) are important for the biotransformation and/or bioactivation of drugs and carcinogens. NATs are coded for in humans by two distinct genes, designated NAT1 and NAT2. NAT1, which was originally thought to be monomorphic, was recently reported to exhibit variation in human populations. Recent studies suggested that a genetic polymorphism of NAT1 may be associated with colorectal cancer risk. The distributions of NAT1 allele and genotype frequencies in unrelated individuals among Indian (n = 140), Malay (n = 122) and Chinese (n = 181) populations in Singapore were characterized by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism and allele-specific-polymerase chain reaction. The allelic frequencies of NAT1*3, NAT1*4, NAT1*10 and NAT1*11 among Indians were 0.3, 0.51, 0.17 and 0.02, respectively. The corresponding NAT1 allelic frequencies in Malays were 0.29, 0.30, 0.39 and 0.02, respectively, and were similar to those in Chinese in the region. The allelic frequencies of NAT1*3, NAT1*4, NAT1*10 and NAT1*11 among Chinese were 0.33, 0.35, 0.30 and 0.02, respectively. These findings are of importance for the determination of cancer risk in these populations. In addition, nucleotide changes at positions 350-351 (GG to CC) and 497-499 (GGG to CCC) of the NAT1 gene were not found in the alleles of the populations studied.
    Matched MeSH terms: Molecular Sequence Data
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